If you are working under windows it is advisable to get a Linux Host going under WSL 2 because tooling setup is generally (imho) a smoother experience. Instructions for Windows systems are provided too though.
Install Rust toolchain Navigate to https://rustup.rs and install the toolchain by following the instructions on that site.
If you are working with Windows follow setup instructions from here too: https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/installation/windows-msvc.html (not optional)
If you are working with Linux (either Host or WSL2) make sure you have build-tools available. Command for Ubuntu:
sudo apt install build-essential
Might be different if you are using another Linux distribution.
If you are working with Mac OS make sure to have XCode toolchain/build tools installed.
Install Docker
Go to https://www.docker.com/ and follow setup instructions for your operating system.
Install the SQLX toolchain
cargo install sqlx-cli
- Fire up database
docker compose up -d
- Initialize database
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
If you want to reset the database and start from scratch do the following:
sqlx database drop
sqlx migrate run
- Calculate ratings for games played docker exec -it portal-server-1 ./ratings
- GET /players - List of players (paginated)
- GET /players/:id - Single player details
- POST /players - Add new player details
- GET /games - List of games (paginated)
- GET /games/:id - Single game details
- POST /reports - Report results of a single game