This image create to compile the TON nativelib library for Ubuntu 18.04.
To build the image, run the command:
docker build -t ton-native-lib:1.0 <path to Dockerfile folder>
To run the container, run the command:
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=<path to java class folder>,target=/home/javaClasses --mount type=bind,source=<path to jniLibs folder>,target=/home/jniLibs ton-native-lib:1.0
- When the container starts, two directories are mounted, where at the end of the container’s work there will be a compiled TON nativelib library and related Java classes.
- The compilation process can take a long time. It is recommended that you close other applications on your computer to increase the build performance.
- After the container finishes work, there will be and in the
<path to java class folder>
folder, the compiled library will be in the<path to jniLibs folder>
The resulting Java classes and the TON nativelib library binary can be used to develop your applications by JNI.
For example check this project: Blockchain Payment System