Implementation of AStar pathfinding algorithm in C# allowing to find path to closest point if the destination point is not available. The algorithm can calculate a path on 2D grid, 3D grid or any other type of space representation for which operations of getting neighbor coordinates and calculating distance are defined.
.NET Standard 2.0
The code below is an example how to use the library.
using AStarPathFinder;
using AStarPathFinder.DistanceAlgorithms;
using AStarPathFinder.Providers;
var pathFinder = new AStarPathFinder<IntPoint2D>(
new BoolArrayPathableProvider(pathableMap),
new DiagonalLimitedSizeNeighborProvider(mapWidth, mapHeight),
new PythagorasAlgorithm()
var path = pathFinder.GetPath(from, to);
The following repo has been used as an example and inspiration