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Developer Diary - A Gatsby Starter


Developer Diary is a Gatsby Starter blog template created with web developers in mind, but really, anyone can use it. It's totally usable right out of the box, but minimalist enough to be easily modifiable to suit your needs. No matter how much you change it, though, you'll definitely want to make use of the tech tags and developer social media links, and maybe even make some of your own.
Developer Diary @Gatsby Starter Library

Netlify Status


  • Ready to go - Blog author name, author image, etc,... can be easily added using a config file.
  • Blog posts created as markdown files. It's easy to get started with markdown if you're unfamiliar - Markdown Cheatsheet
  • Gatsby v.2
  • React v.16.8.
  • Mobile responsive
  • Pagination
  • Social media sharing icons in each post
  • Icons from React Icons (Font Awesome, Devicons, etc,...)
  • Beautiful tech-topic tags to attach to your web-development-related blog posts.
  • Developer-relevant social media icon links, including GitHub, Stack Overflow, and freeCodeCamp.
  • Minimalist design makes it highly modifiable; make your own customized contact forms and search components, for example.

Getting Started

If you don't have Gatsby CLI installed yet, do that:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Install this starter with your name of choice for your blog:

gatsby new your-blog-name

Navigate into your new project's directory:

cd your-blog-name

and run the development server:

gatsby develop

Go to http://localhost:8000 to see your new blog.

Adding Your Information To The Blog

You can add your blog's url, title, tagline, author, social-media contact info and more in the config.js file. You'll also find the props for the tech tags in config.js. You'll see that all of this information is used as metadata in the gatsby-config.js file. Things to keep in mind when editing config.js

  • Don't add a trailing slash to your url. For example, not
  • The social media urls you provide for your social-media accounts (GitHub, Stack Overflow, etc,...) will make it so that clicking the corresponding social media icons will take you to your account pages.

To add your profile image to the blog, add your image file to src/images, then import the file into both src/components/sidebar/Bio.js and src/components/header/MobileBio.js

Adding Blog Posts

Using your favorite text editor, go into your project's directory and find the content folder. In that folder, you'll find the blog folder. In the blog folder, add a new folder with your new blog post's name in mind. For example, if your post were to be called "Make a Blog With Gatsby", you might want to create the folder content/blog/make-blog-with-gatsby

In that newly created folder, add a markdown file called (All of your posts will have their content in files called

Add the frontmatter to that markdown file:

title: 'Make a Blog With React'
tags: ["react", "nodejs"]
published: true
date: '2019-05-29'

and then add the rest of your content below the frontmatter.

Making Tech Tags

This starter already includes the tech tags you can see in the live demo. To use them, add the appropriate tag name to the tags array in the frontmatter of your post. Consult the config.js file to see the tag properties and get the tag name to be supplied to the tags array in the frontmatter.
To make a new tag, you can use icons from "React Icons", which are included in this starter. If you're the adventurous type, you can install and use other icons if you wish to do so. This starter uses both 'Font Awesome' icons and 'Devicons' from "React Icons." React Icons Site



  • Fork the repo
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  • Create a new Pull Request

🎓 Learning Gatsby

Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Gatsby lives on the website. Here are some places to start:

  • For most developers, we recommend starting with our in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.

  • To dive straight into code samples, head to our documentation. In particular, check out the Guides, API Reference, and Advanced Tutorials sections in the sidebar.

💫 Deploy

Deploy to Netlify


My Personal Blog powered by gatsby.js







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