xczip - create xcframework zip archive for swift binary package. Creates an xcframework archive with a stable checksum that does not change when the build is repeated.
Run the following command to install using Homebrew:
$ brew install DimaRU/formulae/xczip
OVERVIEW: Create xcframework zip archive for swift binary package.
USAGE: xczip <path> [--date <date>] [--time <time>] [--iso-date <iso-date>] [--output-path <output-path>] [--comment <comment>]
<path> Path to xcframework.
--date <date> Force compressed files modification date.
Date format must be M-d-yyyy
--time <time> Force compressed files modification time.
Time format must be hh:mm:ss
--iso-date <iso-date> Force compressed files modification date and time.
Date format must be ISO 8601. Example: "2022-04-11 11:48:47 +0200"
-o, --output-path <output-path>
Path for created archive.
-c, --comment <comment> Add comment to zip file.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.