Мой форум: https://openode.ru
На форуме действуют подписки для доступа к Клубам (в т.ч. по Marzban): https://openode.ru/subscriptions/
В клубе собраны циклы статей по полноценной установке этой и других панелей, обеспечения удобства и безопасного доступа. А также эксклюзивный дизайн подписки.
A simple html template to better display user information
- Quickly add subscription links to programs
- The link to download the required applications
- Three languages (Russian)
- Sub fantasy page with beautiful color and glaze
- Receive the configs with the copy icon at the bottom of the page
- Download File Template
sudo wget -N -P /var/lib/marzban/templates/subscription/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dignezzz/marzban-sub-ru/main/index.html
- Enter the following commands in your server's terminal:
echo 'CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/marzban/templates/"' | sudo tee -a /opt/marzban/.env
echo 'SUBSCRIPTION_PAGE_TEMPLATE="subscription/index.html"' | sudo tee -a /opt/marzban/.env
Or uncomment the following values in .env
file in /opt/marzban
folder by removing # at the begining of them.
- Restart Marzban
marzban restart
To update the template, just repeat step 1.
Default Language only RUSSIAN
To personalize the Telegram ID, background image and user logo, changes must be included in the html file, which is possible by searching for some values. To search using nano, first open the file with nano with the following command:
nano /var/lib/marzban/templates/subscription/index.html
Then open the search bar with Ctrl + W combination buttons and search for the following phrase to change Telegram support ID:
Search for the user's logo:
To use the host version, upload the sub folder to the host and change the value of BASE_URL to your panel address in the index.php file just like the following example. Remember to write http if you don't have an SSL for your panel domain.
const BASE_URL = "https://BaseUrl:PORT";
This template is based on Marzban Templates design.