My name is Onyema from Nigeria living in Dublin, and I am a junior software developer who is always learning to improve my front end and back end skills. I enjoy developing visually appealing, user-friendly websites and applications that help businesses solve problems. It's incredibly rewarding for me to be able to see the entire process of designing and developing user-friendly websites, from the design phase to the implementation phase.
I believe that great solutions should not only solve user problems but also leave users with positive emotions after interacting with a product/service. I am a hard worker who creates functional websites with a user-centered approach, paying close attention to details and constantly looking for ways to improve customer experiences.
My mantra is that anything worth doing is worth doing well, which is why I never give up when the going gets tough and am not afraid to ask questions and communicate clearly and effectively. I am open to criticism and am always looking to expand my knowledge and expertise.
🔭 Finished my diploma in Full-Stack Software Development with Code Institute.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects
💬 Ask me about HTML5 |CSS3 | Bootstrap | Python | Django
📫 Connect with me via my LinkedIn page
⚡ Fun fact: Moved abroad at 16 alone to pursue my education
Here are some interesting projects I've worked on.
MMÀ: A full stack e-commerce shop selling afro carribean hair products.(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django, Bootstrap, jQuery, Postgres, AWS S3, Stripe)
AYO RECIPES: A recipe-sharing and online cookbook web application (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Material Design Bootstrap, jQuery, Flask, Jinja, MongoDB).
FLYBODY: A static website for a fictional fitness business. (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap)
LILELI: A web-based interactive quiz game designed to educate the public about sexual abuse and consent in the workplace (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery).