Tinder for films. Simple: it recommends you films and either you like or you don't.
User Interface kindly made by my firend Rifat Yarullin - https://yarulliin.github.io/finder/
- Get films To get recommended films
GET https://j5szh4ivo1.execute-api.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/default/get-films
Query parameters:
- id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f - string type, must be UUID v4
- filmCount=1 - optional - string type, count of films to recommend
- filmsToExclude="The Dark Knight","Goodfellas","Interstellar" - optional - array of strings, as enumeration. Films to exclude from recommendation if you need it
- Update film If you like or do not like recommended film.
GET https://54zfj2agze.execute-api.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/default/update-user-films?method=unlike&film=The Perfect Man
Query params:
- id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f - string type, must be UUID v4
- method=unlike - method you choose, either like or unlike
- film=The Perfect Man - string, name of the film to perform the chosen method
- Delete one liked film To delete one liked film
GET https://7575yvzd67.execute-api.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/default/delete-one-liked-films?id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f&filmToRemove=The Social Network
Query params:
- id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f - string type, must be UUID v4
- filmToRemove=Her - string type, name of the film to remoe from the liked films
- Get liked films To get liked films. Allows pagination
Query params:
- id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f - string type, must be UUID v4
- page=1 - optional - int, number of the page
- size=2 - optional - int, number of the entries per page
- sort=ASC - optional - string, way of sorting. Example: 'ASC', 'DESC'
- Clear state films To clear all liked and unliked films, to clear user recommendations
Query params:
- id=0165fb5f-9341-44fd-99b2-9828be80488f - string type, must be UUID v4