- Julia Kozak, Nina Jiang, Diana Akhmedova
- Duckies: Flopsy, Miss Alpaca, Ajax
- ALTester first has a constructor that creates an ArrayList to test (our example ArrayList is in increasing order).
- It then uses the method checkIncreasing on the ArrayList, which has a for loop that checks if each element is less than the next element.
- If it runs through all values in the ArrayList with this always being true, then it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
- OrderedArrayList()
- Sets _ data as a new ArrayList.
- Populates _ data using a for loop to add 23 Integers.
- toString()
- Formats _ data using a for loop.
- remove(int i)
- Removes i from _ data.
- size()
- Returns the size of _ data.
- get(int i)
- Gets the Integer at index i.
- addLinear(Integer newVal)
- Uses a for loop to search for the appropriate index.
- Inserts newVal when the Integer at index i is greater than newVal.
- Otherwise, adds newVal to the end of _ data.
- addBinary(Integer newVal)
- Initializes min as 0, max as the last index of _ data, and middle as the middle index of _ data.
- Uses a while loop to check at which index to insert newVal.
- If the Integer at index middle is equal to newVal, newVal would be inserted after the Integer at index middle.
- If the Integer at index middle is less than newVal, the min would be set to the middle + 1.
- If the Integer at index middle is less than newVal, the min would be set to the middle - 1.
- main()
- Tests addLinear() and addBinart() with two ArrayLists that are filled with random Integers.