Container class to represent and manage multi-omics genomic experiments. Follows Bioconductor's MAE R/Package.
Package is published to PyPI
pip install multiassayexperiment
First create mock sample data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from genomicranges import GenomicRanges
nrows = 200
ncols = 6
counts = np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
gr = GenomicRanges(
"seqnames": [
* 20,
"starts": range(100, 300),
"ends": range(110, 310),
"strand": ["-", "+", "+", "*", "*", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-"] * 20,
"score": range(0, 200),
"GC": [random() for _ in range(10)] * 20,
col_data_sce = pd.DataFrame(
"treatment": ["ChIP", "Input"] * 3,
index=["sce"] * 6,
col_data_se = pd.DataFrame(
"treatment": ["ChIP", "Input"] * 3,
index=["se"] * 6,
sample_map = pd.DataFrame(
"assay": ["sce", "se"] * 6,
"primary": ["sample1", "sample2"] * 6,
"colname": ["sce", "se"] * 6,
sample_data = pd.DataFrame({"samples": ["sample1", "sample2"]})
Now we can create an instance of an MAE -
from multiassayexperiment import MultiAssayExperiment
from singlecellexperiment import SingleCellExperiment
from summarizedExperiment import SummarizedExperiment
tsce = SingleCellExperiment(
assays={"counts": counts}, row_data=df_gr, col_data=col_data_sce
tse2 = SummarizedExperiment(
assays={"counts": counts.copy()},
mae = MultiAssayExperiment(
experiments={"sce": tsce, "se": tse2},
metadata={"could be": "anything"},
For more use cases, checkout the documentation.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see