A website for finding Leiningen and Boot templates.
Live at: https://clj-templates.com/
In order to launch the app in dev mode, setting up a server on localhost:3456
, run:
lein repl
=> (go)
You should now see:
=> :initiated
This means that the app is up and running, and that figwheel is listening to changes in your ClojureScript files.
To start a ClojureScript REPL, run:
=> (cljs-repl)
To go back to the regular Clojure REPL, type:
=> :cljs/quit
To restart the system and reload changed namespaces (in the regular Clojure REPL), run:
=> (reset)
Check out the Integrant README as well as Integrant-REPL for more information on how to interact with the system in development mode.
In order to start the stylus autobuilder, run:
make stylusbuild
Autorun (tests run as changes to files are detected):
make clj-test
make clj-test-once
Autorun (tests run as changes to files are detected):
make cljs-test
make cljs-test-once
make auto-dev
To build css, and run both Clojure and ClojureScript tests at the same time.
See the Procfile
for the production run command.
It is convenient to keep a local profiles.clj
in the project with local env information,
such as ports and urls. For example:
{:profiles/dev {:env {:port "5001"}}
:profiles/test {:env {:port "5002"}}}