Manage your username and password for iOS and OS X platform. Highly encryption and won't be lose even you uninstall your app. Installation
pod 'LxKeychain', '~> 1.0.0'
NSLog(@"savedUsernameArray = %@", [LxKeychain savedUsernameArray]); //
[LxKeychain insertOrUpdatePairsOfUsername:@"username1" password:@"password1"];
[LxKeychain insertOrUpdatePairsOfUsername:@"username2" password:@"password2"];
[LxKeychain insertOrUpdatePairsOfUsername:@"username3" password:@"password3"];
[LxKeychain insertOrUpdatePairsOfUsername:@"username1" password:@"password4"];
[LxKeychain cleanPasswordForUsername:@"username2"];
[LxKeychain deletePairsByUsername:@"username3"];
NSLog(@"savedUsernameArray = %@", [LxKeychain savedUsernameArray]); //
NSLog(@"username1 password: %@", [LxKeychain passwordForUsername:@"username1"]); //
NSLog(@"username1's password %@ password1", [LxKeychain password:@"password1" isCorrectToUsername:@"username1"]?@"is":@"is not"); //
NSLog(@"username1's password %@ password4", [LxKeychain password:@"password4" isCorrectToUsername:@"username1"]?@"is":@"is not"); //
NSLog(@"lastestUpdatedUsername = %@", [LxKeychain lastestUpdatedUsername]); //
static NSString * const YourSaveKey = @"Your save key!";
NSLog(@"Your saved string: %@", [LxKeychain fetchDataOfService:YourSaveKey]); //
[LxKeychain saveData:@"Here is What you want to save forever!" forService:YourSaveKey];
NSLog(@"Your LxKeychain device unique identifer is %@", [LxKeychain deviceUniqueIdentifer]); //
NSLog(@"Your keychain access group is %@", [LxKeychain accessGroupName]); //
// You can try to run once, then uninstall your app, then build and run it again. You will see shocking phenomena!
LxKeychain is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.