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Scan Station

Luís Manuel Maia edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 1 revision

The ScanStation configuration is always the same, is simple and takes the document from de state Scanned in local variables to global ToProcess. Here we can see also the retry policy configuration where is possible to set the number of retries and the interval between each retry.

42.	<Pipeline Target="ScanStation" RunAt="Gui">
43.	  <StepList>
44.	    <Step Using="ScanStation" To="Scanned">
45.	      <SettingList />
46.	    </Step>
47.	    <Step From="Scanned" Using="DocUploadWorker" To="DocUploaded">
48.	      <RetryPolicyConfig Type="RetryN" NumberOfRetries="5" IntervalBetweenRetries="5" />
49.	      <SettingList />
50.	    </Step>
51.	    <Step From="DocUploaded" Using="TaskUploadWorker" To="Workspace:ToProcess">
52.	      <RetryPolicyConfig Type="RetryN" NumberOfRetries="5" IntervalBetweenRetries="5" />
53.	      <SettingList />
54.	    </Step>
55.	  </StepList>
56.	  <Design>
57.	    <Elements />
58.	  </Design>
59.	</Pipeline>