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Luís Manuel Maia edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 1 revision


SmartDocumentor is state based and its components allow the processes to happen in different machines. The most common cases SmartDocumentor has a server machine for processing the documents and one or several machines for reviewing - clients. The next image shows a common example for a workflow.



  1. Scan Station

    a. Reads the images from the Scanner and save them on a temporary folder: %appdata%\Devscope\SmartDocumentor\LocalDB

    b. After the user clicks "Send All", a task for each document is created on the database and a .tiff file is created on the documents storage

  2. Process Station

    a. The Process Station is waiting for tasks with Queue equal "ToProcess".

    b. In this step, the document is read from SDDocs folder. Fields like the barcode are extracted and stored in the XML of the Task in the database.

  3. Review Station

    a. The Review Station is waiting for tasks with Queue equal "ToReview".

    b. In this step, the documents are classified by the user, and the information is stored in the XML of the Task in the database.

  4. Process Station

    a. The second step of the Process Station is waiting for tasks with Queue equal "ToIntegrate". In this step, the .jpg images or pdfs and XML can be integrated into SharePoint or other custom systems.

    b. After that, the record is moved from the Task table to TaskHistory table. The documents will also be moved from SDDocs to SDDocs Processed folder.
