Unofficial Sypex Geo for .NET Core
and ASP.NET Core
The library for receiving information by ip address.
The version works only with:
- SypexGeo 2.2!
Install the packages using dotnet.
dotnet add package Detrav.SypexGeo.Net
// Download database to ./Resources/SxGeo.dat
SxGeoDownloader loader = new SxGeoDownloader();
// Parse database from ./Resources/SxGeo.dat
SxGeo sxGeo = new SxGeo();
// Get country iso
string iso1 = sxGeo.GetCountry("");
string iso2 = sxGeo.GetCountry("");
// iso1 = "US"; iso2 == "US";
Install the packages using dotnet.
dotnet add package Detrav.SypexGeo.Net
dotnet add package Detrav.SypexGeo.Net.AspNet
The package Detrav.SypexGeo.Net
is optional for ASP.NET Core
Add the following lines to StartUp.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ...
// ...
Now you is able to get iso.
// iso1 is the country from the request
string iso1 = HttpContext.GetCountry();
Another way.
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ISxGeoProvider sxGeoProvider;
public HomeController(ISxGeoProvider sxGeoProvider)
this.sxGeoProvider = sxGeoProvider;
public IActionResult Index()
var IpAddress = Context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;
// call provider method
string iso1 = sxGeoProvider.GetCountry(IpAddress);
// or call database
string iso2 = sxGeoProvider.SxGeo.GetCountry(IpAddress);
return View();
If your application is behind Reverse Proxy, you have to use app.UseForwardedHeaders()
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
// ....
services.Configure<ForwardedHeadersOptions>(options =>
// some times is needed to add KnownProxies
// options.KnownProxies.Add(IPAddress.Parse(""));
options.ForwardedHeaders =
ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto;
// ....
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
No live demo, see source:
- This is not an official datasheet library for
- I accept pull requests, so feel free to make.
An error when union was used instead of concat, so sometimes getting exception on data[UPD]
Now, if the database could not be downloaded, an exception will not be thrown. And first, try to check the existence of the file. An error will be logged.
Copyright by Detrav / Witaly Ezepchuk / Vitaliy Ezepchuk.
Licensed under the MIT license, see license text in LICENSE file.