green-api is a service that allows us to send and receive text, photo and video using stable WhatsApp API gateway. The service includes free account that can be used to send notifications to 3 chats (Group or Private) and many more.
green-api-custom-notifier is a Homeassistant custom notification component that enables us to send notification to Whatsapp groups using green-api.
- The free account is limited to 3 chats (Group or Private).
Nevigate to and register for a new account:
Fill up your details and click on Register:
Next, click on the "Create an instance":
Select the "Developer" instance (Free):
Copy the InstanceId and Token, we need it for the integration settings:
Next, Lets connect our whatsapp with green-api. On the left side, Under API --> Account, click on QR and copy the QR URL to the browser and click on "Scan QR code"
Next, Scan the QR code to link you whatsapp with Green API:
After the account link, you will notice that the instance is active by the green light in the instance header:
Before we can start messaging, we need to get the Contact/Group details. we can do it using Green API endpoint.
On the lef side, Under API --> Service methods, click on "getContacts" and then click "Send":
As a result, you will get the list of Contacts and Groups.
- The contact number ends with
- The group number ends with
Write down the Id, you will need it to configure the notification.
Download the green-api-custom-notifier, place it under the custom_components folder. Restart Home Assistant and add the following section to your configuration.yaml file:
- platform: greenapi
name: greenapi
instance_id: #REQUIRED: Set the instanceid
token: #REQUIRED: Set the greenapi token.
target: #OPTIONAL! Set the detault target. If you set the default target here, you won't have to specify it again in your service calls.
- instance_id is the Green API instance id.
- token is the Green API instance token.
- target is the chat/contact/group id to send the message to:
- For groups, the id should end with
- For chats, the id should end with
To Send a message you call the service and provide the following parameters:
- message (Required): Test to send.
- title (OPTIONAL): Add a title for the message in bold.
- target (OPTIONAL if you've already defined the default target in your notify service, otherwise required): The chat/group id to send the message to.
Or from Yaml mode:
service: notify.greenapi
message: New Whatsapp component
target: 972*********
To send message with media, add the following to the data parameter:
- file : [Path to the file]
Or from Yaml mode:
service: notify.greenapi
message: New Whatsapp component
target: 972*********
file: /config/images/Capture.png
If the path to the file does not exist, the message will still be sent; but will log a warning.