is a tweak for the iPhone Simulator that allows you to simulate the new UIApplicationShortcutItem
API for iPhone with 3D Touch enabled.
- Xcode 7 GM or later, set as your default version of Xcode
git clone
cd SBShortcutMenuSimulator
Note: If you installed SBShortcutMenuSimulator using the old method, go here and follow the uninstallation directions.
First, start SpringBoard with SBShortcutMenuSimulator enabled (run this from the cloned directory):
xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl debug system/ --environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=$PWD/SBShortcutMenuSimulator.dylib
xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl stop
Now, to show an app's quick action menu, send the app's bundle identifier over TCP to port 8000. For example, running this command will show the shortcut menu for Calendar:
echo '' | nc 8000
SBShortcutMenuSimulator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.