Web app that handles an in-person game of "Among Us"
Adobe XD design is stored via Adobe creative cloud tied to personal email
- react-router
- redux for...
- game code?
- / - redirects to "/landing"
- /landing - LangingPage, LandingButtons
- .../playerJoin - PlayerJoin
- /lobby - Lobby
- .../host - HostLobby
- .../host/settings - LobbySettings
- .../host/tasks - HostTasks
- .../player - PlayerLobby
- /game - GamePage
- .../player - PlayerTasks
- .../host - EmergencyButton
field name data type & info id string(16) not null description string(200) location string(50) type string(3) foreign key: TaskTypes
field name data type & info low string(3) text string(10) -
low text srt short med medium lng long
field data type &info id string not null numImposters integer numShortTasks integer numLongTasks integer killCooldownSec integer
- get requirements into jira
- work out MVP and subsequent sprints
- plan out basic data model (to come back to later)
- design app in Adobe XD (leave room for possible features)
- landing page
- Host pages
- player pages
- Based on the design, decide what React features to use (redux, hooks, router etc...)
- research how to have apps talk to each other (host to players, players to host)
- create-react-app for front end
- get file structure up
- create landing page (choose host or player)
- create host pages (basically shells with dummy-data at this point)
- main page (before game starts)
- create settings page
- task management page
- in-game page
- create player pages
- lobby page (before game starts)
- in-game page (view & complete tasks)
- implement redux, and hook up...
- game code (from server)
- settings
- host tasks
- player tasks
- create database
- tasks table
- tasktypes table
- settings table
- create back end server
- CRUD for tasks
- request auth token for Ably
- randomly assign tasks & send to each player
- how many players are currently in game
- create random code, and send to clients
- player death endpoint
- emergency meeting endpoint
- report body endpoint
- connect back end to front end