Data and codes for the paper "COVID-19 and the gig economy in Poland" (Arxiv preprint: by:
- Beręsewicz Maciej -- Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland; Statistical Office in Poznań, Poland
- Nikulin Dagmara -- Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland The structure of the repo is as follows:
How to cite
Beręsewicz, Nikulin (2021), COVID-19 and the gig economy in Poland, Arxiv Preprint: 2107.11124, URL:
title={COVID-19 and the gig economy in Poland},
author={Maciej Beręsewicz and Dagmara Nikulin},
-- folder with four datasets:+ `gig-montly-stats-new.csv` + `gig-table2-halfyear-demo-stats.csv` + `gig-table3-halfyear-region-stats.csv` + `covid-in-poland.csv`
-- figures prepared for the paper -
-- notebooks with analysis. Currently only one notebokanalysis.Rmd
The study was conducted within the research project Economics in the face of the New Economy financed within the Regional Initiative for Excellence programme of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland, years 2019-2022, grant no. 004/RID/2018/19, financing 3,000,000 PLN (for Maciej Beręsewicz).
> sessionInfo()
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