Replicating results from the paper "Estimating the number of entities with vacancies using administrative and online data" by Maciej Beręsewicz, Herman Cherniaiev and Robert Pater
In the paper we focus on estimating the number of entities with at least one vacancy in Poland for 4 quarters of 2018. To achieve this goal we propose an alternative methodology that is based solely on administrative (i.e. job vacancies registered at Public Employment Offices) and online data (i.e., one of the biggest service) and capture-recapture techniques.
As these sources do not cover the whole reference population and the number of common units is small, we used developed a capture-recapture estimator for negatively dependent sources based on recent work of \citet{Chatterjee2019a}. To achieve the main goal we conducted a~thorough data cleaning procedure to remove out-of-scope units, identify entities from the target survey population and link them by identifiers to reduce linkage errors. We verified effectiveness of the proposed estimator by simulation studies.
From the practical point of view, our results show that current vacancy survey in Poland underestimate number of entities at least one vacancy by about 10-15%. The main reasons are non-sampling errors i.e. non-response and under-reporting which is identified by comparing with admin data.
The proposed methodology uses existing data, instead of creating new ones, and may allow to estimate job vacancy statistics more frequently and reduce burden for respondents. We believe that the proposed methodology may be applied in other countries as similar admin and online data are available. To make it more accessible we make all codes available publicly.
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[31c24e10] Distributions v0.25.2
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[8ba89e20] Distributed
[37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra
[9a3f8284] Random
[10745b16] Statistics