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Draft: Restarting the Coupled Model

Denise Worthen edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 31 revisions

Restart Control Parameters and Settings

restart control: creating a restart during model run model_configure: restart_interval. Give the value in hours. Set 0 to write a restart only at the end. nems.configure: restart_n and restart_option. For example, use restart_n = 48 and restart_option = nhours to write a restart every 48 hours nems.configure: restart_n and restart_option nems.configure: restart_n and restart_option  
restart filenames intermediate restarts are named Final restarts are named intermediate restarts are named, where X=(none,_1,_2 etc) depending on file size. Final restarts are named  
restart write location RESTART RESTART. Controlled in nems.configure using case_name = ./RESTART/ufs.s2s RESTART. Controlled in MOM_input_nml (located in input.nml) using restart_output_dir = 'RESTART/' RESTART. Controlled in ice_in, using restart_dir = ./RESTART  
restart read location INPUT INPUT. Use rpointer.cpl in run directory to specify filename and location INPUT. Use restart_input_dir in MOM_input_nml (located in input.nml) to specify location INPUT. Use ice.restart_file in run directory to specify filename and location  
restart trigger

Set fhrot as described below and set input.nml parameters:

warm_start =.T.
make_nh =.T.
na_init = 0
external_ic = F
nggps_ic = F
mountain = .T.
Set start_type = continue in nems.configure Set input_filename ='r' in MOM_input_nml (located in input.nml). MOM6 will expect a restart file with root name MOM.res in INPUT Set runtype ='continue' and use_restart_time =.true. in ice_in  

Model Configure and fhrot

1 day run: 2012-01-01-00 → 2012-01-02-00 1 day run: 2012-01-02-00 → 2012-01-03-00

model configure:

start_year:              2012
start_month:               01
start_day:                 01
start_hour:                00
start_minute:               0
start_second:               0
nhours_fcst:               24

restart_interval:          24
fhrot:                      0

model configure:

start_year:            2012
start_month:             01
start_day:               01
start_hour:              00
start_minute:             0
start_second:             0
nhours_fcst:             48

restart_interval:        24
fhrot:                   24

In nems.configure, set:

stop_n = 24
restart_n = 24
restart_option = nhours
start_type = startup

In nems.configure, set:

stop_n = 24
restart_n = 24
restart_option = nhours
start_type = continue