Install these dependencies by using your system's package manager if you don't have them already.
Depdendency Debian package Arch package Python 3 python3 python Cython cython3 cython Pip python3-pip python-pip Virtualenv virtualenv python-virtualenv Fortran gfortran gcc-fortran Blas libblas-dev blas Lapack liblapack-dev lapack PNG libpng-dev libpng JPEG libjpeg8-dev libjpeg-turbo Freetype libfreetype6-dev freetype2 Cairo libcairo2-dev FFI libffi-dev -
Create a virtual environment inside the repository root by runnning
virtualenv .
or if you have multiple Python versionsvirtualenv -p python3 .
. -
Activate your virtual environment using
source bin/activate
. Make sure that the repository name is in front of your shell promt now. -
Install dependencies inside your virtual environment using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a virtual environment inside the repository root by runnning
virtualenv .
or if you have multiple Python versionsvirtualenv -p C:\Python34\python.exe .
. -
Activate your virtual environment using
. Make sure that the repository name is in front of your shell promt now. -
Download these dependencies. If in doubt, use the link before the last in each list. Run
pip install <path-to-file>
on each of those. -
Install remaining dependencies inside your virtual environment using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download DBpedia dump
- Extract list of image names
- Fetch image and meta data of random entries
- Manually label data
- Balance amount of image per class
- Proprocess data set
- Extract image and text based features
- Train classifier
- Get user search term
- Query DBpedia for related images based on description
- Fetch image and meta data of first results
- Extract image and text based features
- Use trained classifier to predict class
- Filter against user's class selection