Flask-Spyne is a Flask extension which provides Spyne (formerly known as soaplib) support. Includes SOAP, WSDL, JSON, XML, YAML and other transports and protocols. Inspired by unofficial Flask-Enterprise extension (a wrapper on top of outdated soaplib).
pip install flask-spyne
Please check list of additional requirements you might need to install.
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.spyne import Spyne
from spyne.protocol.soap import Soap11
from spyne.model.primitive import Unicode, Integer
from spyne.model.complex import Iterable
app = Flask(__name__)
spyne = Spyne(app)
class SomeSoapService(spyne.Service):
__service_url_path__ = '/soap/someservice'
__in_protocol__ = Soap11(validator='lxml')
__out_protocol__ = Soap11()
@spyne.srpc(Unicode, Integer, _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
def echo(str, cnt):
for i in range(cnt):
yield str
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host = '')
from suds.client import Client as SudsClient
url = ''
client = SudsClient(url=url, cache=None)
r = client.service.echo(str='hello world', cnt=3)
print r
Starting from v0.2 flask-spyne supports basics of WS-Security for SOAP services.
Specify __wsse_conf__ dict with following fields:
username (str, required) password (str, required) password-digest (bool, optional) nonce-freshness-time (int, optional) reject-empty-nonce-creation (bool, optional) reject-stale-tokens (bool, optional) reject-expiry-limit (int, optional)
See server_auth.py/client_auth.py in examples
for more details.