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File metadata and controls

531 lines (308 loc) · 25.5 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Support for Xcode 15 (beta 1)


  • Previously deprecated and marked unavailable properties: displaySectionNameForSupplementaryKinds, SectionModel.supplementaries, RealmSection.supplementaries


  • Compilation issue with new Realm versions (@RenGate, #36)


  • CellViewModelMapping, SupplementaryViewModelMapping base classes and several protocols to cover existing implementation of ViewModelMapping. Concrete implementation for those base class is now a part of DTTableViewManager / DTCollectionViewManager.


  • ViewModelMapping and ViewModelMappingProtocol. Their functionality has been moved into CellViewModelMapping, SupplementaryViewModelMapping and protocol extensions on those. Please note, that while technically those are breaking changes, usage of mappings in DTTableViewManager / DTCollectionViewManager is unchanged, and should not introduce breaking changes, unless those type names have been explicitly written in code.


  • Package now requires Xcode 13.


  • Section.isEmpty property indicating that section does not contain any elements. Accessing this property is faster than accessing Section.numberOfItems property.


  • defersDatasourceUpdates on MemoryStorage. This property was deprecated in previous release and is now removed. MemoryStorage now always defers updates as if this property was turned on (which was the default).
  • ProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage. Diffable datasource integration has been restructured in a way, that no longer requires this class.


  • Ability to create SectionModel with array of items.


  • Xcode 12.5 / Swift 5.4 warnings


  • UICollectionView cell and supplementary registration from code and xib has been updated to only create UICollectionView.CellRegistration and UICollectionView.SupplementaryRegistration once per mapping. This is required for proper cell and supplementary reuse.


  • Realm subspec has been reenabled.


  • DTModelStorage/Realm CocoaPods subspec requires Realm 10.0 and higher.


  • ViewModelMapping.modelCondition method, that allows to create custom mapping condition, but infers model type from mapping. Behavior of this method is identical to ModelTransfer.modelCondition method, except that new method does not require cell or view to implement ModelTransfer protocol.
  • MemoryStorage.insertItems(_:at:) method, that allows inserting collection starting from provided indexPath. This is useful, for example, if you are using pagination, and want to insert new page of items between old pages and loading indicator.


This release requires Swift 5.3.

Some context: this release heavily relies on where clauses on contextually generic declarations, that are only available in Swift 5.3 - SE-0267.

  • DTModelStorage/Realm subspec requires RealmSwift 5.2 and higher for minimum iOS 9 deployment target.


  • ViewModelMapping has been reworked to generic class to capture both View and Model type.
  • ViewModelMappingProtocol protocol has been introduced to represent type-erased interface for ViewModelMapping so that ViewModelMappingProtocol instances can be stored in array, and be called without generic information.
  • EventReaction class has been reworked to not contain ViewModelMapping instance. ViewModelMapping class will now instead have an array of EventReaction instances attached to it. This way it's now possible to restrict events to only happen if current ViewModelMapping is compatible for requested model/view/location/mapping condition.
  • ViewModelMapping convenience methods eventsModelMapping and eventsViewMapping have been removed.
  • mappingCandidates method now returns ViewModelMappingProtocol instead of ViewModelMapping
  • performReaction methods now accept IndexPath for location parameter instead of Any.
  • Event reactions are moved from extension on [ViewModelMapping] to static methods on EventReaction due to Swift inability to call methods on sequences that contain protocols.
  • mappingCandidates method has been moved to ViewType type.
  • EventReaction has new initializers with more specific names.
  • insertItems(_:to:) method is no longer throwing. Anomaly is still produced, if count of models differs from count of indexPaths.


  • MemoryStorage.defersDatasourceUpdates property. Deferring datasource updates and executing them inside of performBatchUpdates block turned out to be the only stable and correct way to apply updates to both UI and datasource. It's highly recommended to leave this property on. It is now deprecated, and may be removed in the future release, maintaining current default behaviour.
  • SectionModel.setItems(_:) method. Set items directly through items property.


  • Deployment targets - iOS 11 / tvOS 11.
  • Minimum Swift version required: 5.0
  • Realm dependency updated to Realm 5.

Please note, that this framework version source is identical to previous version (apart from some small Realm adjustments), which supports iOS 8 / tvOS 9 / Swift 4.0 and higher.

  • Added support for Xcode versions, that are older than Xcode 11.

This is a major release with some breaking changes, please read DTModelStorage 8.0 Migration Guide


  • bundle property on ViewModelMapping, that exposes recommended bundle to be used when searching for resources of given mapping.
  • Setter for SingleSectionStorage.items property.
  • Section.item(at:) method.
  • ProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage that serves as a bridge between DTTableViewManager/DTCollectionViewManager and diffable datasource classes(UITableViewDiffableDataSource`UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource`).


  • configureForTableViewUsage, configureForCollectionViewUsage, headerModel(forSection:), footerModel(forSection:), have been moved to protocol extensions instead of being implemented in BaseStorage class. As a consequence, BaseStorage no longer confirms to HeaderFooterStorage protocol.


Identifiable protocol has been renamed to EntityIdentifiable protocol to avoid unwanted clashes with Foundation.Identifiable protocol, that is available on iOS 13 and higher.

Complete rewrite of header/footer/supplementary model handling. Instead of several implementations and model storages, the API now consists of three closure based properties on SupplementaryStorage protocol : headerModelProvider, footerModelProvider and supplementaryModelProvider. All storage classes implement this protocol (MemoryStorage, CoreDataStorage, RealmStorage, SingleSectionStorage, ProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage).

Storage protocols and classes have been restructured:

  • SupplementaryAccessible renamed to SectionLocatable
  • HeaderFooterStorage and HeaderFooterSettable have been removed
  • HeaderFooterStorage functionality mostly has been merged into new protocol SupplementaryStorage
  • BaseStorage has been split into BaseSupplementaryStorage and BaseUpdateDeliveringStorage that inherits from it.

Several methods continue to work, but are now bridging to new closure-based API:

  • setSectionHeaderModels
  • setSectionFooterModels
  • headerModel(forSection:)
  • footerModel(forSection:)
  • supplementaryModel(ofKind:forSectionAt:)

setSectionHeaderModels and setSectionFooterModels, as well as new closure-based API do not call reloadData method, as they were doing before. If you need to reset section headers/footers/supplementaries, consider calling StorageUpdating.storageNeedsReloading() method manually.

All methods that allowed to set header/footer/supplementary models partially, for a specific section or specific supplementary kind, have been made unavailable or removed.

CoreDataStorage now sets headerModelProvider closure to allow using FetchedResultsController section name as header instead of having arbitrary logic that compared supplementaryKind to displaySectionNameForSupplementaryKinds property, which is also made unavailable.


  • Deprecated MemoryStorageError.BatchInsertionReason enum.
  • Deprecated ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol.
  • sections method on Storage protocol. It is replaced by more perfomant numberOfSections() and numberOfItems(inSection:) methods.
  • sections method on CoreDataStorage and SingleSectionStorage
  • items property on Section protocol. It is replaced by item(at:) method.


  • setItemsForAllSections method now properly removes all sections prior to setting new ones. This prevents a bug, where old sections could stay, if this method was called with fewer number of sections.


  • Support for Swift Package Manager in Xcode 11


  • Slightly improved RealmStorage item(at:) method perfomance.
  • Improved StorageUpdate description.
  • ViewModelMapping.xibName can now be changed inside of mapping blocks to allow changing xibName per mapping.


  • Support for Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2


  • ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol. Please switch to using mapping conditions instead.


  • Support for Xcode 9 and Swift 3
  • Make enqueueDatasourceUpdate method and enqueuedDatasourceUpdates property public to allow building custom storages that defer datasource updates.


  • Single section storage classes that encapsulate single section of models with automatic diffing to animate changes. For a lot of use cases this approach is more suitable than MemoryStorage and is now a recommended way of handling items in single section.

Read more about it in README.

  • Convenience method to create MappingCondition from ModelTransfer objects, for example, if used with DTTableViewManager:
manager.register(PostCell.self) { mapping in
  mapping.condition = PostCell.modelCondition { indexPath, model in
    return model.isMyPost // here model type is inferred from PostCell ModelTransfer implementation
  • Ability to silence anomalies, if they are expected:
memoryStorage.anomalyHandler.silenceAnomaly(.moveItemFailedItemNotFound(indexPath: IndexPath(section: 0, row: 0)))

Alternatively, you may want to silence anomaly using closure, if anomaly contents are only calculatable at runtime:

memoryStorage.anomalyHandler.silenceAnomaly { anomaly in
    switch anomaly {
    case .replaceItemFailedItemNotFound: return true
    default: return false
  • Support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.



  • Support for Xcode 10 (beta 1) with Swift 4.1 and Swift 4.2.


  • Crash that could happen if move operation for MemoryStorage happened from and to the same section with not enough items in section.
  • Updates for Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1
  • Properly collect all updates from updateWithoutAnimations block.
  • Fixed a bug, that prevented datasource from being updated when updateWithoutAnimations method on MemoryStorage was used.
  • Implemented mechanism for deferring datasource updates of MemoryStorage. When turned on, updates are no longer applied automatically, but can be applied calling StorageUpdate.applyDeferredDatasourceUpdates() method. Keep in mind, that not only datasource updates are not applied, but object and section changes are also empty until updates are applied. This behaviour is turned on by default, to disable it, call
MemoryStorage.defersDatasourceUpdates = false
  • Ream podspec now requires Realm version 3.x
  • Fixed warnings for Xcode 9.1 / Swift 4.0.2
  • Build with Xcode 9.0 release.

This is major release, containing breaking API changes, please read DTTableViewManager 6.0 Migration Guide

  • MemoryStorage now has a convenience method for moving item without animations: moveItemWithoutAnimation(from:to:).
  • EventReaction class now has 4 and 5 argument reactions
  • All storage protocols are now class-bound.
  • Implemented mapping conditions. ViewModelMapping was changed to be able to work with mapping blocks.


  • RealmStorage is not included in Carthage releases.
  • setItems method, that accepted array of arrays of items to set items for all sections, has been renamed to setItemsForAllSections to provide more clarity and not to clash with setItems(_:forSection:) method.
  • Swift 3.2 support(Xcode 9 beta 1).
  • RealmStorage now accepts RealmCollection objects into section, thus allowing List and LinkingObjects to be used(previously only Results objects could be used in section).
  • Improved handling of NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate NSFetchedResultsChangeType.update change type in cases, where object inserts/removal/moves is used simultaneously with object updates(#17).
  • Reworked EventReaction class to use ViewModelMapping to properly identify not only model and ViewType, but also viewClass. This allows event reactions to run for cases where two view subclasses, conforming to ModelTransfer, use the same model, and have similar events.
  • Adds setItems(_:) method, that allows to set items for all sections in MemoryStorage.
  • StorageUpdate properties, that tracked changes independently of each other, have been replaced with objectChanges, sectionChanges arrays, that track all changes in order they occured
  • StorageUpdate now has updatedObjects dictionary, that allow tracking objects, that have been updated, along with corresponding indexPath. It is done because UITableView and UICollectionView defer cell updates after insertions and deletions are completed, and therefore shift indexPaths. For example, if you were to insert 0 item and update it, UITableView would think that you are updating 1 item instead of 0, because it happens in single animation block and 0 item becomes 1.

No changes

  • Requires Realm 2.0 and higher.
  • Fixes crash, that happens, when subscribing to Realm notifications and Realm is read-only.
  • Enables RealmStorage with RealmSwift dependency

Swift 3.0 and higher is required for this version of framework.

Note Beta 1 Does not include RealmStorage subspec due to RealmSwift.framework podspec issues


  • UIReaction class has been replaced with new EventReaction class, that allows more flexible and powerful events usage
  • Supplementary models are now stored in [String:[Int:Any]] instead of [String:Any] to support supplementary models, whose position is determined by indexPath in UICollectionView. SupplementaryStorageProtocol, SupplementaryAccessible protocols have been reworked to reflect those changes.
  • MemoryStorageErrors have been made an Error type following conventions from SE-0112.


  • MemoryStorage and RealmStorage now implement SectionLocationIdentifyable protocol, allowing any section to find out, what it's index is.
  • SectionModel and RealmSection gained currentSectionIndex property, that shows index of section in sections array.
  • displaySectionNameForSupplementaryKinds property on CoreDataStorage, that defines, for which supplementary kinds NSFetchedResultsController sectionName should be used as a data model.
  • removeItemsFromSection method on MemoryStorage, that allows to remove all items from specific section


  • itemForCellClass:atIndexPath:, itemForHeaderClass:atSectionIndex:, itemsForFooterClass:atSectionIndex:
  • makeNSIndexSet method, because Swift 3 allows to directly create IndexSet from both Array and Set.


  • CoreDataStorage now properly updates new indexPath after Move event on iOS 9.


  • Now properly handles case, when deleteSections method was called with index, that is not present in MemoryStorage or RealmStorage


  • setSectionWithResults(_:forSectionIndex:) for RealmStorage


  • Realm dependency to 1.0.0


  • Support for fine-grained notifications in Realm
  • Update to Realm 0.103.1 and higher.



  • Realm dependency updated to 0.102 version.


  • Update to Swift 2.2. This release is not backwards compatible with Swift 2.1.


  • insertItems(_:toIndexPaths:) method, that mirrors UITableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths(_:withRowAnimation:) and UICollectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths(_:) method
  • totalNumberOfItems computed property in MemoryStorage, that allows getting current total number of items across all storage.


  • Require Only-App-Extension-Safe API is set to YES in framework targets.


  • batchUpdatesInProgress property on BaseStorage is made public to be available in subclasses


  • All methods were moved from extensions to class bodies to allow overriding them in @nonobjc subclasses.


  • replaceItem(_:replacingItem:) method no longer requires second argument to be Equatable.


  • BaseStorage startUpdate and finishUpdate methods are now public along with currentUpdate property.


  • RealmStorage and RealmSection class, that allows using Realm database results as a storage for DTTableView and DTCollectionViewManager.
  • Ability to specify xibName on ViewModelMapping class.


Removed API, deprecated in previous releases. All removed API calls are superseded by following replacement methods.

  • removeAllTableItems, removeAllCollectionItems -> removeAllItems
  • moveCollectionItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:, moveTableItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: -> moveItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
  • moveCollectionViewSection:toSection, moveTableViewSection:toSection -> moveSection:toSection
  • objectForCellClass -> itemForCellClass
  • objectForHeaderClass -> itemForHeaderClass
  • objectForFooterClass -> itemForFooterClass
  • objectAtIndexPath -> itemAtIndexPath
  • SectionModel objects and numberOfObjects -> items, numberOfItems


  • ViewModelMapping class, that allows to store and retrieve mappings using type checks instead of runtime introspection
  • UIReaction class, that will allow DTTableViewManager and DTCollectionViewManager to react to selection and configuration events. This class supersedes TableViewReaction and CollectionViewReaction internal classes, that previously served the same purpose.
  • DTViewModelMappingCustomizable protocol to allow customization of ViewModelMapping.


  • RuntimeHelper model introspection methods


  • performUpdates method to perform batch updates on Storage classes.
  • Support for Apple TV platform (tvOS)


  • Handle NSFetchedResultsController update, that may be called in a form of .Move type(iOS 9).


  • insertItem(_:atIndexPath:) method now properly accepts zero index path in empty section


  • setSection(_:forSectionIndex:) method to set specific section with supplementaries and reloadData


  • Explicitly call storageNeedsReloading from methods setSupplementaries, setSectionHeaderModels and setSectionFooterModels


  • insertSection(_:atIndex:) method that allows to insert SectionModel directly, with items and supplementary models.


  • StorageUpdate class was rewritten from scratch using Swift Set.
  • StorageUpdate now contains movedRowIndexPaths and movedSectionIndexes properties
  • All method names and properties, that contained object term in their name, have been renamed to read 'item' instead
  • MemoryStorage sectionAtIndex(_:) method now returns optional value instead of always returning SectionModel. This method no longer inserts new sections, when called.


  • removeItems method should no longer skip items, if their indexPath is reduced when removing previous item


  • removeAllTableItems and removeAllCollectionItems have been replaced by removeAllItems method.
  • moveCollectionItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: and moveTableItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: have been replaced by moveItemAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: method
  • moveCollectionViewSection:toSection and moveTableViewSection:toSection have been replaced by moveSection:toSection method

Framework was completely rewritten from scratch in Swift 2.

For more details, read blog post.