Supports in Godot 4.1+
with .Net module.
GDViews.VirtualGridView is a Godot 4
UI Component that provides classes that's useful for creating highly customizable, fully virtualized list/grid views.
You may visit the API Documentations Page for detailed documentation.
For .Net CLI
dotnet add package GDViews.VirtualGridView
For Package Manager Console
NuGet\Install-Package GDViews.VirtualGridView
For csproj
<PackageReference Include="GDViews.VirtualGridView" Version="*" />
The C# type that controls a group of associated GridViewItem
and handles the all the necessary item virtualization, layout calculations, event method invoking, and input processing; it provides APIs that allow the developer to control the internal focused items, movement of virtual viewports and triggering redraws.
The script(s) inheriting the or VirtualGridViewItemT
, attaching the script to a control to make it a GridViewItem
, this type contains all the necessary event method for customizing the visual behaviour of a GridViewItem
, the developer should pass their implementation of GridViewItem
PackedScene to the corresponding builder(mentioned below) when construct.
Attach the following script to a Control
to make it a GridViewItem
This time log view item displays the time for each log entry, and contains a button that allows user to remove the current entry when pressed.
/// <summary>
/// The model that describes the data within each cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ID">The data ID.</param>
/// <param name="CurrentTime">The time when adding the data.</param>
public record struct DataModel(int ID, DateTime CurrentTime);
/// <summary>
/// The type that handles logics related to per-virtualized grid element interactions, attach this script to a <see cref="Button"/> to make it a grid item.
/// </summary>
public partial class ExampleGridItem : VirtualGridViewItem<DataModel, ExampleMain>
// Assigned from the inspector.
[Export] private Label _id;
[Export] private Label _time;
[Export] private Button _deleteButton;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the view controller has just create this virtualized grid element instance.
/// </summary>
protected override void _OnGridItemCreate()
_deleteButton.Pressed += () =>
// Do nothing if the current element is invalid (hidden or empty)
if (!TryGetInfo(out var info)) return;
// Do nothing if the associated value is null (moving out)
if (info.ExtraArgument is null || info.Data == default) return;
// Notify the controller to remove the data
// associated to this element from the dataset, and performs a redraw.
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the internal data of the current virtualized grid element instance
/// has changed (or initialized) and requires developer-implemented draw logic.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data of the current virtualized grid element instance.</param>
protected override void _OnGridItemDraw(DataModel data, Vector2I _, ExampleMain __)
// Developer defined draw logic.
_id.Text = data.ID.ToString("D2");
_time.Text = data.CurrentTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff");
The VirtualGridView
is pure C# implementation, so instead of attaching a script to a node in the scene tree, developers need to create and reference it in scripts, due to the complexity of the creation process, the builder design pattern
is used.
/// <summary>
/// Attach this script to a node from the scene tree, and assigning the required exported fields.
/// </summary>
public partial class ExampleMain : Node
[Export] private Button _addData;
[Export] private int _displayedItems;
[Export] private PackedScene _itemPrefab;
[Export] private Control _itemContainer;
[Export] private Vector2 _itemSize;
[Export] private Vector2 _itemSeparation;
[Export] private ScrollBar _verticalScrollBar;
private IVirtualGridView<DataModel> _virtualGridView;
private readonly List<DataModel> _dataset = [];
/// <summary>
/// Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree.
/// </summary>
public override void _Ready()
_virtualGridView =
// Call the Create function under this static class to initiate a build.
// Here we are specifying the viewport dimensions
.Create(viewportColumns: 1, viewportRows: _displayedItems)
// Call the WithHandlers function to specifying the visual logic.
// Handles the positioning of the virtual viewport,
// side positioner does not move the viewport
// unless the selected item lies outside of the viewport.
// Manages the visual positional interpolation of the
// elements when user moves the virtualized viewport.
// pan tweener does position interpolation.
ElementTweeners.CreatePan(duration: 0.1f, tweenSetup: TweenSetups.EaseOut.Quad),
// Manages the hiding and showing of the virtualized elements.
// fade fader does Modulate interpolation.
ElementFaders.CreateFade(duration: 0.1f, tweenSetup: TweenSetups.EaseInOut.Sine)
// Specifying the dataset positioning, developer may choose to
// horizontally or vertically layout their dataset(s).
// Here we choose to layout our data set vertically,
// so it will show like:
// [Column 0]
// [DataSet0]
// | 00 |
// | 01 |
// | 02 |
// | 03 |
// | 04 |
// Specifying the type of the dataset as well.
// Append our dataset to the building datasets
// developer may append multiple datasets, under
// the vertical data layout, it will show like:
// [Column 0] [Column 1] [Column 2]
// [DataSet0] [DataSet0] [DataSet1]
// | 00 | 01 | 00 |
// | 02 | 03 | 01 |
// | 04 | 05 | 02 |
// | 08 | 09 | 04 |
// | 06 | 07 | 03 |
// ^^ +New ^^
// the developer may also choose to make one dataset
// to occupy multiple columns by increasing the repeat
// argument or add the same IDynamicGridViewer multiple times
// The dynamic grid viewer emulates a 2D list access
// from the backing list we passes in.
// Call the WithArgument function to specifying the rest of the arguments.
.WithArgument<ExampleGridItem, ExampleMain>(
// The prefab that's used to create
// instances of the virtualized elements.
// The container for the virtualized elements.
// this container is also used for receiving inputs.
// Infinite Layout Grid is the abstraction of a layout grid that has infinite amount of cells.
// simple infinite layout grid that has functions equivalent to a GridContainer.
// Size of one virtualized element.
// Separation between the elements
// Pass the current instance to the view
// so that we can get this instance from
// the virtualized instance
// The vertical scroll bar use to indicate
// the current viewport position relative to the
// data sets.
// Managing the Value and Page value interpolation
// of the ScrollBar when user moves the virtualized viewport.
ScrollBarTweeners.CreateLerp(0.1f, TweenSetups.EaseInOut.Sine),
// Setting autohide to true will make the
// view hide the scroll bar when it's unnecessary.
autoHide: true
// Finish the build and get the built instance.
// Press this button to add an entry to the dataset,
// and triggers the view redraw.
_addData.Pressed += AddEntry;
/// <summary>
/// Add an entry to the dataset and triggers the redraw.
/// </summary>
private void AddEntry()
var id = _dataset.Count;
var time = DateTime.Now;
// Add to the dataset.
_dataset.Add(new(id, time));
// Make the view to redraw.
// Make sure we have a focus
// (for platforms that do not have pointing device).
/// <summary>
/// Removes the specified value from the dataset and triggers the redraw.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveEntry(DataModel dataModelToRemove)
// Remove from the dataset.
// Make the view to redraw.
// Make sure we have a focus
// (for platforms that do not have pointing device).