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Image Module for Hogan Build Status


Install the module using Composer composer require dekodeinteraktiv/hogan-image or simply by downloading this repository and placing it in wp-content/plugins

Available filters


  • hogan/module/image/image_size/choices : Image size choices for image size field. Default (will be merged with return filter return values):
    'thumbnail' => _x( 'Small', 'Image Size', 'hogan-image' ),
    'medium'    => _x( 'Medium', 'Image Size', 'hogan-image' ),
    'large'     => _x( 'Large', 'Image Size', 'hogan-image' ),
  • hogan/module/image/image_size/constraints : Image constraints for image size field. Default (will be merged with return filter return values):
    'min_width'  => '',
    'min_height' => '',
    'max_width'  => '',
    'max_height' => '',
    'min_size'   => '',
    'max_size'   => '',
    'mime_types' => '',
  • hogan/module/image/image_size/preview_size : Admin preview size of uploaded image. Default: 'medium'
  • hogan/module/image/image_size/library : Admin media library choice. Default: 'all'


  • hogan/module/image/figure_classes : Add classes names to the figure tag. Default: wp-caption and size-{thumbnail|medium|large}.
  • hogan/module/image/figure_caption_classes : Add classes names to the figure tag. Default: wp-caption-text.
  • hogan/module/image/image/args : Attributes for the image markup.
  • hogan/module/image/template/caption : Filter to change caption content. Defaults to the text inserted in the caption field in admin.
  • 'hogan/module/image/figure_before_content' : Action hooks to inject content inside the figure element before the image.
  • 'hogan/module/image/figure_after_content' : Action hooks to inject content inside the figure element after the image.