Welcome to our open-source data analysis repository! This repository contains datasets and analysis reports from various industries, showcasing our expertise in data analytics. Whether you are interested in retail finance, banking, or human resources, we've got you covered. Feel free to explore, use the datasets, and leverage our analysis reports for your insights.
- Dataset Name:
- Folder Path:
- Quick Access: A Case Analysis of Operational Data for a Certain Supermarket from 2019 to 2022
- Description: Analyze the financial operations of a supermarket from 2019 to 2022, exploring key financial indicators and trends.
- Dataset Name:
- Folder Path:
- Quick Access: Bank Customer Loan Comprehensive Analysis Case
- Description: In-depth analysis of bank loan customers, providing insights into loan patterns, customer segmentation, and risk assessment.
- Dataset Name:
HR Data for Analytics
- Folder Path:
- Quick Access: Comprehensive Analysis Case of Bank Customer Loans
- Description: Analyze employee turnover in diverse industries, identify key factors influencing employee retention and departure.
- If you are interested in a specific industry or report, navigate to the corresponding folder for detailed information.
- We provide cleaned datasets for easy import into the DeepBI platform for data analysis. Explore the dataset in the
folder under the respective dataset folder and leverage the powerful features of DeepBI for data-driven decision-making.
Feel free to contribute, provide feedback, or use these resources for your own projects. Happy analyzing! For more information about the DeepBI platform, visit our github repo and documentation.