This repository is the official implementation of related to our paper published in NeurIPS 2024.
Setup the environment and install requirements:
mamba env create --name he-cka-ensemble --file environment.yml
To install mamba, a super fast drop in replacement for conda, please read the following installation guide. If you prefer to use Anaconda just replace mamba
with conda
Most datasets will automatically be downloaded to the data/
folder in the repo directory.
A basic ensemble, and feature tracking, can now be easily implemented with this library. More in-depth examples with
import torch
from hyper.generators.ensemble import FixedEnsembleModel as Ensemble
from hyper.layers import Conv2d, Linear, Flatten, SequentialModule as Sequential
from hyper.util.collections import flatten_keys
# construct a simple CNN for MNIST (28x28x1) input
# all modules in hyper.layers support batched weights
lenet = Sequential(
Conv2d(1, 6, 5, act='relu', pooling='max', track='detach'), # track features but detach from graph
Conv2d(6, 16, 5, act='relu', pooling='max'),
Flatten(track=False), # track=False => do not track feature
Linear(256, 120, act='relu'),
Linear(120, 84, act='relu'),
Linear(84, 10)
# create ensemble or equivalently a hypernetwork using MLPLayerModelGenerator in generators.mlp
ens = Ensemble(
ensemble_size=5 # make an ensemble of 5 members
# test input
X = torch.randn((8, 1, 28, 28))
# feed through all 5 ensemble members
feat, Y = ens(5, X)
print(f'Output shape {Y.shape}') # output of [5, 8, 10] or [models, batch size, classes]
# flatten keys turns nested ordered dictionaries into a single dictionary with a separator '.'
for mod_name, mod_feat in flatten_keys(feat).items():
if mod_feat is not None: # if not tracking features are None
print(f'Module {mod_name} shape {mod_feat.shape} variance {mod_feat.var()}')
Training all experiments use the
script and all the configurations listed in configs/
Example usage for the mnist ensemble is
python configs/mnist/ens/ensemble.yml
Checkpoints and plots are saved to the outputs/
Use --help
for more options such as multiple runs --runs
or wandb logging --wandb
To evaluate the models and handle relevant plotting use
, which accepts three arguments
python <training configuration file> <experiment type: [mnist/cifar10]> <weight file name>.pt
Example usage on an mnist ensemble, evaluating the model checkpoint at epoch 50.
python configs/mnist/ens/ensemble.yml mnist
- Rewrite hypernet and training modules
- Rewrite Toy experiments
- Rewrite MNIST experiments
- Rewrite ResNet18
- CIFAR10 experiments (see configs/cifar10/ens/test/
- Build ResNet32 model
- Rewrite CIFAR100 experiments
- Include hypernetwork examples/documentation
- Fix seeding issue with ood examples