Simple application to map habits based in Judson Brewer's research.
You can check it in the url
gpsu# install all dependencies
yarn install
# setup database
cd infrastructures
yarn database:start:dev
yarn database:migrate:create
yarn database:migrate up
# setup aws amplify (for authentication flow)
yarn amplify:pull # choose aws as src dir
cd ../
# serve api and frotend in localhost
yarn start
# construct a docker file
yarn build:api
#run the dockerized api in port 5000 and env file .env.production
yarn run:api:prod
- As an User, I want to understand my habits, so I can change them for a better one
- User can map a habit and input the trigger, the behavior and the reward
- As an User, I want to understand many habits, so I can focus on the worse one to change
- User is somehow incentivized to map a lot of habits
- As an User, I want to view my previous mapped habits, so I can recall what I did
- authentication and persistence
- #todo As an User, I want to create a strategy to change a bad habit, so I can have a better life
- can authenticate
- has many Habits
- has many Habit Strategies
- trigger
- behavior
- reward
- createdAt
- updatedAt
#todo Habit Strategy
- Habit To Be Changed
- ... trigger, behavior, reward strategies etc.
- Ionic
- Angular
- NestJS
- Postgres
- Docker
- ECS for dockerized server (service atacched with an app load balancer)
- App Load Balancer, targeted to EC2 instances deployed by ECS
- AWS Amplify pipeline to build and host frontend
- Route 53 -> Amplify, -> Load Balancer
- RDS for postgres
- First screen
- Onboarding: do you know habits work? Yes or No
- Onboarding: if no, do you want to learn?
- Second screen
- Map a habit
- Third screen
- Login so you can track you new mapped habit
- Fourth screen (tabs)
- Tab 1: list of habits
- Tab 2: create a new habit
- Tab 3: account and preferences
- /onboarding
- /onboarding/learn
- /onboarding/do
- /login
- /habits
- /habits/create
- /habits/:id
- /habits/:id/edit
- Navigation
- Business rules implementation (without persistence, raw HTML, without CSS)
- Business rules with persistence
- Design & UX implementation
token: env.token