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Cordova iOS10 Simple Notifications npm version

This plugin was created to implement a simple and light-weight local notification system for cordova on iOS 10+.

Supported Features:

  • Compatible with push plugins
  • Contents: ID/Title/Subtitle/Body
  • Trigger time (Seconds)
  • Actions (Up to 4)
  • Foreground notification support
  • Body + Action click handling
  • Notification payload in click handler

Schedule Method

These notifications will be triggered in 10 seconds.

// No actions
  "New Notification!",

// Two actions
  "New Notification!",
  "Action 1",
  "Action 2"

// ...

// Four actions max
  "New Notification!",
  "Action 1",
  "Action 2",
  "Action 3",
  "Action 4"
Parameter Type Description
ID String Identifier to show the notification. This can be used in the remove method when removing a specific notification.
Title String Title of the notification.
Subtitle String Subtitle of the notification
Message String Message body of the notification
Time Number Timeout in seconds when to shedule the notification.
Payload String String payload that will be passed to the click handler. This will be encoded/decoded through the callbacks, make sure you are using a string only (use JSON if you need to pass an object through).
Action (x4) String Name of the action button to show the user. This will be send to the click handler method along with the payload.

Register Method

If the user has not agreed to allow the app to show local notifications, we must prompt them for it.


Notification Settings Method

To check for what the iOS notification settings are within the iOS settings app. This will return a promise that in turn will receive an object containing all settings.

Returned Object:

Index iOS Version
lockScreen 10+
carPlay 10+
alert 10+
badge 10+
sound 10+
criticalAlert 12+
announcement 13+

Return value enumerations (integers):

Value Description
0 Not supported
1 Disabled
2 Enabled
  .then((settings) => {
    let value = "";

    switch (settings.sound) {
      case 0:
        value = "Unsupported";
      case 1:
        value = "Disabled";
      case 2:
        value = "Enabled";

    console.log("Notification Sound: " + value);

Set Delegate Method

Ignore if not using a push plugin.

This method will set this plugin as the notification delegate. This means that the plugin will handle all notification clicks and notification scheduling. This method is called automatically upon success of the register method, and again every time the schedule method is called. This method exists in case there are any timing conflicts with a push plugin setting itself as the delegate, so that we can force setting the delegate manually.


Set Handler Method

Set the callback that will be triggered when clicking on the notification (or notification actions). This will be given the action string that was clicked on ( if body has been clicked), and the string payload provided in the schedule method.

cordova.plugins.ios10.simpleNotification.setHandler((action, payload) =>

Open Settings Method

Currently there is no way on ios to open the notification section of your application settings, so until this is available this method will open the main section of your application settings. This method takes no arguments and returns no values.


Remove notifications

Specify ID of notification to remove


Supported Platforms:

  • iOS 10.0+


This plugin can be installed from CLI with either of the following:

# Latest npm release
cordova plugins add cordova-ios10-simple-notification

# or

# Github master
cordova plugins add

Interaction With Push Plugins

Ignore if not using a push plugin.

There are two things that are of concern when using this plugin with a push plugin:

  1. Notification Scheduling
  2. Notification Clicks

1. Notification Scheduling

This plugin contains a handler for showing notifications. With all local notifications it will show as normal, and pass any push notifications it receives along without any sound / vibration / notification.

2. Notification Clicks

iOS only allows for one click handler to be registered for all notifications. Whichever plugin registers itself as the current notification click handler most recently will be the plugin that will hanlde the click. For this reason, this plugin assigns itself as the click handler upon every local notification schedule. This way the plugin will always handle all notification clicks (local and push).

Because of this behaviour, you must add your push notification click handling logic within whatever method you register as the click handler for this plugin. That way you can handle both local and push notification click payloads.

Please also note that this behaviour will only start once one of the following methods has been called:

  • register() (with success)
  • setDelegate()
  • schedule() (delegate set on each call)

The plugin will not handle notification clicks until the plugin is set as the delegate for notifications. Also be aware of when the push plugin you are using sets the delegate to itself. Make sure you understand this logic or else you may not be handling both local and push clicks properly.


Please see the wiki for how to use the plugin.

Feel free to send me a message, open an issue, or make pull requests!


This software is released under the MIT License.

David Briglio 2017.


Add simple local notifications to your cordova iOS 10 application.







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