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Backport a fix for the Docker check
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LotharSee committed Apr 21, 2015
1 parent eaeeac1 commit 58513c7
Showing 2 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ RUN mv /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf.example /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf \
# Add Docker check
COPY conf.d/docker.yaml /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/docker.yaml

# Apply Docker backports
COPY /etc/dd-agent/checks.d/


# Expose DogStatsD port
454 changes: 454 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
# stdlib
import urllib2
import urllib
import httplib
import socket
import os
import re
import time
from urlparse import urlsplit
from util import json
from collections import defaultdict

# project
from checks import AgentCheck
from config import _is_affirmative


"cgroup": "memory",
"file": "memory.stat",
"metrics": {
# Default metrics
"cache": ("docker.mem.cache", "gauge", True),
"rss": ("docker.mem.rss", "gauge", True),
"swap": ("docker.mem.swap", "gauge", True),
# Optional metrics
"active_anon": ("docker.mem.active_anon", "gauge", False),
"active_file": ("docker.mem.active_file", "gauge", False),
"inactive_anon": ("docker.mem.inactive_anon", "gauge", False),
"inactive_file": ("docker.mem.inactive_file", "gauge", False),
"mapped_file": ("docker.mem.mapped_file", "gauge", False),
"pgfault": ("docker.mem.pgfault", "rate", False),
"pgmajfault": ("docker.mem.pgmajfault", "rate", False),
"pgpgin": ("docker.mem.pgpgin", "rate", False),
"pgpgout": ("docker.mem.pgpgout", "rate", False),
"unevictable": ("docker.mem.unevictable", "gauge", False),
"cgroup": "cpuacct",
"file": "cpuacct.stat",
"metrics": {
"user": ("docker.cpu.user", "rate", True),
"system": ("docker.cpu.system", "rate", True),

"SizeRw": ("docker.disk.size", "gauge"),


"name": "container_name",
"image": "docker_image",
"command": "container_command",


class UnixHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):
"""Class used in conjuction with UnixSocketHandler to make urllib2
compatible with Unix sockets."""


def __init__(self, unix_socket):
self._unix_socket = unix_socket

def connect(self):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock = sock

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self

class UnixSocketHandler(urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler):
"""Class that makes Unix sockets work with urllib2 without any additional
def unix_open(self, req):
full_path = "%s%s" % urlsplit(req.get_full_url())[1:3]
path = os.path.sep
for part in full_path.split("/"):
path = os.path.join(path, part)
if not os.path.exists(path):
unix_socket = path
# add a host or else urllib2 complains
url = req.get_full_url().replace(unix_socket, "/localhost")
new_req = urllib2.Request(url, req.get_data(), dict(req.header_items()))
new_req.timeout = req.timeout
return self.do_open(UnixHTTPConnection(unix_socket), new_req)

unix_request = urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.do_request_

class Docker(AgentCheck):
"""Collect metrics and events from Docker API and cgroups"""

def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances)

# Initialize a HTTP opener with Unix socket support
socket_timeout = int(init_config.get('socket_timeout', 0)) or DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
UnixHTTPConnection.socket_timeout = socket_timeout
self.url_opener = urllib2.build_opener(UnixSocketHandler())

# Locate cgroups directories
self._mountpoints = {}
self._cgroup_filename_pattern = None
docker_root = init_config.get('docker_root', '/')
for metric in CGROUP_METRICS:
self._mountpoints[metric["cgroup"]] = self._find_cgroup(metric["cgroup"], docker_root)

self._last_event_collection_ts = defaultdict(lambda: None)

def check(self, instance):
# Report image metrics
if _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', True)):

# Get the list of containers and the index of their names
containers, ids_to_names = self._get_and_count_containers(instance)

# Report container metrics from cgroups
skipped_container_ids = self._report_containers_metrics(containers, instance)

# Send events from Docker API
if _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_events', True)):
self._process_events(instance, ids_to_names, skipped_container_ids)

# Containers

def _count_images(self, instance):
# It's not an important metric, keep going if it fails
tags = instance.get("tags", [])
active_images = len(self._get_images(instance, get_all=False))
all_images = len(self._get_images(instance, get_all=True))

self.gauge("docker.images.available", active_images, tags=tags)
self.gauge("docker.images.intermediate", (all_images - active_images), tags=tags)
except Exception, e:
self.warning("Failed to count Docker images. Exception: {0}".format(e))

def _get_and_count_containers(self, instance):
tags = instance.get("tags", [])
with_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_size', False))

service_check_name = 'docker.service_up'
running_containers = self._get_containers(instance, with_size=with_size)
all_containers = self._get_containers(instance, get_all=True)
except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError), e:
self.service_check(service_check_name, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
message="Unable to list Docker containers: {0}".format(e))
raise Exception("Failed to collect the list of containers. Exception: {0}".format(e))
self.service_check(service_check_name, AgentCheck.OK)

running_containers_ids = set([container['Id'] for container in running_containers])

for container in all_containers:
container_tags = list(tags)
for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
tag = self._make_tag(key, container[key], instance)
if tag:
if container['Id'] in running_containers_ids:
self.set("docker.containers.running", container['Id'], tags=container_tags)
self.set("docker.containers.stopped", container['Id'], tags=container_tags)

# The index of the names is used to generate and format events
ids_to_names = {}
for container in all_containers:
ids_to_names[container['Id']] = self._get_container_name(container)

return running_containers, ids_to_names

def _get_container_name(self, container):
# Use either the first container name or the container ID to name the container in our events
if container.get('Names', []):
return container['Names'][0].lstrip("/")
return container['Id'][:11]

def _prepare_filters(self, instance):
# The reasoning is to check exclude first, so we can skip if there is no exclude
if not instance.get("exclude"):
return False

# Compile regex
instance["exclude_patterns"] = [re.compile(rule) for rule in instance.get("exclude", [])]
instance["include_patterns"] = [re.compile(rule) for rule in instance.get("include", [])]

return True

def _is_container_excluded(self, instance, tags):
if self._tags_match_patterns(tags, instance.get("exclude_patterns")):
if self._tags_match_patterns(tags, instance.get("include_patterns")):
return False
return True
return False

def _tags_match_patterns(self, tags, filters):
for rule in filters:
for tag in tags:
if re.match(rule, tag):
return True
return False

def _report_containers_metrics(self, containers, instance):
skipped_container_ids = []
collect_uncommon_metrics = _is_affirmative(instance.get("collect_all_metrics", False))
tags = instance.get("tags", [])

# Pre-compile regex to include/exclude containers
use_filters = self._prepare_filters(instance)

for container in containers:
container_tags = list(tags)
for name in container["Names"]:
container_tags.append(self._make_tag("name", name.lstrip("/"), instance))
for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
tag = self._make_tag(key, container[key], instance)
if tag:

# Check if the container is included/excluded via its tags
if use_filters and self._is_container_excluded(instance, container_tags):

for key, (dd_key, metric_type) in DOCKER_METRICS.iteritems():
if key in container:
getattr(self, metric_type)(dd_key, int(container[key]), tags=container_tags)
for cgroup in CGROUP_METRICS:
stat_file = self._get_cgroup_file(cgroup["cgroup"], container['Id'], cgroup['file'])
stats = self._parse_cgroup_file(stat_file)
if stats:
for key, (dd_key, metric_type, common_metric) in cgroup['metrics'].iteritems():
if key in stats and (common_metric or collect_uncommon_metrics):
getattr(self, metric_type)(dd_key, int(stats[key]), tags=container_tags)
if use_filters:
self.log.debug("List of excluded containers: {0}".format(skipped_container_ids))

return skipped_container_ids

def _make_tag(self, key, value, instance):
tag_name = key.lower()
if tag_name == "command" and not instance.get("tag_by_command", False):
return None
if instance.get("new_tag_names", False):
tag_name = self._new_tags_conversion(tag_name)

return "%s:%s" % (tag_name, value.strip())

def _new_tags_conversion(self, tag):
# Prefix tags to avoid conflict with AWS tags
return NEW_TAGS_MAP.get(tag, tag)

# Events

def _process_events(self, instance, ids_to_names, skipped_container_ids):
api_events = self._get_events(instance)
aggregated_events = self._pre_aggregate_events(api_events, skipped_container_ids)
events = self._format_events(aggregated_events, ids_to_names)
except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError):
self.warning('Timeout during socket connection. Events will be missing.')

def _pre_aggregate_events(self, api_events, skipped_container_ids):
# Aggregate events, one per image. Put newer events first.
events = defaultdict(list)
for event in api_events:
# Skip events related to filtered containers
if event['id'] in skipped_container_ids:
self.log.debug("Excluded event: container {0} status changed to {1}".format(
event['id'], event['status']))
# Known bug: from may be missing
if 'from' in event:
events[event['from']].insert(0, event)

return events

def _format_events(self, aggregated_events, ids_to_names):
events = []
for image_name, event_group in aggregated_events.iteritems():
max_timestamp = 0
status = defaultdict(int)
status_change = []
for event in event_group:
max_timestamp = max(max_timestamp, int(event['time']))
status[event['status']] += 1
container_name = event['id'][:12]
if event['id'] in ids_to_names:
container_name = "%s %s" % (container_name, ids_to_names[event['id']])
status_change.append([container_name, event['status']])

status_text = ", ".join(["%d %s" % (count, st) for st, count in status.iteritems()])
msg_title = "%s %s on %s" % (image_name, status_text, self.hostname)
msg_body = ("%%%\n"
"{image_name} {status} on {hostname}\n"
["%s \t%s" % (change[1].upper(), change[0]) for change in status_change])
'timestamp': max_timestamp,
'host': self.hostname,
'event_type': EVENT_TYPE,
'msg_title': msg_title,
'msg_text': msg_body,
'source_type_name': EVENT_TYPE,
'event_object': 'docker:%s' % image_name,

return events

def _report_events(self, events):
for ev in events:
self.log.debug("Creating event: %s" % ev['msg_title'])

# Docker API

def _get_containers(self, instance, with_size=False, get_all=False):
"""Gets the list of running/all containers in Docker."""
return self._get_json("%(url)s/containers/json" % instance, params={'size': with_size, 'all': get_all})

def _get_images(self, instance, with_size=True, get_all=False):
"""Gets the list of images in Docker."""
return self._get_json("%(url)s/images/json" % instance, params={'all': get_all})

def _get_events(self, instance):
"""Get the list of events """
now = int(time.time())
result = self._get_json("%s/events" % instance["url"], params={
"until": now,
"since": self._last_event_collection_ts[instance["url"]] or now - 60,
}, multi=True)
self._last_event_collection_ts[instance["url"]] = now
if type(result) == dict:
result = [result]
return result

def _get_json(self, uri, params=None, multi=False):
"""Utility method to get and parse JSON streams."""
if params:
uri = "%s?%s" % (uri, urllib.urlencode(params))
self.log.debug("Connecting to Docker API at: %s" % uri)
req = urllib2.Request(uri, None)

request =
except urllib2.URLError, e:
if "Errno 13" in str(e):
raise Exception("Unable to connect to socket. dd-agent user must be part of the 'docker' group")

response =
if multi and "}{" in response: # docker api sometimes returns juxtaposed json dictionaries
response = "[{0}]".format(response.replace("}{", "},{"))

if not response:
return []

return json.loads(response)

# Cgroups

def _find_cgroup_filename_pattern(self):
if self._mountpoints:
# We try with different cgroups so that it works even if only one is properly working
for mountpoint in self._mountpoints.values():
stat_file_path_lxc = os.path.join(mountpoint, "lxc")
stat_file_path_docker = os.path.join(mountpoint, "docker")
stat_file_path_coreos = os.path.join(mountpoint, "system.slice")

if os.path.exists(stat_file_path_lxc):
return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/lxc/%(id)s/%(file)s')
elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_docker):
return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/docker/%(id)s/%(file)s')
elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_coreos):
return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/system.slice/docker-%(id)s.scope/%(file)s')

raise Exception("Cannot find Docker cgroup directory. Be sure your system is supported.")

def _get_cgroup_file(self, cgroup, container_id, filename):
# This can't be initialized at startup because cgroups may not be mounted yet
if not self._cgroup_filename_pattern:
self._cgroup_filename_pattern = self._find_cgroup_filename_pattern()

return self._cgroup_filename_pattern % (dict(

def _find_cgroup(self, hierarchy, docker_root):
"""Finds the mount point for a specified cgroup hierarchy. Works with
old style and new style mounts."""
fp = None
fp = open(os.path.join(docker_root, "/proc/mounts"))
mounts = map(lambda x: x.split(),
if fp is not None:
cgroup_mounts = filter(lambda x: x[2] == "cgroup", mounts)
if len(cgroup_mounts) == 0:
raise Exception("Can't find mounted cgroups. If you run the Agent inside a container,"
" please refer to the documentation.")
# Old cgroup style
if len(cgroup_mounts) == 1:
return os.path.join(docker_root, cgroup_mounts[0][1])
for _, mountpoint, _, opts, _, _ in cgroup_mounts:
if hierarchy in opts:
return os.path.join(docker_root, mountpoint)

def _parse_cgroup_file(self, stat_file):
"""Parses a cgroup pseudo file for key/values."""
fp = None
self.log.debug("Opening cgroup file: %s" % stat_file)
fp = open(stat_file)
return dict(map(lambda x: x.split(),
except IOError:
# It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now"Can't open %s. Metrics for this container are skipped." % stat_file)
if fp is not None:

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