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Deprecated instructions to install python dependencies for the Datadog Agent

Rudy Bunel edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

Prior to Agent 5.0.0, some Python dependencies needed by some checks were not bundled with the Datadog Agent.

If you are using using the Datadog Agent version < 5.0.0 and want to install the dependencies, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Install the python MySQL module on your Cacti server
    On Debian & Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import MySQLdb" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing MySQLdb python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"

      On RedHat &amp; CentOS
    <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install -y MySQL-python</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import MySQLdb" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing MySQLdb python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"

  2. <li>Install the python RRDtool module on your Cacti server
      <br/>On Debian &amp; Ubuntu
        <pre class="linux"><code>sudo apt-get install python-rrdtool</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import rrdtool" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing rrdtool python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"

      On RedHat &amp; CentOS
    <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install rrdtool-python</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import MySQLdb" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing MySQLdb python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"


  1. Install the psutil Python library


  1. Install the Python Snakebite module on your server running the Agent.
    If you're using a package installation, be sure that you have python-setuptools, then run:
    sudo easy_install snakebite
    On a source install
    cd ~/.datadog-agent
    . venv/bin/activate
    pip install snakebite
    For more details about installing the Python module, refer to the Snakebite documentation.


  1. Install the required Kafka and Zookeeper libraries on your server.
  2. <ol>
        <li>Install pip if you don't have it already.
            <br /><em>On Debian &amp; Ubuntu</em>
            <pre class="linux"><code>sudo apt-get install python-pip</code></pre>
            <pre class="verification"><code>which pip >/dev/null && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;32mpip install - OK\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing pip binary - Failure\033[0m"

            <em>On CentOS &amp; RedHat</em>
            <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install python-pip</code></pre>
            <pre class="verification"><code>which pip >/dev/null && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;32mpip install - OK\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing pip binary - Failure\033[0m"

  3. Install the Kazoo Zookeeper library.
    sudo pip install kazoo
    python -c "import kazoo" |& grep ImportError && \
    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing kazoo python module - Failure\033[0m" || \
    echo -e "\033[0;32mkazoo python module - OK\033[0m"
        <li>Install Kafka Python library, pinned to a specific version.
            <pre class="linux"><code>sudo pip install git+</code></pre>
            <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import kafka" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing kafka python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mkafka python module - OK\033[0m"


  1. Install the python-memcache module on your Memcached server
    On Debian & Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python-memcache
    python -c "import memcache" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && \
    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing memcache python module - Failure\033[0m" || \
    echo -e "\033[0;32mpython memcache module - OK\033[0m"
    <br/>On Centos &amp; RedHat
    <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install python-memcached</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import memcache" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing memcached python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython memcache module - OK\033[0m"


  1. Install the Python MongoDB module on your MongoDB server
    sudo easy_install -U pymongo
    python -c "import pymongo" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && \
    echo -e "\033[0;31mpymongo python module - Missing\033[0m" || \
    echo -e "\033[0;32mpymongo python module - OK\033[0m"
    For more details about installing the Python module, refer to the pymongo documentation.


  1. Install the python-mysqldb module on your MySQL server
    On Debian & Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import MySQLdb" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing MySQLdb python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"

      On RedHat &amp; CentOS
    <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install MySQL-python</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import MySQLdb" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing MySQLdb python module\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"


  1. Find the Nagios log on your server. (Usually /var/log/nagios3/nagios.log)
    sudo find /etc -type f -name nagios.cfg -exec grep log_file {} \;
  2. Configure the Datadog Agent to access Nagios
    Edit /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf and add:
    nagios_log: /var/log/nagios3/nagios.log


  1. Install the python-psycopg2 module on your PostgreSQL server
    On Debian & Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
    python -c "import psycopg2" |& grep ImportError && \
    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing postgres python module - Failure\033[0m" || \
    echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"
    <br/>On Centos &amp; RedHat
    <pre class="linux"><code>sudo yum install python-psycopg2</code></pre>
    <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import psycopg2" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing postgres python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpython module - OK\033[0m"


  1. Install the python-redis module on your Redis server
    On Debian & Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python-redis
      <pre class="verification"><code>python -c "import redis" |& grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing redis python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mredis python module - OK\033[0m"

      On RedHat/CentOS 5
    <pre class="linux"><code>wget

    sudo yum localinstall epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm wget sudo yum localinstall python-redis-2.0.0-2.el5.noarch.rpm

    <pre class="verification"><code>python2.6 -c "import redis" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing redis python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mredis python module - OK\033[0m"

      On RedHat/CentOS 6
    <pre class="linux"><code>wget

    sudo yum localinstall python-redis-2.0.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm

    <pre class="verification"><code>python2.6 -c "import redis" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && &#92;

    echo -e "\033[0;31mMissing redis python module - Failure\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mredis python module - OK\033[0m"

    Note: There is a known issue with python-redis 2.0.0 that causes it to fail on running redis-cli info on a slave. If you are going to be capturing metrics from a redis slave, it's recommended that you use easy_install to get the latest version:

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