These are the pages and the toolchain used to generate the Great Cow BASIC Help system.
The source files, in ADOC format, are here:
For the online operation Help, see here:
For the daily build, see here:
This is a simple cheat sheet for editors of the Great Cow BASIC Help source files.
This cheatsheet contains small part of Asciidoc markup which works and looks fine on GitHub. There is also full cheatsheet, but for now its main use is to show bugs, design issues, GitHub limitations and other differences from how Asciidoc cheatsheet should really looks like.
The format is pre-determined. Meaning the layout and the style sheets are already mandated, please refer to existing Help pages as a reference. These notes are to enable the casual editor insights into some of the tricks when editing Asciidoc’s.
To add an example hard space, use the following:
This is an example of how to show user code. Four dashes, then code indented by two tabs, terminated by four dashes.
---- GLCDCLS ----
This is how to added a hard space. Always add a hard speace at the end of each sentence in a paragraph.
To add a table, using the following:
[cols="3,4,4", options="header,autowidth"] |=== |Constant |Purpose |Default |`GLCD_WIDTH` |The width parameter of the GLCD |Set automatically |`GLCD_HEIGHT` |The height parameter of the GLCD |Set automatically |`GLCDFontWidth` |Specifies the font width of the Great Cow BASIC font set. |6 |===
Will dispay as:
Constant | Purpose | Default |
The width parameter of the GLCD |
Set automatically |
The height parameter of the GLCD |
Set automatically |
Specifies the font width of the Great Cow BASIC font set. |
6 |
To add an empty line, use the following:
{empty} +