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Improve the raycasting performance against HeightFielfShape with a be…
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DanielChappuis committed Dec 27, 2020
1 parent 5443f0b commit d0fa4c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 244 additions and 14 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions include/reactphysics3d/collision/shapes/AABB.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ class AABB {
/// Return true if the ray intersects the AABB
bool testRayIntersect(const Vector3& rayOrigin, const Vector3& rayDirectionInv, decimal rayMaxFraction) const;

/// Compute the intersection of a ray and the AABB
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, Vector3& hitPoint) const;

/// Apply a scale factor to the AABB
void applyScale(const Vector3& scale);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +314,53 @@ RP3D_FORCE_INLINE bool AABB::testRayIntersect(const Vector3& rayOrigin, const Ve
return tMax >= std::max(tMin, decimal(0.0));

// Compute the intersection of a ray and the AABB
RP3D_FORCE_INLINE bool AABB::raycast(const Ray& ray, Vector3& hitPoint) const {

decimal tMin = decimal(0.0);
decimal tMax = DECIMAL_LARGEST;

const decimal epsilon = 0.00001;

const Vector3 rayDirection = ray.point2 - ray.point1;

// For all three slabs
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {

// If the ray is parallel to the slab
if (std::abs(rayDirection[i]) < epsilon) {

// If origin of the ray is not inside the slab, no hit
if (ray.point1[i] < mMinCoordinates[i] || ray.point1[i] > mMaxCoordinates[i]) return false;
else {

decimal rayDirectionInverse = decimal(1.0) / rayDirection[i];
decimal t1 = (mMinCoordinates[i] - ray.point1[i]) * rayDirectionInverse;
decimal t2 = (mMaxCoordinates[i] - ray.point1[i]) * rayDirectionInverse;

if (t1 > t2) {

// Swap t1 and t2
decimal tTemp = t2;
t2 = t1;
t1 = tTemp;

tMin = std::max(tMin, t1);
tMax = std::min(tMax, t2);

// Exit with no collision
if (tMin > tMax) return false;

// Compute the hit point
hitPoint = ray.point1 + tMin * rayDirection;

return true;


7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions include/reactphysics3d/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ class HeightFieldShape : public ConcaveShape {
HalfEdgeStructure& triangleHalfEdgeStructure, int upAxis = 1, decimal integerHeightScale = 1.0f,
const Vector3& scaling = Vector3(1,1,1));

/// Raycast a single triangle of the height-field
bool raycastTriangle(const Ray& ray, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const Vector3& p3, uint shapeId,
Collider *collider, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal &smallestHitFraction, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const;

/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;

Expand All @@ -125,6 +129,9 @@ class HeightFieldShape : public ConcaveShape {
/// Compute the shape Id for a given triangle
uint computeTriangleShapeId(uint iIndex, uint jIndex, uint secondTriangleIncrement) const;

/// Compute the first grid cell of the heightfield intersected by a ray
bool computeEnteringRayGridCoordinates(const Ray& ray, int& i, int& j, Vector3& outHitPoint) const;

/// Destructor
virtual ~HeightFieldShape() override = default;

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201 changes: 187 additions & 14 deletions src/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <reactphysics3d/collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.h>
#include <reactphysics3d/collision/RaycastInfo.h>
#include <reactphysics3d/utils/Profiler.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace reactphysics3d;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,24 +233,98 @@ bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collide

RP3D_PROFILE("HeightFieldShape::raycast()", mProfiler);

// Compute the AABB for the ray
const Vector3 rayEnd = ray.point1 + ray.maxFraction * (ray.point2 - ray.point1);
const AABB rayAABB(Vector3::min(ray.point1, rayEnd), Vector3::max(ray.point1, rayEnd));

// Compute the triangles overlapping with the ray AABB
Array<Vector3> triangleVertices(allocator, 64);
Array<Vector3> triangleVerticesNormals(allocator, 64);
Array<uint> shapeIds(allocator, 64);
computeOverlappingTriangles(rayAABB, triangleVertices, triangleVerticesNormals, shapeIds, allocator);

assert(triangleVertices.size() == triangleVerticesNormals.size());
assert(shapeIds.size() == triangleVertices.size() / 3);
assert(triangleVertices.size() % 3 == 0);
assert(triangleVerticesNormals.size() % 3 == 0);
// Apply the concave mesh inverse scale factor because the mesh is stored without scaling
// inside the dynamic AABB tree
const Vector3 inverseScale(decimal(1.0) / mScale.x, decimal(1.0) / mScale.y, decimal(1.0) / mScale.z);
Ray scaledRay(ray.point1 * inverseScale, ray.point2 * inverseScale, ray.maxFraction);

// Compute the grid coordinates where the ray is entering the AABB of the height field
int i, j;
Vector3 outHitGridPoint;
bool isIntersecting = computeEnteringRayGridCoordinates(scaledRay, i, j, outHitGridPoint);

const int nbCellsI = mNbColumns - 1;
const int nbCellsJ = mNbRows - 1;

const Vector3 aabbSize = mAABB.getExtent();

const Vector3 rayDirection = scaledRay.point2 - scaledRay.point1;

int stepI, stepJ;
decimal tMaxI, tMaxJ, nextI, nextJ, tDeltaI, tDeltaJ, sizeI, sizeJ;

switch(mUpAxis) {
case 0 : stepI = rayDirection.y > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.y < 0 ? -1 : 0);
stepJ = rayDirection.z > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.z < 0 ? -1 : 0);
nextI = stepI >= 0 ? i + 1 : i;
nextJ = stepJ >= 0 ? j + 1 : j;
sizeI = aabbSize.y / nbCellsI;
sizeJ = aabbSize.z / nbCellsJ;
tMaxI = ((nextI * sizeI) - outHitGridPoint.y) / rayDirection.y;
tMaxJ = ((nextJ * sizeJ) - outHitGridPoint.z) / rayDirection.z;
tDeltaI = sizeI / std::abs(rayDirection.y);
tDeltaJ = sizeJ / std::abs(rayDirection.z);
case 1 : stepI = rayDirection.x > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.x < 0 ? -1 : 0);
stepJ = rayDirection.z > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.z < 0 ? -1 : 0);
nextI = stepI >= 0 ? i + 1 : i;
nextJ = stepJ >= 0 ? j + 1 : j;
sizeI = aabbSize.x / nbCellsI;
sizeJ = aabbSize.z / nbCellsJ;
tMaxI = ((nextI * sizeI) - outHitGridPoint.x) / rayDirection.x;
tMaxJ = ((nextJ * sizeJ) - outHitGridPoint.z) / rayDirection.z;
tDeltaI = sizeI / std::abs(rayDirection.x);
tDeltaJ = sizeJ / std::abs(rayDirection.z);
case 2 : stepI = rayDirection.x > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.x < 0 ? -1 : 0);
stepJ = rayDirection.y > 0 ? 1 : (rayDirection.y < 0 ? -1 : 0);
nextI = stepI >= 0 ? i + 1 : i;
nextJ = stepJ >= 0 ? j + 1 : j;
sizeI = aabbSize.x / nbCellsI;
sizeJ = aabbSize.y / nbCellsJ;
tMaxI = ((nextI * sizeI) - outHitGridPoint.x) / rayDirection.x;
tMaxJ = ((nextJ * sizeJ) - outHitGridPoint.y) / rayDirection.y;
tDeltaI = sizeI / std::abs(rayDirection.x);
tDeltaJ = sizeJ / std::abs(rayDirection.y);

bool isHit = false;
decimal smallestHitFraction = ray.maxFraction;

while (i >= 0 && i < nbCellsI && j >= 0 && j < nbCellsJ) {

// TODO : Remove this
//std::cout << "Cell " << i << ", " << j << std::endl;

// Compute the four point of the current quad
const Vector3 p1 = getVertexAt(i, j);
const Vector3 p2 = getVertexAt(i, j + 1);
const Vector3 p3 = getVertexAt(i + 1, j);
const Vector3 p4 = getVertexAt(i + 1, j + 1);

// Raycast against the first triangle of the cell
uint shapeId = computeTriangleShapeId(i, j, 0);
isHit |= raycastTriangle(ray, p1, p2, p3, shapeId, collider, raycastInfo, smallestHitFraction, allocator);

// Raycast against the second triangle of the cell
shapeId = computeTriangleShapeId(i, j, 1);
isHit |= raycastTriangle(ray, p3, p2, p4, shapeId, collider, raycastInfo, smallestHitFraction, allocator);

if (stepI == 0 && stepJ == 0) break;

if (tMaxI < tMaxJ) {
tMaxI += tDeltaI;
i += stepI;
else {
tMaxJ += tDeltaJ;
j += stepJ;

// For each overlapping triangle
const uint32 nbShapeIds = shapeIds.size();
for (uint32 i=0; i < nbShapeIds; i++)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,10 +362,108 @@ bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collide
isHit = true;

return isHit;

// Raycast a single triangle of the height-field
bool HeightFieldShape::raycastTriangle(const Ray& ray, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const Vector3& p3, uint shapeId,
Collider* collider, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal& smallestHitFraction, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {

// Generate the first triangle for the current grid rectangle
Vector3 triangleVertices[3] = {p1, p2, p3};

// Compute the triangle normal
Vector3 triangleNormal = (p2 - p1).cross(p3 - p1).getUnit();

// Use the triangle face normal as vertices normals (this is an aproximation. The correct
// solution would be to compute all the normals of the neighbor triangles and use their
// weighted average (with incident angle as weight) at the vertices. However, this solution
// seems too expensive (it requires to compute the normal of all neighbor triangles instead
// and compute the angle of incident edges with asin(). Maybe we could also precompute the
// vertices normal at the HeightFieldShape constructor but it will require extra memory to
// store them.
Vector3 triangleVerticesNormals[3] = {triangleNormal, triangleNormal, triangleNormal};

// Create a triangle collision shape
TriangleShape triangleShape(triangleVertices, triangleVerticesNormals, shapeId, mTriangleHalfEdgeStructure, allocator);


// Set the profiler to the triangle shape


// Ray casting test against the collision shape
RaycastInfo triangleRaycastInfo;
bool isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(ray, triangleRaycastInfo, collider, allocator);

// If the ray hit the collision shape
if (isTriangleHit && triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction <= smallestHitFraction) {

assert(triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction >= decimal(0.0));

raycastInfo.body = triangleRaycastInfo.body;
raycastInfo.collider = triangleRaycastInfo.collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = triangleRaycastInfo.worldPoint;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = triangleRaycastInfo.worldNormal;
raycastInfo.meshSubpart = -1;
raycastInfo.triangleIndex = -1;

smallestHitFraction = triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction;

return true;

return false;

// Compute the first grid cell of the heightfield intersected by a ray.
/// This method returns true if the ray hit the AABB of the height field and false otherwise
bool HeightFieldShape::computeEnteringRayGridCoordinates(const Ray& ray, int& i, int& j, Vector3& outHitGridPoint) const {

decimal stepI, stepJ;
const Vector3 aabbSize = mAABB.getExtent();

const uint32 nbCellsI = mNbColumns - 1;
const uint32 nbCellsJ = mNbRows - 1;

if (mAABB.raycast(ray, outHitGridPoint)) {

// Map the hit point into the grid range [0, mNbColumns - 1], [0, mNbRows - 1]
outHitGridPoint -= mAABB.getMin();

switch(mUpAxis) {
case 0 : stepI = aabbSize.y / nbCellsI;
stepJ = aabbSize.z / nbCellsJ;
i = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.y / stepI), 0, nbCellsI - 1);
j = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.z / stepJ), 0, nbCellsJ - 1);
case 1 : stepI = aabbSize.x / nbCellsI;
stepJ = aabbSize.z / nbCellsJ;
i = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.x / stepI), 0, nbCellsI - 1);
j = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.z / stepJ), 0, nbCellsJ - 1);
case 2 : stepI = aabbSize.x / nbCellsI;
stepJ = aabbSize.y / nbCellsJ;
i = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.x / stepI), 0, nbCellsI - 1);
j = clamp(int(outHitGridPoint.y / stepJ), 0, nbCellsJ - 1);

assert(i >= 0 && i < nbCellsI);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nbCellsJ);
return true;

return false;

// Return the vertex (local-coordinates) of the height field at a given (x,y) position
Vector3 HeightFieldShape::getVertexAt(int x, int y) const {

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