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Advanced Resource Template is a module for Omeka S that adds new settings to the resource templates in order to simplify and to improve the edition of resources. If you do not see images, go to the original repository:
Specify templates to be used for each resource (items, media, item sets) and value annotations:
Specify a template for a value annotation globally:
Specify a template for a value annotation by property:
Require a resource class from a limited list of resource classes:
Limit template to a closed list of properties:
Input control via a pattern:
Force a literal value to follow a regex pattern, for example for identifiers.
Minimum/maximum length of a literal value
Minimum/maximum number of values:
It allows to force to have only one value when needed, for example a main category or a publication date, or to limit the values to a specific number.
Default value:
This option simplifies creation of resources manually.
Automatic value (on save):
This option allows to add a value to the resource. By construction, this value cannot be removed. The value can be a raw one or created with placeholders and other values. See below.
Locked values:
This option is useful for identifiers. Note that an automatic value is always a locked value, so this option is designed for other values. A locked value can still be updated by the api.
Explode a value with a separator:
This option allows to let the user filling multiple values in one field, then the values are exploded on save. For example, the property "dcterms:subject" can use the ";" as separator, so when the user fills "alpha; beta", it will be exploded into two values "alpha" and "beta".
Filter linked resources with a query:
For properties filled with an internal resource, the right sidebar searches in all resources by default. The option allows to limit them with a query to find them quickly. The query is the arguments of an standard advanced search request.
Auto-completion with existing values:
Other parameters:
An option is added to add new parameters to the property. It does nothing by default, but can be used to pass informations about template properties to complex themes. There is no format for the parameters for now, since they should be managed by the theme or a specific module. It is recommended to use keys values pairs separated by "=" or json.
Multiple fields with the same property:
This option allows to have multiple times the same property with different settings. For example, you may want to have a free subject and a subject from two thesaurus. They can be set as different data types of the same property, but as multple template properties too, so each one has its own label and settings (size, number, etc.), as for spatial cover ("couverture spatiale") in the example below.
Warning: for compatibility with core and modules and because they are variants of the same property, the template properties are kept gathered according to the original term in the resource template. So, in the example below, it is not possible to include another template property between the two spatial covers.
Group properties under a label:
When values and properties are numerous, the module allows to group them under a label. For example, you can group the Dublin Core properties like that:
# Descriptive metadata
# Indexing metadata
# Intellectual property metadata
# Instantiation metadata
Here, the record is divided under four group labels.
When some properties have multiple fields, you can group them more precisely
appending the property label after a /
, for example : dcterms:subject/Sujets Rameau
and dcterms:subject/Sujets libres
Display of links on values of properties
In the record, the value of the properties can be displayed as a search link, that is useful in particular to bounce on the subjects. The links to the linked resource or to the external uri can be added too. The properties can be selected via a whitelist and a blacklist.
Language selection and default by template and by property, or no language:
Order of linked resources (subject values)
Warning: The fix Omeka/Omeka-S#2054 is required for Omeka S v4.0.
By default, linked resources are ordered by title. This option allows to order them with another property or multiple other properties. For example, the interventions of a manifestation published in a journal can be ordered by
. So, if each intervention references the manifestation viadcterms:isPartOf
, the parameter of the template Manifestation can be:
# dcterms:isPartOf
bibo:volume asc
bibo:issue asc
The default order can be set with #
without property, but the use cases
are probably very rare.
Minimum number of media
It is possible to require a minimum number of media for an item. The option can be set by media template (use 0 for other templates). Here, a media with a template named "File" and another media are required:
File = 1
0 = 1
Module Custom Vocab: Open authority list to allow user to add a new term when none can be used for a value.
Module Value Suggest: keep original label
Module Value Suggest: require uri
Creation of a new linked resource during edition of a resource:
This is useful to create a new author of a resource when authors are managed as resources. An option allows to allow it or to forbid it for each property. After creation, the new resource is automatically linked to the resource being edited.
Selection of default data types:
Autofill multiple fields with external data (IdRef, and Geonames and generic json or xml services):
See below.
Import and export of templates as spreadsheet (csv/tsv):
Dynamic Item Sets: Automatic attachment of items to item sets
The feature allowing to create dynamic item sets was moved to a new module Dynamic Item Sets since version 3.4.37.
When a query is set in the tab Advanced of the item set form, all existing and new items will be automatically attached to this item set, according to the request.
Attention : items that are manually attached to the item set will be automatically detached if they are not in the results of the request.
Resource block with selected properties
This block allows to manage a short record in the page resource/show, for example when a theme displays a tab with "Record" and "Advanced metadata".
The option is set in site settings. Each line is the term and the optional alternatif label, separated with a "=". To group properties, a class and an optional label may be added with "# div-class = Title". Example:
# values-type
# values-creator
# values-date
# values-subject
# values-rights = Terms of use
See general end user documentation for installing a module.
This module requires the module Common, that should be installed first.
The module uses an external library, so use the release zip to install it, or use and init the source.
- From the zip
Download the last release from the list of releases
(the master does not contain the dependency), and uncompress it in the modules
- From the source and for development
If the module was installed from the source, rename the name of the folder of
the module to AdvancedResourceTemplate
, go to the root module, and run:
composer install --no-dev
Simply update your resource templates with the new options and use them in the resource forms.
Here are some details for some features.
By default, simply set the string to use a default value. For a resource, this is the resource id and for uri this is the uri.
For a uri with a label, just separate the uri and the label with a space: Label of the value
For other data types that may be more complex, the default value can be set as a json with all hidden sub-data that are in the Omeka resource form.
For a uri with a label and a language (for value suggest):
"@id": "",
"o:label": "Label of the value",
"@value": "Value of the value (let empty)",
"@language": "eng"
For a linked resource, that is useful only for a better display:
"display_title": "Title of my object",
"value_resource_id": "1",
"value_resource_name": "items",
"url": "/admin/item/1",
This option can be set at template level or template property level. The aim is the same, but when created, the property level display the input in the form.
The value specified in the field will be appended to the resource.
The value may be a simple string or a json representation of a value (like in the api). The type of the value should be one specified in the data types of the template property. A check is done for validity, for example the id should exists when the data type is a resource.
Some basic placeholders can be used with json dot notation and basic twig-like commands. The format is the same than the auto-filling (see below). A future release will integrate the improvements made for the module Bulk Import.
Unlike property level, multiple values can be set, one by line.
For templates, the property should be specified too, and eventually other data (language, visibility).
For example, to define the template and an automatic identifier for a media when saving an item:
~ = o:resource_template = 1
~ = dcterms:identifier ^^literal {o:item.dcterms:creator.0..@value}_{o:item.o:template.o:label}_{{ index() }}
For the autofilling, you have to set the mappings inside the main settings, then to select it inside the resource template.
The mapping is a simple text specifying the services and the mappings. it uses a similar format than the modules Bulk Export, Bulk Import, and Bulk Import Files. It will be improved with the Bulk Import format in a future release.
For example, if the service returns an xml Marc like for Colbert, the mapping can be a list of XPath and properties with some arguments (here with the specialized ontology bio to manage biographic metadata):
[idref:person] = IdRef Person
/record/controlfield[@tag="003"] = bibo:uri ^^uri
/record/datafield[@tag="900"]/subfield[@code="a"] = dcterms:title
/record/datafield[@tag="200"]/subfield[@code="a"] = foaf:familyName
/record/datafield[@tag="200"]/subfield[@code="b"] = foaf:firstName
/record/datafield[@tag="200"]/subfield[@code="f"] = dcterms:date
/record/datafield[@tag="103"]/subfield[@code="a"] = bio:birth ^^numeric:timestamp ~ {{ value|dateIso }}
/record/datafield[@tag="103"]/subfield[@code="b"] = bio:death ^^numeric:timestamp ~ {{ value|dateIso }}
/record/datafield[@tag="340"]/subfield[@code="a"] = bio:olb @fra
/record/datafield[@tag="200"]/subfield[@code="c"] = bio:position @fra
The first line contains the key and the label of the mapping, that will be listed in the resource template form. Multiple mapping can be appended for different services.
You can use the same autofiller with multiple mappings for different purposes:
append a number to the key ([idref:person #2]
). If the mapping isn’t available,
it will be skipped. Don’t change it once defined, else you will have to check
all resource templates that use it.
For a json service, use the object notation:
toponymName = dcterms:title
geonameId = dcterms:identifier ^^uri ~{__value__}/
adminCodes1.ISO3166_2 = dcterms:identifier ~ ISO 3166-2: {__value__}
countryName = dcterms:isPartOf
~ = dcterms:spatial ~ Coordonnées : {lat}/{lng}
Note that geonames requires a user name (that should be the one of your institution, but it can be "demo", "google", or "johnsmith"). Test it on The module Value Suggest uses "kdlinfo" now, so it is used if no other user name is defined.
If the key contains a .
or a \
, it should be escaped with a \
: \.
and \\
More largely, you can append any arguments to the query sent to the remote
service: simply append them url encoded on a line beginning with ?
It’s also possible to format the values: simply append ~
to indicate the
pattern to use and {__value__}
to set the value from the source. For a complex
pattern, you can use any source path between {
and }
For more complex pattern, you can use some Twig filters with the current
value. For example, to convert a date 17890804
into a standard ISO 8601
numeric date time 1789-08-04
, you can use:
/record/datafield[@tag="103"]/subfield[@code="b"] = dcterms:valid ^^numeric:timestamp ~ {{ value|trim|slice(1,4) }}-{{ value|trim|slice(5,2) }}-{{ value|trim|slice(7,2) }}
The Twig filter starts with two {
and a space and finishes with a space and
two }
. it works only with the current value
If you want to include a service that is not supported currently, you can choose
the autofiller generic:json
or generic:xml
. Two required and two optional
params should be added on four separate lines:
- the full url of the service,
Note that the protocol may need to be
, nothttps
on some servers (the server where Omeka is installed), because the request is done by Omeka itself, not by the browser. So, to use the recommendedhttps
, you may have to [config the keys]sslcapath
in the Omeka fileconfig/local.config.php
. - the query with the placeholder
, starting with a?
, - the path to the list of results, when it is not root, in order to loop them,
indicated with
, - the path to the value to use as a label for each result, indicated with
. If missing, the first field will be used.
For exemple, you can query another Omeka S service (try with "archives"), or the services above:
[generic:json #Mall History] Omeka S demo Mall History
o:title = {__label__}
dcterms:title.0.@value = dcterms:title
dcterms:date.0.@value = dcterms:date
o:id = dcterms:identifier ^^uri ~{__value__}
[generic:json #geonames] = Geonames generic
geonames = {list}
toponymName = dcterms:title
geonameId = dcterms:identifier ^^uri ~{__value__}/
adminCodes1.ISO3166_2 = dcterms:identifier ~ ISO 3166-2: {__value__}
countryName = dcterms:isPartOf
~ = dcterms:spatial ~ Coordinates: {lat}/{lng}
[generic:xml #IdRef Person] = IdRef Person
/doc/str[@name="affcourt_z"] = {__label__}
/response/result/doc = {list}
/doc/arr[@name="affcourt_r"]/str = dcterms:title
/doc/arr[@name="nom_t"] = foaf:lastName
/doc/arr[@name="prenom_t"] = foaf:firstName
/doc/date[@name="datenaissance_dt"] = dcterms:date ^^numeric:timestamp
/doc/str[@name="ppn_z"] = bibo:uri ^^uri ~{__value__}
- Integrate template for value annotations.
- Replace the mapper with AutomapFields or MetaMapper from module Bulk Import.
- Replace
by{{ value }}
and{{ label }}
(ready in module Bulk Import). - Include all suggesters from module Value Suggest.
- Limit autocompletion to selected resources.
- Fill autocompletion with resource, not value.
- Take care of language with max values.
- Use twig for more complex format.
- Create a generic mapper.
- Improve performance of the autofiller.
- Export/import all templates together as spreadsheet.
- Validate imported templates with the standard form?
- Validate items with data (unique value, strict template, etc.).
- Finalize the review-import form with duplicated properties and custom vocabs.
- Update from file.
- Use the event and remove the specific template for resource-values.
- Fix copy alternative labels when importing a template (for now should re-save template).
- Select default custom vocabs when importing a template from the same server.
- Group properties in resource form.
- Allow to group properties differently between sites?
- Create a form element for the autofiller or simple mapping.
- Move the autofiller into a new module?
- Simplify all structures and processes for the feature "multiple times the same property with different data types and options" via only some js in form?
Use it at your own risk.
It’s always recommended to backup your files and your databases and to check your archives regularly so you can roll back if needed.
See online issues on the module issues page on GitLab.
This module is published under the CeCILL v2.1 license, compatible with GNU/GPL and approved by FSF and OSI.
In consideration of access to the source code and the rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software’s author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors only have limited liability.
In this respect, the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user are brought to the user’s attention, given its Free Software status, which may make it complicated to use, with the result that its use is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the suitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions of security. This Agreement may be freely reproduced and published, provided it is not altered, and that no provisions are either added or removed herefrom.
- The library jQuery-Autocomplete is published under the license MIT.
- Copyright Daniel Berthereau, 2020-2025 (see Daniel-KM on GitLab)
- Library jQuery-Autocomplete: Copyright 2012 DevBridge and other contributors
These features were built for the future digital library Manioc of the Université des Antilles and Université de la Guyane, currently managed with Greenstone. Some other ones were built for the future digital library Le Menestrel and for the institutional repository of student works Dante of the Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès.