##SMEM This repository has the source code for the paper "An Improved LSTM-based Network: Learning Explicit Shape and Motion Evolution Maps for Skeleton-based Human Action Revognition"
- Theano
- Keras
- Scipy
- matplotlib
- Numpy
##Source Code Description
We implement our network based on Keras. Keras supports custom operation, so several novel layers proposed in our paper can be easily implemented. Also, the LSTM-based architecture of our method can be easily implemented with Keras Functional API. Some files are described as follows.
provides the code for overall fusion model (SMEM)data_shape.py
provides the code for shape evolution maps (SEM)data_motion.py
provides the code for motion evolution maps (MEM)main.py
provides the code for main exe file
others: kutilities : provides the code for weighted aggregate layer (WAL), needing compile the setup.py to setup mul: provides the fusion model (SMEM) mul_WAL: provides the fusion model with WAL (SMEM + WAL)
about how to obtain the SEM and MEM, you can easily implement it.