The TrackER app is a web application that enables customer account creation, asset management, utility data connection, and energy awareness. The web app also features a community build that enables end users to create custom data aggregation views to compare themselves against others in their community.
These instructions will get you a copy of the TrackER application up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. The TrackER contains the front end React application (tracker) for and the backend NodeJS application (server), which contains routes for various resources.
You need Git, GitHub Desktop and NodeJS installed on your machine, the following versions are recommended:
- NodeJS: v14.17.6
You can verifiy your intallastions with the following commands:
$ git --version
$ node -v
and from Finder
Via GitHub Desktop clone the TrackER repository to a directory of your choosing
Request to [email protected] the .env file and save it into the tracker and server directory to initialize all the environment variables of the app.
🤓 Tip
If moving the .env file from the Donwloads directory to the server directory you think that it disappeared...
use Cmd+Shift+.
to show the hidden files. The .env files are one of those.
Inside server install the dependecies for the app with the command:
$ cd server
$ npm install
Move to tracker and also here install the dependecies for the app with the same command:
$ cd tracker
$ npm install
Start the backend server:
$ cd server
$ npm run dev
Start the frontend server via a new shell:
$ cd tracker
$ npm start
The frontend server will detect that another app (server) is running on the standard port 3000 and will ask if you want to start on a different port. Select Yes (Y)
🎉 Enjoy the TrackER app on your machine!