To create a new blog post you will need to be in the root of the repo and have python 3. installed
note: I use 'py' to run 'python' as it handles the different versions on the computer better.
> py -m pip install pillow
>py .\create_new_blog_post.py -t 'this is a test blog'
you can use the -h flag to see all options
>py .\create_new_blog_post.py -h
Once the blog post has been created, just add your pictures to the "assets/images/imagesToProcess" folder, they should be processed and added to your blog automatically.
The blog post lives in the /_posts folder, if you are using visual studio code click the 'open preview button' at the top of the tabs and your will see a rough preview or the post
when done ctrl + c to stop the process
Here we use the -p or --pics flag.
>py .\create_new_blog_post.py -p