Monorepo containing UIs for flightctl
npm ci
npm run build
First, copy the flightctl-server certs to proxy the API requests
mkdir certs
cat ~/.flightctl/client.yaml | yq '.service.certificate-authority-data' | base64 -d > certs/ca.crt
Choose one of the two options to run the UI application
- With auth disabled:
npm run dev:kind
- With auth enabled:
npm run dev:kind:auth
- If backend is not running in your Kind cluster, you need to specify the API endpoint
FLIGHTCTL_SERVER=<api_server_url> npm run dev
Login to OCP cluster and run:
npm run dev:ocp
- Go to the flightctl Realm clients view like: http://localhost:8080/admin/master/console/#/flightctl/clients
- select the ClientID "flightctl"
- Set the Web origins URLs and redirect URIs for your UI instance
- Create the ".env" file with your values like this:
# flightctl-ui/.env