This project is code of the paper "Detecting Adversarial Examples by Positive and Negative Representations". Some codes are from EvadeML, LID, BU and cleverhans.
The code was developed on Python 3.6
Our experiment runs on GPU,, install this list:
pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt
Download dataset and extract it to the root of the program, which contains the MNIST, FMNIST, and SVHN dataset.
Download pre-trained models and extract it to the root of the program.
usage: python [--dataset DATASET_NAME] [--attack_type ATTACK_NAME]
[--detection_type DETECTION_NAME] [--is_train [IS_TRAIN]] [--use_cache [USE_CACHE]]
[--nb_epochs EPOCHS_NUMBER] [--train_fpr FPR]
[-label_type LABEL_ASSIGNMENT]
optional arguments:
--dataset DATASET_NAME
Supported: mnist, fmnist, svhn, cifar-10.
--attack_type ATTACK_NAME
Supported: fgsm, lbfgs, df, enm, vam, cw, spsa, jsma.
----detection_type DETECTION_NAME
Supported: negative, lid, bu, fs.
--is_train [IS_TRAIN]
User this parameter to train online, otherwise remove the parameter.
--use_cache [USE_CACHE]
User this parameter to load adversarial examples from caches, otherwise remove the parameter.
----nb_epochs EPOCHS_NUMBER
Number of epochs the classifier is trained.
--train_fpr FPR
set FPR
Supported: type1, type2, type3
Use pre-trained model.
python --dataset mnist --attack_type fgsm \
--detection_type negative --train_fpr 0.05 --label_type type1
Train model online.
python --dataset mnist --attack_type fgsm \
--nb_epochs 100 --detection_type negative \
--train_fpr 0.05 --is_train --label_type type1
usage: python [--dataset DATASET_NAME] [--detection_type DETECTION_NAME]
[--train_fpr FPR] [-label_type LABEL ASSIGNMENT]
optional arguments:
--dataset DATASET_NAME
Supported: mnist, fmnist, svhn, cifar-10.
----detection_type DETECTION_NAME
Supported: negative, lid, bu, fs.
--train_fpr FPR
set FPR
Supported: type1, type2, type3
python --dataset mnist --detection_type negative \
--train_fpr 0.05 --label_type type1