Source code for "MFNet: Multi-filter Directive Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection", accepted in ICCV-2021. The paper's PDF can be found in Here.
Yongri Piao, Jian Wang (co-first), Miao Zhang and Huchuan Lu. IIAU-OIP Lab.
- Windows 10
- Torch 1.8.1
- CUDA 10.0
- Python 3.7.4
- other environment requirment can be found in requirments.txt
link: code: oipw
link: code: oipw
Case1: Please refer to this repository.
Case2: We also upload ready-made pseudo labels in Training data (the link above), you can directly use our offered two kinds of pseudo labels for convenience. CAMs are also presented if you needed.
MF_code -- data -- DUTS-Train -- image -- 10553 samples
-- ECSSD (not necessary)
-- pseudo labels -- label0_0 -- 10553 pseudo labels
-- label1_0 -- 10553 pseudo labels
Here you can set ECCSD dataset as validation set for optimal results by setting --val
to True
, of course it is not necessary in our work.
You need to configure your desired testset in --test_root
. Here you can also perform PAMR and CRF on saliency maps for a furthur refinements if you want, by setting --pamr
and --crf
to True. Noting that the results in our paper do not adopt these post-process for a fair comparison.
The evaluation code can be found in here.
We offer our saliency maps and checkpoints on various backbones (including DenseNet-169, ResNet-101, ResNet-50 and VGG-16) for more convenient comparison in the future. The results in our paper are all come from the model based on DenseNet-169, and we also highly recommend the following researchers adopt same backbone for a more fair and convenient comparison.
link: code: oipw
link: code: oipw
If you have any questions, please contact me: [[email protected]].
Thanks to pioneering helpful works:
- MSW: Multi-source weak supervision for saliency detection, CVPR2019, by Yu Zeng et al.
- SSSS: Single-stage Semantic Segmentation from Image Labels, CVPR2020, by Nikita Araslanov et al.
We really hope this repo can contribute the conmunity, and if you find this work useful, please use the following citation:
author = {Piao, Yongri and Wang, Jian and Zhang, Miao and Lu, Huchuan},
title = {MFNet: Multi-Filter Directive Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {October},
year = {2021},
pages = {4136-4145}