This repository holds the source for a document that provides guidance on writing and editing design reports in LaTeX according to the standards that we’ve set up for DUNE and LBNF. It is designed to follow its own guidance and thus can be used as an extended example and as a reference. Previous versions of the guidance document have been used for:
- The DUNE IDR (which was initially called the Technical Proposal),
- The ProtoDUNE-SP TDR,
- The DUNE Far Detector Closeout, and
Please look at the LaTeX files under the “guidance” directory to see how to make headings, labels, tables, figures, etc., according to standards we’ve set. Compare it to the built PDF of the document.
See the wiki pages for the TDR for information on coordination and management for the DUNE TDR.
If you need a reliable LaTeX installation, Tom Junk has installed texlive 2017 in the shared dune area on the dunegpvm’s at Fermilab. Feel free to use it! Just login and run his setup file:
$ ssh #for bash and sh: $ source /grid/fermiapp/products/dune/texlive2017/ #for tcsh and csh: $ source /grid/fermiapp/products/dune/texlive2017/setup.csh $ mkdir /my/work/area
For more help:
- Anne Heavey <[email protected]> 630-840-8039 (technical editor, structure, style)
- Brett Viren <[email protected]> (LaTeX machinery and repository)
- David DeMuth <[email protected]> (LaTeX, images, general)