This project is a website for my personal portfolio. It allows you to learn about me, my technical skills, soft skills, objectives, and resume with my experiences and education. It also showcases my projects and provides information on how to contact me.
- Optimal layout for the website depending on the device's screen size
- Hover states for all interactive elements
- See or download my resume
- Provides links to my professional profiles
- Showcases my projects with images and links
- Provides a contact form
- Live Site URL:
- Mobile-first workflow
- Semantic markup
- CSS custom properties
- React - Library for user interface
- Material UI - React UI tools
- React Router - Routing and navigation
- EmailJS - Send emails
- Embla Carousel - Build carousels
- Formik - Build forms
- React Helmet - For dynamic medatada
- React Toastify - For notifications
- Yup - Build schema for runtime value parsing and validation
- Vite - Front end build
- LinkedIn - Daniel Omar Frias