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Installation on EdgeOS

Frank Denis edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 7 revisions

Following instruction was tested on ERLite-3 running 1.10.x EdgeOS.


Install dnsutils. Check this in case of problems with installation.

sudo apt-get install -y dnsutils
sudo ntpdate -b

Remove the dnssec option from /etc/dnsmasq.conf.

It's safe to set system DNS for the router, even if it will be ignored by dnsmaq. This can prevent problems while rourer boots and dnscrypt-proxy is not yet available. Call:

show dns forwarding nameservers

If there are no nameservers provided via system, or there is only nameserver from your ISP, configure one:

set system name-server

Download pre-compiled package

Login to your router with ssh. Download MIPS64 binary from releases page (update version number):

curl -L -o dnscrypt-proxy.tar.gz

Unpack the content of this archive:

tar xzf dnscrypt-proxy.tar.gz

This will create linux-mips64 folder. Check, if the downloaded binary is compatible with your processor:

linux-mips64/dnscrypt-proxy -version

If you see version, it's all good. Otherwise, try different binary. Maybe you have ER-X, so try MIPSLE binary.

Configure router

Now is a good moment to create and edit configuration file:

cp linux-mips64/example-dnscrypt-proxy.toml linux-mips64/dnscrypt-proxy.toml
vi linux-mips64/dnscrypt-proxy.toml

Most important part is to edit listen_address. I propose the following change:

listen_addresses = ['']

Optionally, improve performance enabling this entry:

tls_cipher_suite = [52392, 49199]

When done, move whole folder to /config/, under new name:

sudo mv linux-mips64 /config/dnscrypt-proxy

Create executable script, which will reinstall and start dnscrypt-proxy after system upgrade:

echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee /config/scripts/post-config.d/
echo '/config/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy -service install' | sudo tee -a /config/scripts/post-config.d/
echo '/config/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy -service start' | sudo tee -a /config/scripts/post-config.d/

sudo chmod +x /config/scripts/post-config.d/

Now you can try to start dnscrypt-proxy. Use freshly created script:

sudo /config/scripts/post-config.d/

If no error thrown, see what nameservers dnscrypt-proxy is using:

/config/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy -list

Check, if proxy is able to resolve names:

/config/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy -resolve

dig @localhost -p 5353

You should get an answer. Refer to /var/log/messages for debugging.

If all went well, configure router settings:


Redirect DNS requests to dnscrypt-proxy:

set service dns forwarding options 'server='
set service dns forwarding options proxy-dnssec

Prevent dnsmasq using your ISP's DNS (eth0 is WAN port):

set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcp-options name-server no-update

Make sure dnsmasq is not using system nameserver:

delete service dns forwarding system 

Remove dnsmasq cache, because dnscrypt-proxy caches internally and it's unnecesary to double-cache queries:

set service dns forwarding cache-size 0

Make sure dnsmasq is not using the content of /etc/resolv.conf:

set service dns forwarding options no-resolv

Commit changes and activate redirection to proxy:



Check the connection. Initially, it can take a while until all your devices will react correctly.

Test, if there are no queries sent in "open text":

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 dst port 53 or src port 53 -n -x -X -v

Important: make tests while using internet from devices within your local network. For comparison, run this from another session on router:

sudo nslookup

This will produce tons of open text output, as locally run requests travel through system nameserver and are not encrypted.

If nothing works, check logs in /var/log/messages. Revert back router DNS redirect with:

load; commit

When DNS works as expected, save configuration and make it permanent:

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