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Corrected error dynamic viscosity vs. kinematic viscosity and put an …
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RaphaelGebhart committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent b756dba commit 099ed41
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Real gamma(unit="1") = V_flow_D/V_flow_D_ref "Flow scaling factor";

SI.SpecificVolume v_in = 1/max(rho_min, Medium.density(state_in)) "Specific volume at inlet";
SI.SpecificVolume mu_in = Medium.dynamicViscosity(state_in) "Specific volume at inlet";
SI.DynamicViscosity eta_in = Medium.dynamicViscosity(state_in) "Dynamic viscosity at inlet";
SI.KinematicViscosity mu_in = eta_in*v_in "Kinematic viscosity at inlet";
SI.SpecificVolume v_ref = 1/rho_ref;

SI.Power W_t "Technical work going into pump";
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302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions ThermofluidStream/
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@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
within ThermofluidStream;
model PumpTFSExplicit "Inserted PartialTurboComponent and function dp_tau_centrifugal into Pump to have access to all variables"
extends ThermofluidStream.Interfaces.SISOFlow(m_flowStateSelect=StateSelect.prefer, final clip_p_out=true);

import ThermofluidStream.Utilities.Types.InitializationMethods;
import Quantity = ThermofluidStream.Sensors.Internal.Types.MassFlowQuantities;

parameter Real max_rel_volume(min=0, max=1, unit="1") = 0.05 "Maximum relative volume change"

Real eta(unit="1") = if noEvent(abs(W_t)>1e-4) then dp*v_in*m_flow/W_t else 0.0;

SI.SpecificVolume v_out = 1/max(rho_min, Medium.density(inlet.state));

parameter Boolean omega_from_input = false "Direct omega input"
parameter Boolean enableOutput = false "Include output for selectable quantity"
parameter Quantity outputQuantity=Quantity.m_flow_kgps "Quantity to output"
annotation(Dialog(group="Input/Output", enable=enableOutput));
parameter Boolean enableAccessHeatPort = false "Include access heatport"
parameter SI.MomentOfInertia J_p = 5e-4 "Moment of inertia"
annotation(Dialog(group="Parameters", enable=not omega_from_input));
parameter SI.AngularVelocity omega_reg = dropOfCommons.omega_reg "Angular velocity used for normalization"
annotation(Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Regularization"));
parameter SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_reg = dropOfCommons.m_flow_reg "Mass flow used for normalization"
annotation(Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Regularization"));
parameter SI.Density rho_min = dropOfCommons.rho_min "Minimum for rho (to make model stable for rho=0 @ p=0)"
annotation(Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Regularization"));
parameter StateSelect omegaStateSelect = if omega_from_input then StateSelect.default else StateSelect.prefer "State select for m_flow"
parameter InitializationMethods initOmega = ThermofluidStream.Utilities.Types.InitializationMethods.none "Initialization method for omega"
annotation(Dialog(tab= "Initialization", group="Angular", enable=not omega_from_input));
parameter SI.AngularVelocity omega_0 = 0 "Initial value for omega"
annotation(Dialog(tab= "Initialization", group="Angular", enable=(initOmega == InitializationMethods.state)));
parameter SI.AngularAcceleration omega_dot_0 = 0 "Initial value for der(omega)"
annotation(Dialog(tab= "Initialization", group="Angular", enable=(initOmega == InitializationMethods.derivative)));
parameter Boolean initPhi = false "If true phi is initialized"
annotation(Dialog(tab= "Initialization", group="Angular", enable=not omega_from_input));
parameter SI.Angle phi_0 = 0 "Initial value for phi"
annotation(Dialog(tab= "Initialization", group="Angular", enable=initPhi));

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange(phi=phi, tau=tau) if not omega_from_input "Flange to receive mechanical power"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,-100}, rotation=-90),
iconTransformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,-100}, rotation=-90)));
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omega_input(unit = "rad/s") = omega if omega_from_input "Input to directly set pump speed [rad/s]"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,-100}, rotation=-90),
iconTransformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,-100}, rotation=90)));
Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatport(Q_flow = Q_t) if enableAccessHeatPort "Access-heat dumping port"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,100}, rotation=90),
iconTransformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={0,100}, rotation=90)));
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput output_val(unit=ThermofluidStream.Sensors.Internal.getFlowUnit(
outputQuantity)) = getQuantity(inlet.state, m_flow, outputQuantity, rho_min) if enableOutput "Measured value [variable]"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, origin={-80,-100}, rotation=270)));

function getQuantity = ThermofluidStream.Sensors.Internal.getFlowQuantity (redeclare package Medium = Medium)
"Function to compute a selectable quantity"
annotation (
<p>Function to compute a selectable quantity to output. The quantity is associated to the mass flow. </p>

SI.Power W_t "technichal work performed on fluid";
SI.Power Q_t "work that could not be performed on the fluid, and is dumped to heat port";
SI.Torque tau_st "moment that would result in static operation";

SI.SpecificVolume v_in = 1/max(rho_min, Medium.density(inlet.state));

// intermediate quantities related to thermodynamical state
SI.SpecificEnergy dh "specific technichal work performed under the assumption of positive massflow";

// quantities related to inertia of component and mechanical power
SI.Angle phi "component angular position";
SI.Torque tau "moment from flange";
SI.Torque tau_normalized "moment after zero massflow normalization";
SI.AngularVelocity omega(stateSelect=omegaStateSelect) "component angular velocity";

// extends ThermofluidStream.Processes.Internal.TurboComponent.partial_dp_tau;

parameter Boolean parametrizeByScaling = true "If true scale by three parameters"
parameter SI.Height TDH_D = 3.6610 "Design pressure head"
annotation(Dialog(group="Scaling", enable=parametrizeByScaling));
parameter SI.VolumeFlowRate V_flow_D = 3.06e-3 "Design volume flow"
annotation(Dialog(group="Scaling", enable=parametrizeByScaling));
parameter SI.AngularVelocity omega_D = 314.2 "Design angular velocity"
annotation(Dialog(group="Scaling", enable=parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real K_D_input(unit="m3/rad") = 9.73e-06 "Vflow_D / omega_D"
annotation(Dialog(group="General", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Integer f_q_input = 1 "Number of floods"
annotation(Dialog(group="General", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter SI.Radius r_input = 1.60e-2 "Radius of pump"
annotation(Dialog(group="General", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter SI.Density rho_ref_input = 1.00e3 "Reference Density"
annotation(Dialog(group="General", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real a_h_input(unit= "m.s2/rad2", displayUnit="m.min2") = 4.864e-5 "HQ factor 1"
annotation(Dialog(group="HQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real b_h_input(unit="s2/(m2.rad)", displayUnit="m.h.min/l") = -2.677 "HQ factor 2"
annotation(Dialog(group="HQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real c_h_input(unit="s2/m5", displayUnit="m.h2/l2") = 3.967e+5 "HQ factor 3"
annotation(Dialog(group="HQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real a_t_input(unit="N.m.s2/(rad.m3)", displayUnit="N.m.min.h/l") = 5.427e-1 "TQ factor 1"
annotation(Dialog(group="TQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real b_t_input(unit="N.m.s2/m6", displayUnit="N.m.h2/l2") = 2.777e+4 "TQ factor 2"
annotation(Dialog(group="TQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real v_i_input(unit="N.m.s2/rad2", displayUnit="N.m.min2") = 1.218e-6 "TQ factor 4"
annotation(Dialog(group="TQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real v_s_input(unit="N.m.s/rad", displayUnit="N.m.min") = 1.832e-4 "TQ factor 3"
annotation(Dialog(group="TQ characteristic", enable=not parametrizeByScaling));
parameter Real Re_mod_min(unit="1") = 1e2 "Minimum modified Reynolds number"
annotation(Dialog(tab="Advanced", enable=true));

Medium.ThermodynamicState state_in = inlet.state "Thermodynamic state at inlet";
Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow_norm = m_flow_reg "Mass flow used for normalization";
SI.AngularVelocity omega_norm = omega_reg "Angular velocity used for normalization";

Real alpha(unit="1") = TDH_D/TDH_D_ref "Pressure scaling factor";
Real beta(unit="1") = omega_D/omega_D_ref "Speed scaling factor";
Real gamma(unit="1") = V_flow_D/V_flow_D_ref "Flow scaling factor";

SI.Density rho_in = max(rho_min, Medium.density(state_in)) "Density at inlet";
SI.DynamicViscosity eta_in = Medium.dynamicViscosity(state_in) "Dynamic viscosity at inlet";
SI.KinematicViscosity mu_in = eta_in/rho_in "Kinematic viscosity at inlet";

// SI.Power W_t_f "Technical work going into pump";
SI.Length TDH "Total dynamic head";
SI.VolumeFlowRate V_flow "Volume flow through pump";

constant SI.AngularVelocity omega_D_ref = 314.2;
constant SI.VolumeFlowRate V_flow_D_ref = 3.06e-3;
constant SI.Height TDH_D_ref = 3.6610;

constant Real a_h_ref(unit="m.s2/rad2") = 4.864e-5;
constant Real b_h_ref(unit="s2/(m2.rad)") = -2.677;
constant Real c_h_ref(unit="s2/m5") = 3.967e+5;

constant Real a_t_ref(unit="N.m.s2/(rad.m3)") = 5.427e-1;
constant Real b_t_ref(unit="N.m.s2/m6") = 2.777e+4;
constant Real v_i_ref(unit="N.m.s2/rad2") = 1.218e-6;
constant Real v_s_ref(unit="N.m.s/rad") = 1.832e-4;

constant Real f_q_ref = 1;
constant Real K_D_ref(unit="m3/rad") = 9.73e-06;
constant SI.Density rho_ref_ref = 1.00e3;
constant SI.Length r_ref = 1.60e-2;

Real a_h(unit="m.s2/rad2") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha/(beta^2)* a_h_ref else a_h_input;
Real b_h(unit="s2/(m2.rad)") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha/(beta*gamma)* b_h_ref else b_h_input;
Real c_h(unit="s2/m5") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha/(gamma^2)* c_h_ref else c_h_input;

Real a_t(unit="N.m.s2/(rad.m3)") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha/(beta^2)* a_t_ref else a_t_input;
Real b_t(unit="N.m.s2/m6") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha/(beta*gamma)* b_t_ref else b_t_input;
Real v_i(unit="N.m.s2/rad2") = if parametrizeByScaling then sqrt(alpha)*gamma/beta* v_i_ref else v_i_input;
Real v_s(unit="N.m.s/rad") = if parametrizeByScaling then alpha^(-1/4)*beta^(1/2)*gamma^(3/2)* v_s_ref else v_s_input;

Real f_q = if parametrizeByScaling then f_q_ref else f_q_input;
Real K_D(unit="m3/rad") = if parametrizeByScaling then gamma/beta* K_D_ref else f_q_input;
SI.Density rho_ref = if parametrizeByScaling then rho_ref_ref else rho_ref_input;
SI.Length r = if parametrizeByScaling then sqrt(alpha)/beta* r_ref else r_input;

Real omega_s(unit="1") = ((K_D/f_q)^0.5)/((Modelica.Constants.g_n*(a_h+b_h*K_D+c_h*K_D^2)) ^0.75);
SI.VolumeFlowRate V_flow_BEP "optimal volume flow at omega";
SI.AngularVelocity omega_hat "abs omega clipped Re_mod_min";
Real Re_mod(unit="1");
Real f_Q(unit="1");
Real f_H(unit="1");
Real f_eta(unit="1");

initial equation
if initOmega == InitializationMethods.state then
omega = omega_0;
elseif initM_flow == InitializationMethods.derivative then
der(omega) = omega_dot_0;
elseif initM_flow == InitializationMethods.steadyState then
der(omega) = 0;
end if;

if initPhi then
phi = phi_0;
end if;


omega_hat := max(Re_mod_min/(omega_s^1.5*f_q^0.75)/r^2*mu_in, abs(omega));
//omega_hat := abs(omega);
V_flow_BEP := K_D*omega_hat;
Re_mod := (omega_hat*r^2)/(mu_in)*(omega_s^1.5*f_q^0.75);

// compute corresponding volume flow of water and factors

f_Q := Re_mod^(-6.7/(Re_mod^0.735));
f_eta := Re_mod^(-19/(Re_mod^0.705));
V_flow := m_flow/f_Q/rho_ref;
f_H := 1 - (1 - f_Q)*abs(V_flow/V_flow_BEP)^0.75;

f_Q := 1;
f_eta := 1;
V_flow := m_flow/f_Q/rho_ref;
f_H := 1;
// corrected characteristic curves for TDH and tau_st
TDH := f_H *(a_h*omega*abs(omega) - b_h*omega*abs(V_flow) - c_h*V_flow*abs(V_flow));

// original version
// tau_st := (f_Q*f_H/f_eta) * (rho_in/rho_ref*(a_t*V_flow*abs(omega) - b_t*V_flow*abs(V_flow) + v_i*omega*abs(omega))) + v_s*abs(omega); // v_s is mechanical and does not scale with medium
// docu version
// tau_st := (f_Q*f_H/f_eta)*(rho_in/rho_ref*a_t*abs(omega)*V_flow - rho_in/rho_ref*b_t*abs(V_flow)*V_flow + v_i*abs(omega)*omega + v_s*abs(omega));

// there could be several versions....
tau_st := (f_Q*f_H/f_eta)*rho_in/rho_ref*((a_t*V_flow*abs(omega) - b_t*V_flow*abs(V_flow) + v_i*omega*abs(omega)) + v_s*abs(omega)); // v_s is mechanical and does not scale with medium

//compute dp
dp := rho_in*Modelica.Constants.g_n*TDH;
// compute dp, tau_st from characteristic curve
//(dp, tau_st) = dp_tau_pump(m_flow, omega, inlet.state, m_flow_reg, omega_reg, rho_min);

h_out = h_in + dh;
Xi_out = Xi_in;

// regularize tau_st/W_t such that the equations dont break for m_flow->0
W_t = tau_st*omega;
dh = (m_flow*W_t)/(m_flow^2 + (m_flow_reg)^2);
if noEvent(W_t >= 0) then
// if work is given to fluid, dump access heat to port
Q_t = W_t - m_flow*dh;
tau_normalized = tau_st;
// if work is taken from fluid, reduce tau, so that the work can be taken from the fluid
Q_t = 0;
tau_normalized = dh*m_flow/(noEvent(if abs(omega)>omega_reg then omega else (if omega < 0 then -omega_reg else omega_reg)));
end if;

// omega is either a state or directly given by omega_input (depending on omega_from_input)
if noEvent(omega_from_input) then
tau = 0;
phi = 0;
J_p * der(omega) = tau - tau_normalized;
omega = der(phi);
end if;

// Pump test for incompressibility
assert(abs(v_in- v_out)/v_in < max_rel_volume, "Medium in pump is assumed to be incompressible, but check failed", dropOfCommons.assertionLevel);

annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false), graphics={
textString="test version")}),
<p>This model is&nbsp;working&nbsp;under&nbsp;the&nbsp;assumption&nbsp;of&nbsp;incompressible&nbsp;fluids and performs an assert for this. </p>
<p>It can be chosen between</p>
<li>Nominal-flow pump, where a nominal flow is computed and the difference between it and the actual flow is linearly producing a pressure</li>
<li>Centrifugal pump, which implements the equations of a scalable centrifugal pump.</li>
end PumpTFSExplicit;

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