This repository contains the official documentation of the Federated Learning platform. The whole documentation is written in markdown and rendered with MkDocs and its material theme.
The Federated Learning (FL) platform is serving as a proof of concept for the Catena-X project. The FL platform aims to demonstrate the potential of federated learning in a practical, real-world context.
A complete list of all repositories relevant to the FL platform can be found here.
This is primarily intended for developers and contributors, providing necessary information for setup, installation, and contribution guidelines. If you're interested in using or testing this project, we recommend starting with the GitHub pages which serves this documentation. They offer a more user-friendly interface and comprehensive guides to get you started.
- python 3.7 or later
which python
- virtualenv or venv
pip install -U virtualenv
# create virtual environment
virtualenv -p $(which python3.7) .venv
# or
# python -m venv .venv
# activate our virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# update pip (optional)
python -m pip install -U pip
# install
./dev install -U -e ".[all]"
# start the server (optional)
./dev start
$ ./dev --help
usage: ./dev <action>
positional arguments:
Available sub commands
help Show this help message and exit
start Start documentation server
test Run all tests
lint Run all linter
lint-doc Run documentation linter
lint-scripts Run bash script linter
doc Start documentation server
doc-build Build documentation
licenses Generate licenses
licenses-check Check licenses
safety-check Check dependencies for known security vulnerabilities
install Install package
clean Clean up local files
version Show package version
versions Show versions