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Driver Functionalities

Ediz Genc edited this page May 26, 2021 · 1 revision


The control of UI is more advanced and offers a number of features for automated behavior. The UI offers the drivers in advance the possibility of checking the stations to stop the vehicle and as well as notify the driver about approaching the station.

Functional Requirements

  1. The UI shall have a panel of automated behavior for the driver to control the vehicle.
  2. The UI shall allow the driver to execute a command for automated parking.
  3. The UI shall allow the driver to execute a command to automate the vehicle in a safety zone after avoidance of collision/possible obstacle.
  4. The UI shall display information for the driver about the decision that has been taken.
  5. The UI shall be designed to provide a comfortable experience during the streaming of the video.
  6. The UI shall have specified layouts that cover all of the implemented tasks/features which are intended.
  7. The UI shall provide to the driver to handle required settings.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The driver should be able to interrupt the automated behavior at any time if it is safe to do so.
  2. The driver should have a readable and understandable center console in the app.
  3. The center console should respond quickly.
  4. The center console in UI shall have/offer for the driver to control available as in real vehicles such as speed control bar, brake, steering wheel.
  5. Information displayed in the UI/screen should not be invasive and distract the driver.
  6. The UI should be easy to use by any driver.
  7. The UI should have a common/modern language such as English etc.
  8. The UI should execute the tasks accurately fast and reliable.


  1. Automated behavior in the center console in UI will respond in 3 seconds upon command.