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This is the front end application to check the flooding service

Getting started


Running flood-db: Running flood-gis: Running flood-service:

Node.js v16.x.x

Testing the application

Before running tests, ensure that your environment variables are set.

$ npm i
$ npm run test

Functional testing:

Running the application

Before running the applciation, ensure that your environment variables are set.

$ npm i
$ node index.js

Go to http://localhost:3009

Developing the application

When making changes to the application, bear in mind that certain aspects and components are only updated when you perform the npm run build stage.

If your changes are not reflected in the browser/console, you should check this first.

Environment variables

Create a .env file at the root of the project to set your environment variables locally, which is especially useful during development. The dotenv package facilitates this by automatically loading these variables at application start. This approach is recommended as a simpler alternative to global settings, like those in .bashrc.

For DEFRA employees, examples of these environment variables are available in our private lfwconfig repository.

name description required default valid notes
NODE_ENV Node environment no production development, dev, test, tst, production
FLOOD_APP_STAGE Flavour of environment no ''
PORT Port number no 3009
FLOOD_APP_BING_KEY_MAP MS Bing Key yes For location search
FLOOD_APP_BING_KEY_LOCATION MS Bing Key yes For location search
FLOOD_APP_BING_URL MS Bing Location Search yes For location search
FLOOD_APP_GEOSERVER_URL Geoserver yes For maps ows
FLOOD_APP_SERVICE_URL flood-service yes For flood api
FLOOD_APP_GA4_ID Google analytics 4 Id no
FLOOD_APP_GTM_ID Google Tag Manager Id no
FLOOD_APP_NRW_STATION_URL NRW station search yes
FLOOD_APP_SITE_URL Site Url yes http://localhost:3009 For SEO metadata
FLOOD_RISK_URL Flood risk Url yes To link to correct flood risk environment
FLOOD_APP_FIS_URL Flood Information Service Url yes To link to correct flood information sevrvice environment
FLOOD_APP_SESSION_PASSWORD cookie password yes
FLOOD_APP_REDIS_HOST redis cache host no
FLOOD_APP_REDIS_PORT redis cache port no
FLOOD_APP_REDIS_PASSWORD redis cache password no
FLOOD_APP_LOCAL_CACHE to cache or not no false
FLOOD_APP_GA_OPT_ID google opt id no
FLOOD_APP_RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED rate limit no false If set to true then all rate limit envvars need to be valid
FLOOD_APP_RATE_LIMIT_REQUESTS rate limit no Number of total requests that can be made on a given path per user per period. Set to false to disable limiting requests per path per user.
FLOOD_APP_RATE_LIMIT_EXPIRES_IN rate limit no Time (in milliseconds) of period for number of total requests
FLOOD_APP_RATE_LIMIT_WHITELIST rate limit white-listed ip addresses no Colon separated list of IPs to bypass rate limiting e.g. ''