A client for FOAAS.
Version 1.0.0
of the FOAAS API is supported.
require 'foaas-client'
fuck = Foaas::Client.new
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice')
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', i18n: :es)
#=> { 'message': 'Vete a la mierda, Bob.', 'subtitle': '-Alice' }
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', type: :html)
#=> '<html>...</html>'
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', type: :json)
#=> '{ "message": "Fuck off, Bob.", "subtitle": "- Alice" }'
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', type: :jsonp)
#=> 'fuck && fuck({ "message": "Fuck off, Bob.", "subtitle": "- Alice" });'
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', type: :text)
#=> 'Fuck off, Bob. - Alice'
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', type: :xml)
#=> '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...'
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice', shoutcloud: true)
#=> { 'message' => 'FUCK OFF, BOB', 'subtitle' => '- ALICE' }
fuck.anyway('Acme', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Who the fuck are you anyway, Acme, why are you stirring up so much trouble, and, who pays you?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'This is Fucking Awesome.', subtitle => '- Alice' }
fuck.back('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, back the fuck off.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.ballmer('Bob', 'Alice', 'Clara')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fucking Bob is a fucking pussy. I'm going to fucking bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I'm going to fucking kill Alice.', 'subtitle' => '- Clara' }
fuck.bady('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Happy Fucking Birthday, Bob', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
#=> { 'message' => 'Why? Because Fuck you, that\'s why.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.bm('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bravo mike, Bob.', 'subtitle' => '-Alice '}
#=> { 'message' => 'Please choke on a bucket of cocks.', 'subtitle' => '-Alice' }
fuck.bus('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Christ on a bendy-bus, Bob, don\'t be such a fucking faff-arse', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuckity bye!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.caniuse('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Can you use Bob? Fuck no!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.chainsaw('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, Bob. Do I look like Mother Teresa?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Cool story, Bro', '- Alice' }
fuck.dalton('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'msessage' => 'Bob: A fucking problem solving super-hero', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'I\'d love to stop and chat to you but I\'d rather have type 2 diabetes.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.donut('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, go and take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.dosomething('Write', 'Code', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => ' 'Write the fucking code!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Everyone can go and fuck off.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck everything.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck you, your whole family, your pets, and your feces', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
#=> { 'message' => 'Fascinating story, in what chapter do you shut the fuck up?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.field('Alice', 'Bob', 'Clara')
#=> { 'message' => 'And Alice said on to Bob, "Verily, cast thine eyes upon the field in which I grow my fucks", and Bobgave witness onto the field, and saw that it was barren.', 'subtitle' => '- Clara' }
#=> { 'message' => 'I don\'t give a flying fuck.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#### Gfy
fuck.gfy('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Golf foxtrot yankee, Bob.', 'subtilte' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'I give zero fucks.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.greed('greed', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good. :noun is right. greed works. greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.keep('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob Fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off from there too. Then fuck off some more. Keep fucking off until you get back here. Then fuck off again', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.keepcalm('paddle', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Keep the fuck calm and paddle!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.king('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Oh fuck off, just really fuck off you total dickface. Christ Bob, you are fucking thick.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck my life.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.linus('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, there aren't enough swear-words in the English language, so now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.look('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, do I look like I give a fuck?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Looking for a fuck to give.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.madison('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => What you\'ve said is one of the most insantely idiotic things I have ever heard, Bob. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points Bob, and may God have mercy on your soul.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck me.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
#=> { 'message' => 'Happy fuckin\' Morning\'!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
fuck.no('Bob', Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'No fucks given.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
fuck.nugget('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { ''Well Bob, aren\'t you a shining example of a rancid fuck-nugget.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.off('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck off, Bob.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
Note: This is not an "insult" method, it returns the avialble "insult" operations. Additionally, this method only returns JSON.
#=> [ { 'name' => 'Ballmer', 'url' => '/ballmer/:name/:company/:from', 'fields' => [ { 'name' => 'Name', 'field' => 'name' }, { 'name' => 'Company', 'field' => 'company' }, { 'name' => 'From', 'field' => 'field'} ] }, ...]
fuck.outside('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, why don\'t you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Well, Fuck me pink.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.pulp('English', 'Alice')
#=> { 'messsage' => 'English, motherfucker, do you speak it?', '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'You Fucktard!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'For Fuck's sake!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice'}
fuck.shakespeare('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Thou clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.shutup('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'messasge' => 'Bob, shut the fuck up.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Not a single fuck was given.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.thanks('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck you very much', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck that', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.thing('it', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck it.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.think('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Bob, you think I give a fuck?', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck this.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Who has two thumbs and doesn't give a fuck? Alice.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
Note: This is not an "insult" method, it returns the version of the service.
#=> { 'message' => '0.1.0', 'subtitle' => 'FOAAS' }
#=> { 'message' => 'What the fuck?!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.xmas('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Merry Fucking Christmsa, Bob', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.yoda('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck off, you must, Bob', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
fuck.you('Bob', 'Alice')
#=> { 'message' => 'Fuck you, Bob.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Ask me if I give a motherfuck ?!!', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }
#=> { 'message' => 'Zero, thats the number of fucks I give.', 'subtitle' => '- Alice' }