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Home Assistant iCloud3 - Home Assistant Device Tracker Custom Component


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iCloud3 Device Tracker Custom Component

  • Version: 1.0.6
  • Released: June 25, 2019

Table of Contents

Download from the Releases tab here


'iCloud3' is an improved version of the iCloud device_tracker component installed with Home Assistant. It's purpose is:

  • To provide easy-to-use presence detection that does not rely on any other program, other than Home Assistant and the Home Assistant IOS app.
  • To be report accurate information (location, distance from home, current zone) on a timely basis that can be used reliably in automations.
  • To conserve the devices battery.
  • To correct GPS wandering errors leading to incorrect triggering of automations.
  • To provide more distance, travel time, and zone attributes than the base iCloud component that can trigger and control automations and to easily display additional device information on lovelace cards.

Below are some sample Lovelace screenshots showing how iCloud3 information can be displayed (see ui-lovelace-icloud3.yaml in the configuration files directory). Example configuration files for sensors, switches, badges, automations and scripts are also found in the configuration files directory that report location information and device status, along with running automations (opening a garage door) when arriving home. Other uses (security, lighting, heating & cooling control, etc.) can be added to the automations to meet your needs.

Special Note: I want to thank Walt Howd, (iCloud2 fame) who inspired me to tackle this project. I also want to give a shout out to Kovács Bálint, Budapest, Hungary who wrote the Python WazeRouteCalculator and some awesome HA guys (Petro31, scop, tsvi, troykellt, balloob, Myrddyn1, mountainsandcode, diraimondo, fabaff, squirtbrnr, and mhhbob) who gave me the idea of using Waze in iCloud3...Gary Cobb aka GeeksterGary.


Table of Contents


iCloud3 uses the GitHub Releases framework to download all the necessary installation files (iCloud3 custom component, documentation, sample configuration files, sample lovelace cards, etc). Go to the 'Releases' tab at the top of this repository, select the version of iCloud3 you want and download the .zip file.

  • HA 0.92+ -- Create a config/custom_components/icloud3 directory on the device (Raspberry Pi) running Home Assistant. Copy the four component files in the custom_components-icloud3 Github directory (,, manifest.json, service.yaml) into that directory so the directory structure looks like:



Note: The WazeRouteCalculator component is use to calculate driving distance and time from your location to your Home zone. Normally, it is installed with the Home Assistant and frameworks. However, if it is not installed on your system, you can go here for instructions to download and instal Waze. If you don't want to use Waze or are in an area where Waze is not available, you can use the 'direct distance' method of calculating your distance and time from Home. Add the distance_method: calc parameter to your device_tracker: icloud3 configuration setup (see more information on this and other parameters later).


What's different

iCloud3 has many features not in the base iCloud device_tracker that is part of Home Assistant. It exposes many new attributes, provides many new features, is based on enhanced route tracking methods, is much more accurate, and includes additional service calls. Lets look at the differences.

Feature Original iCloud iCloud3
Integration with the HA IOS App No Yes, Geographic Zone Enter/Exit, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update & Manual transactions are detected and processed immediately after they are issued.
Device Selection None Include and/or exclude device by type (iPhone, iPad, etc) or by device name (garyiphone, lillianiphone, etc).
Minimum Poll Interval 1 minute 15 second
Distance Accuracy 1 km/mile .01 km/mile
Variable Polling Yes - Based on distance from home, battery level, GPS Accuracy Yes, based on distance from home, Waze travel time to home, direction of travel, if the device is in a zone, battery level, GPS Accuracy, 'old location' status.
Detects zone changes No - Also requires other device_trackers (OwnTracks, Nmap, ping, etc. Yes, no other programs are needed.
Detects when leaving Home Zone Delayed to next polling cycle (default of 30-minutes) Detects when the Home Assistant IOS app issues a Zone Enter/Exit notification
Discards old transactions No Yes, if older than 2-minutes or with poor gps accuracy.
Fixes 'Not Home' issue when in Sleep Mode No Yes, by discarding all transactions that are closer than 1-km when the device is in a zone and by providing zone template sensors that are used to trigger automations rather than device_tracker state changes.
Integrates with Waze route/map tracker No Yes, the Waze travel time is used to determine the 'polling interval'. Waze can be disabled if not available using configuration parametres.
Device Polling Interval when close to home 1+ minutes (?) 15-seconds
Dynamic Stationary Zone No Yes, a Stationary Zone is created if no movement has been detected in 8-minutes (configurable). The polling interval is set to 30-minutes (default) until zone exit notification is received.
Service call commands Set polling interval, Reset devices Set polling interval, Reset devices, Pause/restart polling, Change zone, Enable/disable Waze Route information usage, information logging (some commands can be for all devices or for a specific device)
Device Filters None By device type or device name
Geekster Statistics:
● Config variables 5 22
● Attributes 20 35
● Service Calls 4 4 + 12 special commands
● Lines of code 425 4100+


How it works

iCloud3 operates on a 5-second cycle, looking for transactions from the HA IOS App. It looks for Geographic Zone Enter/Exit, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update and Manual transactions. When one is detected, it determines if the transaction is current before it is processed. Transactions older than 2-minutes are discarded. Additionally, to minimize GPS wandering and out-of-zone state changes, transactions within 1km of a zone are discarded when the device is in a zone. Every 15-seconds, it determines if any devices needed to be polled using the iCloud Location Services service as described below.

iCloud3 polls the device on a dynamic schedule and determines the polling interval time based on:

  • If the device is in a zone or not in a zone. The zones include the ones you have set up in zone.yaml and a special Dynamic Stationary Zone that is created by iCloud3 when you haven't changed your location in a while (shopping center, friends house, doctors office, etc.)
  • A 'line-of-sight' calculated distance from 'home' to your current location using the GPS coordinates.
  • The driving time and distance between 'home' and your current location using the Waze map/driving/direction service.
  • The direction you are going — towards home, away from home or stationary.
  • The battery level of the device.
  • The accuracy of the GPS location and if the last poll returned a location that the iCloud service determined was 'old'.

The above analysis results in a polling interval. The further away from home and the longer the travel time back to home, the longer the interval; the closer to home, the shorter the interval. The polling interval checks each device being tracked every 15 seconds to see if it's location should be updated. If so, it and all of the other devices being tracked with iCloud3 are updated (more about this below). With a 15 second interval, you track the distance down 1/10 of a mile/kilometer. This gives a much more accurate distance number that can used to trigger automations. You no longer limited to entering or exiting a zone.

Note: The Python component is part of Home Assistant and used to poll the device, requesting location and other information. If the iCloud account is associated with multiple devices, all of the devices are polled, whether or not the device is being tracked by Home Assistant. This is a limitation of


What other programs do I need

The Home Assistant IOS App is all. You do not need OwnTracks or other location based trackers and you do not need nmap, netgear, ping or any network monitor. The Home Assistant IOS App will notify Home Assistant when you leave home and iCloud3 device tracker will start keeping up with the device's location, the distance to home and the time it will take to get there.

Note: The IOS App settings Zone enter/exit, Background Fetch and Significant Location Change location settings need to be enabled.

The iCloud platform allows you to detect presence using the iCloud service. iCloud allows users to track their location on iOS devices. Your device needs to be registered with “Find My iPhone”.

The HA proximity component also determines distance between zones and the device, determines direction of travel, and other device_tracker related functions. Unfortunately, the IOS App reports old location information on a regular basis that is processed by the proximity component.

It is highly recommended to not use the proximity component when using iCloud3.

iCloud3 duplicates the proximity functions and discards bad location information

where the proximity component does not.


What happens if I don't have the IOS app on my device

The Home Assistant IOS App issues zone enter/exits and pushes location updates to HA; the iCloud Find-my-Friends issues location updates and other device information when asked by iCloud3. They both must map to the same device (see about assigning device_names a little later). If they do not, or if the IOS app is not installed on the device, the zone enter/exits will not be picked up when they actually happen.

They will be updated, however, on the next poll by iCloud3. The problem with not having the IOS app installed is if you are in a zone and on a 2-hour polling interval, it could be 2-hours before the device goes to a not_home state. With the IOS app, the zone exit is pushed it to HA where it gets picked up by iCloud3 and the device's state is changed. This happens within 10-seconds of getting the exit notification the zone. Naturally, if you are in a poor service area, this notification may be delayed.

# Example device names:
iPhone Settings -- General>About = Gary-iPhone
IOS App name    -- gary_iphone 
Note: Special characters (’-’) get mapped to ‘_’ by HA and must be accounted for. 
I could have set the iPhone name to Gary_iPhone but didn’t

What happens if the iCloud Location Service is not available or I don't want to use it

When iCloud3 starts, the iCloud account is accessed for device and location information. If the iCloud account can not be accessed (the Apple iCloud service is down, an error authorization error is returned from the iCloud service, the account can not be found, the account name and password are not correct, etc.), iCloud3 will now startup in an iCloud Disabled Operating Mode. The following occurs:

  • iCloud3 will rely on HA IOS app to provide Zone Exit, Zone Enter, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update and Manual triggers to know where the device is located.

  • iCloud3 will not poll the device on a regular basis since it can't access the iCloud Find-My-Friends location service. The decreasing interval as you approach home will be not be done. Automations and scripts based on a short distance from home will not trigger. Automations and scripts triggered on a zone change should continue to work.

  • The devices to be tracked are extracted from those listed in the include_devices, sensor_name_prefix and sensor_badge_picture configuration parameters. This is described in the documentation below in the Configuration Parameter section.

  • The device is not located when HA starts. It may take a few minutes to process the next IOS app notification to locate the device.

  • The include_device_type & exclude_device_type configuration parameters will not work since they are used to select devices from an iCloud account. You do not have to remove these entries from the configuration file, they will be ignored.

    Note: The Authorization Failed error message will continue to be displayed since iCloud3 still requests the devices in the Apple iCloud account and uses this error to continue in the iCloud Disabled Mode.

    If you do not want to use the iCloud Location Service even if it is available, set the icloud_disabled to True. iCloud3 will then run as described above in the icloud_disabled operating mode.

    iCloud3 can be restarted using the service call icloud_update with the restart command or the service call icloud_reset. If you did not use the icloud_disabled configuration parameter, the iCloud Location Service will be rechecked and used if it is available.


Home Assistant Configuration

To integrate iCloud3 in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: icloud3
    username: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: gary_icloud
    include_device_type: iphone           <<<<< Note: See Configuration below for more info
    sensor_badge_picture:                 <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge Sensor' section for more info
      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png

If you have several devices that are associated with different Apple iCloud accounts, add a second iCloud3 platform with the other iCloud account. Since there may be a chance that a device is associated with several accounts, you should add include_device or exclude_device statements to the other account configuration.

Note: It is recommended that you have only one account with the include_device_type statement.

  - platform: icloud3
    username: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: gary_icloud             <<<<< iCloud account for gary
    include_device_type: iphone
    exclude_device: lillian_iphone
    sensor_badge_picture:                 <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge' section for more info
      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - david_iphone @ /local/david.png

- platform: icloud3
    username: lillian_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: lillian_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: lillian_icloud             <<<<< iCloud account for lillian
    include_device: lillian_iphone
    sensor_badge_picture:                    <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge' section for more info
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png

Note: When a devices location is polled, the Waze Route Calculator is called to get distance from home, travel time information. The data returned from the Waze Route Calculator is saved. On the next poll of any device using iCloud3 on the same account, the saved data is searched to see if there is any entry that is close to your current location instead of calling the Waze Route Calculator again

Only devices on the same iCloud account can share Waze data. In HA, each device_tracker platform operates independently of each other even though they are both using the iCloud3 platform. For example, devices set up in one platform (e.g., account_name: gary_icloud) and devices set up on another platform (e.g., account_name: lillian_iphone) don't know about each other so they can not share Waze data


About Your Apple iCloud Account

Apple has enabled '2 Step Authentication' for iCloud accounts. To permit Home Assistant, and iCloud3, to access your iCloud account, you need to have an authentication code sent via a text message to a trusted device, which is then entered in Home Assistant. The duration of this authentication is determined by Apple, but is now at 2 months.

When your account needs to be authorized, or reauthorized, you will be notified and the Notification symbol (the bell in the upper right of the Home Assistant screen) will be highlighted. Take the following steps to complete the process:

  1. Press the Notification Bell in the upper right-hand corner of your Home Assistant screen.

  2. A window is displayed, listing the trusted devices associated with your account. It will list an number (0, 1, 2, etc.) next to the phone number that can receive the text message containing the 2 Step Authentication code number used to authenticate the computer running Home Assistant (your Raspberry Pi for example).

  3. Type the number.

  4. A text message is sent. Type the authentication code you receive in the next window that is displayed.

Note: The Python program used to access your iCloud account, pyicloud, does not support 2 Factor Authentication, the improved version of 2 Steps Authentication.

Associating the iPhone Device Name with Home Assistant using the Home Assistant IOS App
The Device Name field of the device in Settings App>General>About>Name field on the iPhone and iPad and in the Apple Watch App for the iWatch is stored in the iCloud account and used by Home Assistant to identify the device. HA v0.86+ converts any special characters found in the Device Name field to an underscore ( _ ) while HA v0.85 and earlier dropped the special characters altogether; e.g., 'Gary-iPhone' becomes 'gary_iphone' in known_devices.yaml, automations, sensors, scripts, etc. The value, 'gary_iphone', in the Device ID field in the Home Assistant IOS App>Settings ties everything together.

Note: When you use iCloud account is accessed on a new device, you may receive an email from Apple stating that someone has logged into your account.


HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)

HACS is a custom component that monitors update to other custom components, lovelace custom cards, etc. iCloud3 will be listed on the store shortly. However, additional repositories can be added under the settings window and those repositories will also be monitored. The iCloud3 repository is structured to support HACS usage. To add iCloud3,

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. , Add gcobb321/icloud3 to the Add Custom Repository field.
  3. Select Integration in the Type list.
  4. Click the Save icon.

Installation instructions and all of the documentation for HACS is found here.


User, Account and Device Configuration Items

(Required) The username (email address) for the iCloud account.

(Required) The password for the account.

The friendly name for the account_name.
Note: If this isn’t specified, the account_name part of the username (the part before the @ in the email address) will be used.

include_device_types (or include_device_type)
exclude_device_types (or exclude_device_type)
Include or exclude device type(s) that should* be tracked.
Default: Include all device types associated with the account

include_device_type: iphone

--- or if you have several device types ---
  - iphone
  - ipad

include_devices (or include_device)
exclude_devices (or exclude_device)
Include or exclude devices that should be tracked.
Default: Include all devices associated with the account

include_device: gary_iphone

--- or if you have several devices ---
  - gary_iphone
  - lillian_iphone

--- or if used with the 'include_device_type' ---
  - iphone
  - gary_iphone

Note: It is recommended that to you specify the devices or the device types you want to track to avoid confusion or errors. All of the devices you are tracking are shown in the devices_tracked attribute.

[Special Note for iCloud2 Users: It is recommended that the filter_type configuration entry be changed to include_devices. (

Disable the iCloud Location Service, even if it is available.
Valid values: True, False. Default: False


Zone, Interval and Sensor Configuration Items

The interval between location updates when the device is in a zone. This can be in seconds, minutes or hours, e.g., 30 secs, 1 hr, 45 min, or 30 (minutes are assumed if no time qualifier is specified).
Default: 2 hrs

The interval between location updates when the device is in a Dynamic Stationary Zone. This can be minutes or hours, e.g., 1 hr, 45 min, or 30 (minutes are assumed if no time qualifier is specified).
Default: 30 min

The number minutes of with little movement minutes before the device will be put into its Dynamic Stationary Zone.
Valid values: Number. Default: 8

Sensors contain the same values as the device_tracker attributes and are created and updated by iCloud3. A sensor's value is a state value; it is easier to refer to, does not require HA to decode templates to extract the device_tracer's attribute and additional, non-attribute sensors can be made available. They will trigger automations, can be used in conditions and are easily displayed on lovelace cards.

Example sensors are sensor.gary_iphone_distance or sensor.gary_iphone_zone. The gary_iphone part of the name is the sensor prefix. It can be the device's name (gary_iphone), the iCloud device name (gary) or a custom name such as garyc. See the Sensors section here for more information on the different types of sensors and different ways to set up the sensor prefix.An example of the format is:

sensor_prefix_name: name

-- or, if you are using a custom name, and the special '_badge' sensors with a picture file name

  - gary_iphone @ garyc, /local/gary.png
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc, /local/lillian.png
-- or, if you are using a custom name and not using any special '_badge' sensors

  - gary_iphone @ garyc
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc
  - devicename @ sensor_prefix_name, badge_picture_file_name

Valid values: devicename, name, customnamevalue. Default: devicename

The special '_ badge Sensor' is used to display the zone or distance from home for a person. If you are using the default devicename for the sensor prefix and using the '_ badge Sensor' to display the person's picture and zone or distance information, use the sensor_badge_name to specify the file name of the picture for each person.

Format: '- devicename @ entity_picture_file_name. An example is:

  - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.jpg
  - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.jpg  

Note: See the Sensors section here for more information on the '_Badge Sensor'.

The unit of measure for distances in miles or kilometers.
Valid values: mi, km. Default: mi

iCloud location updates come with some gps_accuracy varying from 10 to 5000 meters. This setting defines the accuracy threshold in meters for a location updates. This allows more precise location monitoring and fewer false positive zone changes. If the gps_accuracy is above this threshold, a location update will be retried again in 2 minutes to see if the accuracy has improved. After 5 retries, the normal interval that is based on the distance from home, the waze travel time and the direction will be used.
Default: 100

Note: The accuracy and retry count are displayed in the info attribute field (GPS.Accuracy-263(2)) and on the poll_count attribute field (2-GPS). In this example, the accuracy has been poor for 2 polling cycles.


Waze Configuration Items

iCloud3 uses two methods of determining the distance between home and your current location — by calculating the straight line distance using geometry formulas (like the Proximity sensor) and by using the Waze Route Tracker to determine the distance based on the driving route. If you do not have Waze in your area or are having trouble with Waze. change this parameter to calc to set the interval using the distance between your current location and home rather than the Waze travel time. Valid values: waze, calc. Default: waze

waze_min_distance, waze_max_distance
These values are also used to determine if the polling internal should be based on the Waze distance. If the calculated straght-line distance is between these values, the Waze distance will be requested from the Waze mapping service. Otherwise, the calculated distane is used to determine the polling interval. Default: min=1, max=1000

Note: The Waze distance becomes less accurate when you are close to home. The calculation method is better when the distances less than 1 mile or 1 kilometer.
Note: If you are a long way from home, it probably doesn't make sense to use the Waze distance. You probably don't have any automations that would be triggered from that far away.

Waze reports the travel time estimate two ways — by taking the current, real time traffic conditions into consideration (True) or as an average travel time for the time of day (False).
Valid values: True, False. Default: False

The area used by Waze to determine the distance and travel time.
Valid values: US (United States), NA (North America), EU (Europe), IL (Isreal). Default: US

When using Waze and the distance from your current location to home is more than 3 kilometers/miles, the polling interval is calculated by multiplying the driving time to home by the travel_time_factor.
Default: .60

Note: Using the default value, the next update will be 3/4 of the time it takes to drive home from your current location. The one after that will be 3/4 of the time from that point. The result is a smaller interval as you get closer to home and a larger one as you get further away.



There are two zones that are special to the iCloud3 device tracker - the Dynamic Stationary Zone and the NearZone zone.

Dynamic Stationary Zone

A Dynamic Stationary Zone is a zone that iCloud3 creates when the device has not moved much over a period of time. Examples might be when you are at a mall, doctor's office, restaurant, friend's house, etc. If the device is stationary, it's Stationary Zone location (latitude and longitude) is automatically updated with the gps location, the device state is changed to Stationary and the interval time is set to the stationary_inzone_interval value (default is 30 mins). This almost eliminates the number of times the device must be polled to see how far it is from home when you haven't moved for a while. When you leave the Stationary Zone, the IOS App notifies Home Assistant that the Stationary Zone has been exited and the device tracking begins again.

Note: You do not have to create the Stationary Zone in the zones.yaml file, the iCloud3 device tracker automatically creates one for every device being tracked when Home Assistant is started. The initial location is latitude 90°, longitude 180° (the North Pole). It's name is devicename_Stationary.

Details about the Stationary Zone:

  • You must be at least 2.5 times the Home zone radius.
  • It's radius is 2 times the Home zone radius.
  • The maximum distance you can move in a specific amount of time is 1.5 times the Home zone radius.
  • The amount of time you must be still is specified in the stationary_still_time configuration parameter (default is 8 minutes).

near_zone Zone

There may be times when the Home Zone's (or another zone's) cell service is poor and does not track the device adequately when the device nears a zone. This can create problems triggering automations when the device enters the zone since the Find-My-Friends location service has problems monitoring it's location.

To solve this, a special 'near_zone' zone can be created that is a short distance from the real zone that will wake the device up. The IOS App stores the zone's location on the device and will trigger a zone enter/exit notification which will then change the device's device_tracker state to the 'near_zone' zone and change the polling interval to every 15-secs. It is not perfect and might not work every time but it is better than automations never being triggered when they should.

Note: You can have more than one 'near_zone' zone in the zones.yaml file. Set them up with a unique name that starts with 'near_zone';, e.g., near_zone_home, near_zone_quail, near_zone_work, etc. The friendly_name attribute should be NearZone for each one.



There are numerous attributes that are available for use in automations or to monitor the location of your device. They are shown in following table.

Location and Polling Attributes

The current interval between update requests to your iCloud account for the location and other information. They increase as you get further away and decrease as you get closer to home.

The Waze travel time to return home from your current location.

The distance from home being used by the interval calculator. This will be either the Waze distance or the calculated distance.

The driving distance from home returned by Waze based on the shortest route.

The 'straight line' distance that is calculated using the latitude and longitude of home and your current location using geometric formulas.

zone, last_zone
The device's current and last zone. This is not to be confused with the device's state. The state can be changed by other programs (IOS app or automations issuing device_tracker.see service calls) where the zone attribute is only updated by iCloud3. Using the Zone attribute to trigger an automation eliminates the gps wandering problems (or greatly reduces them).

When the device's zone was last changed.

The direction you are traveling — towards home, away from home, near home, or stationary. This is determined by calculating the difference between the distance from home on this location update and the last one. Stationary can be a little difficult to determine at times and sometimes needs several updates to get right.

The time of the last iCloud location update.

The time of the next iCloud location update.

The last time your iCloud account successfully located the device. Normally, this will be a few seconds after the update time, however, if you are in a dead zone or the GPS accuracy exceeds the threshold, the time will be older. In this case, a description of the issues is displayed in the info attribute field.

The number of iCloud, IOS App and discarded transaction counts for the day. It's format is '##:##:##', e.g., '10:14:21' with the iCloud count (10) first, the IOS App (14) second and discarded transactions (21) third.

A message area displaying information about the device. This includes the battery level, Waze status, GPS accuracy issues, how long the device has been stationary, etc.

The action or notification that caused the last update (Geographic Zone Entered or Exited, Background Fetch, Manual, iCloud, etc.).

When the last update was completed.


Device Status Information Attributes

The battery level of the device..

Charging or NotCharging.

latitude, longitude, altitude
The location of the device.

How the the Home Assistant IOS App located the device. This includes gps, beacon, router.

The status of the device — online if the device is located or offline if polling has been paused or it can not be located.

If the device is running in low power mode.

speed, altitude, course, floor, vertical_accuracy
Device information provided by the iCloud account. This information is not verified by iCloud3 and passed along as reported by the IOS pp.


Other Attributes

When the device's iCloud account was last authenticated.

tracked devices
The devices that are being tracked based on the 'includes' and 'excludes' specified in the configuration.yaml file. This will be the same for all devices tracked.

account name
Name of the iCloud account associated with the tracked devices.

The version of iCloud3 you are running.



How they are used in Automations and on Lovelace Cards

Normally in HA, a template sensor is used to convert one entity's attributes into a state that can be used in automations or displayed on lovelace cards. The device_tracker.gary_iphone.attributes.distance value is converted to sensor.gary_iphone_distance entity using a template sensor. To do this, HA to monitors the attribute's value to see if it has been changed, and if it has, convert the template to the new value and then update the sensor entity while it is doing all the other stuff it does.

iCloud3 creates and updates sensor entities without the need for template sensors. This makes the device_tracker's attribute values easier to reference in automations and scripts, and immediately available without waiting on HA to do the conversion.

Below is a sample automation using the sensors created and updated by iCloud3 .

  - alias: Gary Arrives Home
    id: gary_arrives_home
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.gary_iphone_zone_name1
      to: 'Home'
    - platform: template
      value_template: '{{states.sensor.gary_iphone_distance.state | float <= 0.2}}'

The following sensors are updated using the device_tracker's attributes values:

Tracking Sensors Special Sensors Device Sensors
_interval _zone _battery
_travel_time _last_zone _battery_status
_distance _zone_timestamp _gps_accuracy
_waze_distance _zone_name1 _trigger
_calc_distance _zone_name2 _speed
_last_update _zone_name3
_last_located _badge


Naming the Sensor

The sensors can be named several ways using new the sensor_name_prefix configuration parameter. They can be based on the devicename (default), the iCloud's name, or a custom name for each device. If using a custom name, devices not specified use the default devicename for the prefix.

Examples of the sensor_name_prefix:

sensor_name_prefix: devicename       - gary_iphone_distance

sensor_name_prefix: name             - gary_distance

  - gary_iphone @ garyc              - garyc_distance
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc        - lillianc_distance

The sn_device_tracker_attributes.yaml file containing the attribute template sensors distributed in the configuration section of the iCloud3 repository must be deleted (or commented out so it will not load). The new version of the sn_badges sensor template file must be used.


Special Sensors

_zone_name1, _zone_name2, _zone_name3 Sensors
_zone value _zone_name1 _zone_name2 _zone_name3
home Home Home Home
not_home Away Not Home NotHome
whse Whse Whse Whse
gary_iphone_stationary Stationary Gary Iphone Stationary GaryIphoneStationary
_badge Sensor

The '_badge Sensor' is used to display either the zone or distance from home for a device. It can be created and updated by iCloud3 or you can setup your own template sensor and have the iCloud3 devicename_badge used as the source of the value_template field. If you are using iCloud3, the persons picture associated with the device must be specified in the sensor_name_prefix or the sensor_badge_name configuration parameter. Examples of both methods follow

  • If you are using the sensor_name_prefix parameter, add the person's picture after the custom name. For example:

      - gary_iphone @ garyc, /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ lillianc, /local/lillian.png
  • If you are not using a custom name but using the default 'devicename' for all of the template sensors, use the sensor_badge_prefix parameter. For example

      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png
  • You can also use your own template sensor and have the value_template attribute point to the actual template sensor created by iCloud3. For example:

    - platform: template
          friendly_name: Gary
          value_template: '{{states.sensor.gary_iphone_badge.state}}'  >>>> iCloud3 sensor with badge info
          entity_picture_template: /local/gary.png

An example of the '_badge Sensor'. is:



Use sensor.devicename_zone instead of device_tracker.devicename state for zone change

There are times when gps wanders and you receive a zone exit state change when the device has not moved in the middle of the night. The sequence of events that takes place under the covers is (1) a zone change notification is sent by the IOS App based on bad gps information, (2) the device's state and location is changed, (3) triggering an automation that runs when you exit the Home zone. (4) iCloud3 sees the new state and location and processes the data and (5) sees the notification data is old and it was caused an incorrect state change and (6) puts the device back into the Home zone where it belongs. The net effect is HA triggers the automation before iCloud3 gets control so the correction takes place after the automation has already run.

The solution to eliminating this problem is to not trigger automations based on device state changes but to trigger them on zone changes. A zone and last_zone template sensor, updated by iCloud3, is used to do this. These template sensors are only updated by iCloud3 so they are not effected by incorrect device state changes. See the example gary_leaves_zone automation in the sn_home_away_gary.yaml sample file where the sensor.gary_iphone_zone is used as a trigger.



Four services are available for the iCloud3 device tracker component that are used in automations.

Service Description
icloud_update Send commands to iCloud3 that change the way it is running (pause, resume, Waze commands, etc.)
icloud_set_interval Override the dynamic interval calculated by iCloud3.
icloud_lost_phone Play the Lost Phone sound.
icloud_reset Reset the iCloud3 custom component.

Description of each service follows.

icloud_update Service -- Control How iCloud3 Operates

This service allows you to change the way iCloud3 operates. The following parameters are used:

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device to be updated. All devices will be updated if this parameter is not specified. (Optional)
command The action to be performed (see below). (Required)
parameter Additional parameters for the command.

The following describe the commands that are available.

Command/Parameter Description
pause Stop updating/locating a device (or all devices). Note: You may want to pause location updates for a device if you are a long way from home or out of the country and it doesn't make sense to continue locating your device.
resume Start updating/locating a device (or all devices) after it has been paused.
resume Reset the update interval if it was overridden the 'icloud_set_interval' service.
pause-resume Toggle pause and resume commands
zone zonename service call) and immediately update the device interval and location data. Note: Using the device_tracker.see service call instead will update the device state but the new interval and location data will be delayed until the next 15-second polling iteration (rather than immediately).
waze on Turn on Waze. Use the 'waze' method to determine the update interval.
waze off Turn off Waze. Use the 'calc' method to determine the update interval.
waze toggle Toggle waze on or off
waze reset_range Reset the Waze range to the default distances (min=1, max=99999).
info interval Show how the interval is determined by iCloud3. This is displayed real time in the info attribute field.
info logging Toggle writing detailed debug information records to the HA log file.
restart Restart iCloud3. Detect any new devices, recheck the availability of the iCloud Location Service, relocate all devices, etc.
#Commands to Control Device Polling

  alias: 'Toggle Pause/Resume Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: pause-resume
  alias: 'Resume Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: resume
  alias: 'Pause Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: pause

  alias: 'Pause (Gary)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: pause

  alias: 'Toggle Waze On/Off'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: waze toggle

  alias: 'Gary - Zone Home'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: zone home
  alias: 'Gary - Zone not_home'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: zone not_home
#Commands to Restart iCloud3

  alias: 'iCloud3 Restart'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: restart
#Commands to Generate Detailed Information on iCloud3's Operations

  alias: 'Display Interval Formula'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: info interval

  alias: 'Write Details to Log File (Toggle)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: info logging


icloud_set_interval Service -- Override the interval

This service allows you to override the interval between location updates to a fixed time. It is reset when a zone is entered or when the icloud_update service call is processed with the 'resume'command. The following parameters are used:

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device to be updated. All devices will be updated if this parameter is not specified. (Optional)
interval The interval between location updates. This can be in seconds, minutes or hours. Examples are 30 sec, 45 min, 1 hr, hrs, 30 (minutes are assumed if no time descriptor is specified). (Required)
#Commands to Change Intervals

  alias: 'Set Gary to 15 sec'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        device_name: gary_iphone
        interval: '15 sec'
  alias: 'Set Gary to 1 min'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        device_name: gary_iphone
        interval: 1

  alias: 'Set interval to 5 hrs (all devices)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        interval: '5 hrs'


icloud_lost_iphone Service -- Play a tune to find your phone

This service will play the Lost iPhone sound on a specific device.

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device (Required)

icloud_restart Service -- Restart the iCloud3 Component

This service will restart iCloud3 and refresh all of the devices being handled by iCloud3. It does the same action as the icloud_command with the refresh option described above. You will have to restart Home Assist if you have made changes to the configuration parameters (new device type, new device name, etc.)



How the Interval is Determined

The iCloud3 device tracked uses data from several sources to determine the time interval between the iCloud Find my Friends location update requests. The purpose is to provide accurate location data without exceeding Apple's limit on the number of requests in a time period and to limit the drain on the device's battery.

The algorithm uses a sequence of tests to determine the interval. If the test is true, it's interval value is used and no further tests are done. The following is for the nerd who wants to know how this is done.

Test Interval Method Name
--- The Zone (State) changed ---
Zone changed to Stationary Zone stationary_inzone_interval 1sz-Stationary
Zone Changed to other zone inzone_interval 1ez-Zone
In near_zone close to home 15 seconds 1nz-InHomeNearZone
In near_zone far from Home 15 seconds 1nhz-InOtherNearZone
Left Home zone 4 minutes 1ehz-ExitHomeZone
Left other zone 2 minutes 1ez-ExitOtherZone
Entered Another Zone 4 minutes 1cz-ZoneChanged
--- The Zone (State) did not change --
Poor GPS Accuracy 1 minute 2-PoorGPS
Override interval specified inzone_interval 3-Override
In Stationary zone stationary_inzone_interval 4sz-Stationary
In Home zone or near Home zone and direction is Towards inzone_interval 4iz-InZone
In near_zone 15 seconds 4nz-NearZone
In other zone & inzone_interval > waze time inzone_interval 4iz-InZone
Just left a zone 2.5 minutes 5-LeftZone
Distance < 2.5km/1.5mi 15 seconds 10a-Dist < 2.5km
Distance < 3.5km/2mi 30 seconds 10b-Dist < 3.5km
Waze used and Waze time < 5 min. time*travel_time_factor 10c-WazeTime
Distance < 5km/3mi 1 minute 10d-Dist < 5km
Distance < 8km/5mi 3 minutes 10e-Dist < 8km
Distance < 12km/7.5mi 15 minutes 10f-Dist < 12km
Distance < 20km/12mi 10 minutes 10g-Dist < 20km
Distance < 40km/25mi 15 minutes 10h-Dist < 40km
Distance < 150km/90mi 1 hour 10i-Dist < 150km
Distance > 150km/90mi distance/1.5 20-Calculated

Notes: The interval is then multiplied by a value based on other conditions. The conditions are:

  1. If Stationary, keep track of the number of polls when you are stationary (the stationary count reported in the info attribute). Multiply the interval time by 2 when the stationary count is an even number and by 3 when it is divisible by 3.

  2. If the direction of travel is Away, multiply the interval time by 2.

  3. Is the battery is low, the GPS accuracy is poor or the location data is old, don't make any of the above adjustments to the interval.


Displaying Interval Calculation Information in the Info Field

iCloud3 can display information on how the Interval time was calculated when the device is polled. As mentioned, this is dependent on the zone, direction of travel, Waze travel time (if Waze is used), the distance between your current location and home and the accuracy of the gps information provided by the iCloud service and the IOS App. Below are samples what is displayed in the Info field.

In this case, the device is not_home and just left the Stationary Zone.

●Interval=3 min (0-iosAppTrigger, Zone=not_home, Last=stationary, This=not_home), ●DirOfTrav=away_from (Dist=1.88), ●State=stationary->not_home, Zone=not_home ●Battery-85%

In this case, Gary just arrived home and is now in the Home Zone.

●Interval=2 hrs (1ez-EnterZone, Zone=home, Last=not_home, This=home), ●DirOfTrav=in_zone (Zone=home), ●State=not_home->home, Zone=home ●Battery-84%'

The following script will toggle writing the debug information:

  alias: 'Display Interval Formula'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        account_name: gary_icloud
        command: info interval


Writing Debug Information to the HA Log File

iCloud3 can toggle writing debug information to the HA Log file on and off. Below is a sample of the information that is written. In this case, Gary was arriving home and updating gary_iphone data was triggered by a Zone/State Change (not_home to home) in the automation au_home_away_gary.yaml

You have to have the Logger: info entry in the configuration.yaml file but you do not have to have any other 'debug' parameters.

This entry was triggered by a Zone/State change from 'not_home' to 'home'.

The following script will toggle writing the debug information:

  alias: 'Write Details to Log File (Toggle)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        account_name: gary_icloud
        command: info logging


iCloud3 Device Tracker Custom Component

  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Released: June 15, 2019

Table of Contents

Download from the Releases tab here


'iCloud3' is an improved version of the iCloud device_tracker component installed with Home Assistant. It's purpose is:

  • To provide easy-to-use presence detection that does not rely on any other program, other than Home Assistant and the Home Assistant IOS app.
  • To be report accurate information (location, distance from home, current zone) on a timely basis that can be used reliably in automations.
  • To conserve the devices battery.
  • To correct GPS wandering errors leading to incorrect triggering of automations.
  • To provide more distance, travel time, and zone attributes than the base iCloud component that can trigger and control automations and to easily display additional device information on lovelace cards.

Below are some sample Lovelace screenshots showing how iCloud3 information can be displayed (see ui-lovelace-icloud3.yaml in the configuration files directory). Example configuration files for sensors, switches, badges, automations and scripts are also found in the configuration files directory that report location information and device status, along with running automations (opening a garage door) when arriving home. Other uses (security, lighting, heating & cooling control, etc.) can be added to the automations to meet your needs.

Special Note: I want to thank Walt Howd, (iCloud2 fame) who inspired me to tackle this project. I also want to give a shout out to Kovács Bálint, Budapest, Hungary who wrote the Python WazeRouteCalculator and some awesome HA guys (Petro31, scop, tsvi, troykellt, balloob, Myrddyn1, mountainsandcode, diraimondo, fabaff, squirtbrnr, and mhhbob) who gave me the idea of using Waze in iCloud3...Gary Cobb aka GeeksterGary.


Table of Contents


iCloud3 uses the GitHub Releases framework to download all the necessary installation files (iCloud3 custom component, documentation, sample configuration files, sample lovelace cards, etc). Go to the 'Releases' tab at the top of this repository, select the version of iCloud3 you want and download the .zip file.

  • HA 0.92+ -- Create a config/custom_components/icloud3 directory on the device (Raspberry Pi) running Home Assistant. Copy the four component files in the custom_components-icloud3 Github directory (,, manifest.json, service.yaml) into that directory so the directory structure looks like:



Note: The WazeRouteCalculator component is use to calculate driving distance and time from your location to your Home zone. Normally, it is installed with the Home Assistant and frameworks. However, if it is not installed on your system, you can go here for instructions to download and instal Waze. If you don't want to use Waze or are in an area where Waze is not available, you can use the 'direct distance' method of calculating your distance and time from Home. Add the distance_method: calc parameter to your device_tracker: icloud3 configuration setup (see more information on this and other parameters later).


What's different

iCloud3 has many features not in the base iCloud device_tracker that is part of Home Assistant. It exposes many new attributes, provides many new features, is based on enhanced route tracking methods, is much more accurate, and includes additional service calls. Lets look at the differences.

Feature Original iCloud iCloud3
Integration with the HA IOS App No Yes, Geographic Zone Enter/Exit, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update & Manual transactions are detected and processed immediately after they are issued.
Device Selection None Include and/or exclude device by type (iPhone, iPad, etc) or by device name (garyiphone, lillianiphone, etc).
Minimum Poll Interval 1 minute 15 second
Distance Accuracy 1 km/mile .01 km/mile
Variable Polling Yes - Based on distance from home, battery level, GPS Accuracy Yes, based on distance from home, Waze travel time to home, direction of travel, if the device is in a zone, battery level, GPS Accuracy, 'old location' status.
Detects zone changes No - Also requires other device_trackers (OwnTracks, Nmap, ping, etc. Yes, no other programs are needed.
Detects when leaving Home Zone Delayed to next polling cycle (default of 30-minutes) Detects when the Home Assistant IOS app issues a Zone Enter/Exit notification
Discards old transactions No Yes, if older than 2-minutes or with poor gps accuracy.
Fixes 'Not Home' issue when in Sleep Mode No Yes, by discarding all transactions that are closer than 1-km when the device is in a zone and by providing zone template sensors that are used to trigger automations rather than device_tracker state changes.
Integrates with Waze route/map tracker No Yes, the Waze travel time is used to determine the 'polling interval'. Waze can be disabled if not available using configuration parametres.
Device Polling Interval when close to home 1+ minutes (?) 15-seconds
Dynamic Stationary Zone No Yes, a Stationary Zone is created if no movement has been detected in 8-minutes (configurable). The polling interval is set to 30-minutes (default) until zone exit notification is received.
Service call commands Set polling interval, Reset devices Set polling interval, Reset devices, Pause/restart polling, Change zone, Enable/disable Waze Route information usage, information logging (some commands can be for all devices or for a specific device)
Device Filters None By device type or device name
Geekster Statistics:
● Config variables 5 22
● Attributes 20 35
● Service Calls 4 4 + 12 special commands
● Lines of code 425 4100+


How it works

iCloud3 operates on a 5-second cycle, looking for transactions from the HA IOS App. It looks for Geographic Zone Enter/Exit, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update and Manual transactions. When one is detected, it determines if the transaction is current before it is processed. Transactions older than 2-minutes are discarded. Additionally, to minimize GPS wandering and out-of-zone state changes, transactions within 1km of a zone are discarded when the device is in a zone. Every 15-seconds, it determines if any devices needed to be polled using the iCloud Location Services service as described below.

iCloud3 polls the device on a dynamic schedule and determines the polling interval time based on:

  • If the device is in a zone or not in a zone. The zones include the ones you have set up in zone.yaml and a special Dynamic Stationary Zone that is created by iCloud3 when you haven't changed your location in a while (shopping center, friends house, doctors office, etc.)
  • A 'line-of-sight' calculated distance from 'home' to your current location using the GPS coordinates.
  • The driving time and distance between 'home' and your current location using the Waze map/driving/direction service.
  • The direction you are going — towards home, away from home or stationary.
  • The battery level of the device.
  • The accuracy of the GPS location and if the last poll returned a location that the iCloud service determined was 'old'.

The above analysis results in a polling interval. The further away from home and the longer the travel time back to home, the longer the interval; the closer to home, the shorter the interval. The polling interval checks each device being tracked every 15 seconds to see if it's location should be updated. If so, it and all of the other devices being tracked with iCloud3 are updated (more about this below). With a 15 second interval, you track the distance down 1/10 of a mile/kilometer. This gives a much more accurate distance number that can used to trigger automations. You no longer limited to entering or exiting a zone.

Note: The Python component is part of Home Assistant and used to poll the device, requesting location and other information. If the iCloud account is associated with multiple devices, all of the devices are polled, whether or not the device is being tracked by Home Assistant. This is a limitation of


What other programs do I need

The Home Assistant IOS App is all. You do not need OwnTracks or other location based trackers and you do not need nmap, netgear, ping or any network monitor. The Home Assistant IOS App will notify Home Assistant when you leave home and iCloud3 device tracker will start keeping up with the device's location, the distance to home and the time it will take to get there.

Note: The IOS App settings Zone enter/exit, Background Fetch and Significant Location Change location settings need to be enabled.

The iCloud platform allows you to detect presence using the iCloud service. iCloud allows users to track their location on iOS devices. Your device needs to be registered with “Find My iPhone”.

The HA proximity component also determines distance between zones and the device, determines direction of travel, and other device_tracker related functions. Unfortunately, the IOS App reports old location information on a regular basis that is processed by the proximity component.

It is highly recommended to not use the proximity component when using iCloud3.

iCloud3 duplicates the proximity functions and discards bad location information

where the proximity component does not.


What happens if I don't have the IOS app on my device

The Home Assistant IOS App issues zone enter/exits and pushes location updates to HA; the iCloud Find-my-Friends issues location updates and other device information when asked by iCloud3. They both must map to the same device (see about assigning device_names a little later). If they do not, or if the IOS app is not installed on the device, the zone enter/exits will not be picked up when they actually happen.

They will be updated, however, on the next poll by iCloud3. The problem with not having the IOS app installed is if you are in a zone and on a 2-hour polling interval, it could be 2-hours before the device goes to a not_home state. With the IOS app, the zone exit is pushed it to HA where it gets picked up by iCloud3 and the device's state is changed. This happens within 10-seconds of getting the exit notification the zone. Naturally, if you are in a poor service area, this notification may be delayed.

# Example device names:
iPhone Settings -- General>About = Gary-iPhone
IOS App name    -- gary_iphone 
Note: Special characters (’-’) get mapped to ‘_’ by HA and must be accounted for. 
I could have set the iPhone name to Gary_iPhone but didn’t

What happens if the iCloud Location Service is not available or I don't want to use it

When iCloud3 starts, the iCloud account is accessed for device and location information. If the iCloud account can not be accessed (the Apple iCloud service is down, an error authorization error is returned from the iCloud service, the account can not be found, the account name and password are not correct, etc.), iCloud3 will now startup in an iCloud Disabled Operating Mode. The following occurs:

  • iCloud3 will rely on HA IOS app to provide Zone Exit, Zone Enter, Background Fetch, Significant Location Update and Manual triggers to know where the device is located.

  • iCloud3 will not poll the device on a regular basis since it can't access the iCloud Find-My-Friends location service. The decreasing interval as you approach home will be not be done. Automations and scripts based on a short distance from home will not trigger. Automations and scripts triggered on a zone change should continue to work.

  • The devices to be followed must be listed in the include_devices configuration parameter. This is described in the documentation below in the Configuration Parameter section.

  • The device is not located when HA starts. It may take a few minutes to process the next IOS app notification to locate the device.

  • The include_device_type & exclude_device_type configuration parameters will not work since they are used to select devices from an iCloud account. You do not have to remove these entries from the configuration file, they will be ignored.

    If you do not want to use the iCloud Location Service even if it is available, set the icloud_disabled to True. iCloud3 will then run as described above in the icloud_disabled operating mode.

    iCloud3 can be restarted using the service call icloud_update with the restart command or the service call icloud_reset. If you did not use the icloud_disabled configuration parameter, the iCloud Location Service will be rechecked and used if it is available.


Home Assistant Configuration

To integrate iCloud3 in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: icloud3
    username: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: gary_icloud
    include_device_type: iphone           <<<<< Note: See Configuration below for more info
    sensor_badge_picture:                 <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge Sensor' section for more info
      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png

If you have several devices that are associated with different Apple iCloud accounts, add a second iCloud3 platform with the other iCloud account. Since there may be a chance that a device is associated with several accounts, you should add include_device or exclude_device statements to the other account configuration.

Note: It is recommended that you have only one account with the include_device_type statement.

  - platform: icloud3
    username: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: gary_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: gary_icloud             <<<<< iCloud account for gary
    include_device_type: iphone
    exclude_device: lillian_iphone
    sensor_badge_picture:                 <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge' section for more info
      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - david_iphone @ /local/david.png

- platform: icloud3
    username: lillian_Apple_iCloud_Account_ID 
    password: lillian_Apple_iCloud_Account_Password
    account_name: lillian_icloud             <<<<< iCloud account for lillian
    include_device: lillian_iphone
    sensor_badge_picture:                    <<<<< Note: See Special Sensor '_badge' section for more info
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png

Note: When a devices location is polled, the Waze Route Calculator is called to get distance from home, travel time information. The data returned from the Waze Route Calculator is saved. On the next poll of any device using iCloud3 on the same account, the saved data is searched to see if there is any entry that is close to your current location instead of calling the Waze Route Calculator again

Only devices on the same iCloud account can share Waze data. In HA, each device_tracker platform operates independently of each other even though they are both using the iCloud3 platform. For example, devices set up in one platform (e.g., account_name: gary_icloud) and devices set up on another platform (e.g., account_name: lillian_iphone) don't know about each other so they can not share Waze data


About Your Apple iCloud Account

Apple has enabled '2 Step Authentication' for iCloud accounts. To permit Home Assistant, and iCloud3, to access your iCloud account, you need to have an authentication code sent via a text message to a trusted device, which is then entered in Home Assistant. The duration of this authentication is determined by Apple, but is now at 2 months.

When your account needs to be authorized, or reauthorized, you will be notified and the Notification symbol (the bell in the upper right of the Home Assistant screen) will be highlighted. Take the following steps to complete the process:

  1. Press the Notification Bell in the upper right-hand corner of your Home Assistant screen.

  2. A window is displayed, listing the trusted devices associated with your account. It will list an number (0, 1, 2, etc.) next to the phone number that can receive the text message containing the 2 Step Authentication code number used to authenticate the computer running Home Assistant (your Raspberry Pi for example).

  3. Type the number.

  4. A text message is sent. Type the authentication code you receive in the next window that is displayed.

Note: The Python program used to access your iCloud account, pyicloud, does not support 2 Factor Authentication, the improved version of 2 Steps Authentication.

Associating the iPhone Device Name with Home Assistant using the Home Assistant IOS App
The Device Name field of the device in Settings App>General>About>Name field on the iPhone and iPad and in the Apple Watch App for the iWatch is stored in the iCloud account and used by Home Assistant to identify the device. HA v0.86+ converts any special characters found in the Device Name field to an underscore ( _ ) while HA v0.85 and earlier dropped the special characters altogether; e.g., 'Gary-iPhone' becomes 'gary_iphone' in known_devices.yaml, automations, sensors, scripts, etc. The value, 'gary_iphone', in the Device ID field in the Home Assistant IOS App>Settings ties everything together.

Note: When you use iCloud account is accessed on a new device, you may receive an email from Apple stating that someone has logged into your account.



User, Account and Device Configuration Items

(Required) The username (email address) for the iCloud account.

(Required) The password for the account.

The friendly name for the account_name.
Note: If this isn’t specified, the account_name part of the username (the part before the @ in the email address) will be used.

include_device_types (or include_device_type)
exclude_device_types (or exclude_device_type)
Include or exclude device type(s) that should* be tracked.
Default: Include all device types associated with the account

include_device_type: iphone

--- or if you have several device types ---
  - iphone
  - ipad

include_devices (or include_device)
exclude_devices (or exclude_device)
Include or exclude devices that should be tracked.
Default: Include all devices associated with the account

include_device: gary_iphone

--- or if you have several devices ---
  - gary_iphone
  - lillian_iphone

--- or if used with the 'include_device_type' ---
  - iphone
  - gary_iphone

Note: It is recommended that to you specify the devices or the device types you want to track to avoid confusion or errors. All of the devices you are tracking are shown in the devices_tracked attribute.

[Special Note for iCloud2 Users: It is recommended that the filter_type configuration entry be changed to include_devices. (

Disable the iCloud Location Service, even if it is available.
Valid values: True, False. Default: False

When iCloud Location Services are disabled, iCloud3 will request location information from the IOS App using the HA the notify service with a request_location_update message. There is a limit of 150 messages that can be sent in one day. iCloud3 will stop sending these requests when the message count exceeds 150 or this value.
Valid values: 0-150. Default: 100


Zone, Interval and Sensor Configuration Items

The interval between location updates when the device is in a zone. This can be in seconds, minutes or hours, e.g., 30 secs, 1 hr, 45 min, or 30 (minutes are assumed if no time qualifier is specified).
Default: 2 hrs

The interval between location updates when the device is in a Dynamic Stationary Zone. This can be minutes or hours, e.g., 1 hr, 45 min, or 30 (minutes are assumed if no time qualifier is specified).
Default: 30 min

The number minutes of with little movement minutes before the device will be put into its Dynamic Stationary Zone.
Valid values: Number. Default: 8

Sensors contain the same values as the device_tracker attributes and are created and updated by iCloud3. A sensor's value is a state value; it is easier to refer to, does not require HA to decode templates to extract the device_tracer's attribute and additional, non-attribute sensors can be made available. They will trigger automations, can be used in conditions and are easily displayed on lovelace cards.

Example sensors are sensor.gary_iphone_distance or sensor.gary_iphone_zone. The gary_iphone part of the name is the sensor prefix. It can be the device's name (gary_iphone), the iCloud device name (gary) or a custom name such as garyc. See the Sensors section here for more information on the different types of sensors and different ways to set up the sensor prefix.An example of the format is:

sensor_prefix_name: name

-- or, if you are using a custom name, and the special '_badge' sensors with a picture file name

  - gary_iphone @ garyc, /local/gary.png
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc, /local/lillian.png
-- or, if you are using a custom name and not using any special '_badge' sensors

  - gary_iphone @ garyc
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc
  - devicename @ sensor_prefix_name, badge_picture_file_name

Valid values: devicename, name, customnamevalue. Default: devicename

The special '_ badge Sensor' is used to display the zone or distance from home for a person. If you are using the default devicename for the sensor prefix and using the '_ badge Sensor' to display the person's picture and zone or distance information, use the sensor_badge_name to specify the file name of the picture for each person.

Format: '- devicename @ entity_picture_file_name. An example is:

  - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.jpg
  - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.jpg  

Note: See the Sensors section here for more information on the '_Badge Sensor'.

The unit of measure for distances in miles or kilometers.
Valid values: mi, km. Default: mi

iCloud location updates come with some gps_accuracy varying from 10 to 5000 meters. This setting defines the accuracy threshold in meters for a location updates. This allows more precise location monitoring and fewer false positive zone changes. If the gps_accuracy is above this threshold, a location update will be retried again in 2 minutes to see if the accuracy has improved. After 5 retries, the normal interval that is based on the distance from home, the waze travel time and the direction will be used.
Default: 100

Note: The accuracy and retry count are displayed in the info attribute field (GPS.Accuracy-263(2)) and on the poll_count attribute field (2-GPS). In this example, the accuracy has been poor for 2 polling cycles.


Waze Configuration Items

iCloud3 uses two methods of determining the distance between home and your current location — by calculating the straight line distance using geometry formulas (like the Proximity sensor) and by using the Waze Route Tracker to determine the distance based on the driving route. If you do not have Waze in your area or are having trouble with Waze. change this parameter to calc to set the interval using the distance between your current location and home rather than the Waze travel time. Valid values: waze, calc. Default: waze

waze_min_distance, waze_max_distance
These values are also used to determine if the polling internal should be based on the Waze distance. If the calculated straght-line distance is between these values, the Waze distance will be requested from the Waze mapping service. Otherwise, the calculated distane is used to determine the polling interval. Default: min=1, max=1000

Note: The Waze distance becomes less accurate when you are close to home. The calculation method is better when the distances less than 1 mile or 1 kilometer.
Note: If you are a long way from home, it probably doesn't make sense to use the Waze distance. You probably don't have any automations that would be triggered from that far away.

Waze reports the travel time estimate two ways — by taking the current, real time traffic conditions into consideration (True) or as an average travel time for the time of day (False).
Valid values: True, False. Default: False

The area used by Waze to determine the distance and travel time.
Valid values: US (United States), NA (North America), EU (Europe), IL (Isreal). Default: US

When using Waze and the distance from your current location to home is more than 3 kilometers/miles, the polling interval is calculated by multiplying the driving time to home by the travel_time_factor.
Default: .60

Note: Using the default value, the next update will be 3/4 of the time it takes to drive home from your current location. The one after that will be 3/4 of the time from that point. The result is a smaller interval as you get closer to home and a larger one as you get further away.



There are two zones that are special to the iCloud3 device tracker - the Dynamic Stationary Zone and the NearZone zone.

Dynamic Stationary Zone

A Dynamic Stationary Zone is a zone that iCloud3 creates when the device has not moved much over a period of time. Examples might be when you are at a mall, doctor's office, restaurant, friend's house, etc. If the device is stationary, it's Stationary Zone location (latitude and longitude) is automatically updated with the gps location, the device state is changed to Stationary and the interval time is set to the stationary_inzone_interval value (default is 30 mins). This almost eliminates the number of times the device must be polled to see how far it is from home when you haven't moved for a while. When you leave the Stationary Zone, the IOS App notifies Home Assistant that the Stationary Zone has been exited and the device tracking begins again.

Note: You do not have to create the Stationary Zone in the zones.yaml file, the iCloud3 device tracker automatically creates one for every device being tracked when Home Assistant is started. The initial location is latitude 90°, longitude 180° (the North Pole). It's name is devicename_Stationary.

Details about the Stationary Zone:

  • You must be at least 2.5 times the Home zone radius.
  • It's radius is 2 times the Home zone radius.
  • The maximum distance you can move in a specific amount of time is 1.5 times the Home zone radius.
  • The amount of time you must be still is specified in the stationary_still_time configuration parameter (default is 8 minutes).

near_zone Zone

There may be times when the Home Zone's (or another zone's) cell service is poor and does not track the device adequately when the device nears a zone. This can create problems triggering automations when the device enters the zone since the Find-My-Friends location service has problems monitoring it's location.

To solve this, a special 'near_zone' zone can be created that is a short distance from the real zone that will wake the device up. The IOS App stores the zone's location on the device and will trigger a zone enter/exit notification which will then change the device's device_tracker state to the 'near_zone' zone and change the polling interval to every 15-secs. It is not perfect and might not work every time but it is better than automations never being triggered when they should.

Note: You can have more than one 'near_zone' zone in the zones.yaml file. Set them up with a unique name that starts with 'near_zone';, e.g., near_zone_home, near_zone_quail, near_zone_work, etc. The friendly_name attribute should be NearZone for each one.



There are numerous attributes that are available for use in automations or to monitor the location of your device. They are shown in following table.

Location and Polling Attributes

The current interval between update requests to your iCloud account for the location and other information. They increase as you get further away and decrease as you get closer to home.

The Waze travel time to return home from your current location.

The distance from home being used by the interval calculator. This will be either the Waze distance or the calculated distance.

The driving distance from home returned by Waze based on the shortest route.

The 'straight line' distance that is calculated using the latitude and longitude of home and your current location using geometric formulas.

zone, last_zone
The device's current and last zone. This is not to be confused with the device's state. The state can be changed by other programs (IOS app or automations issuing device_tracker.see service calls) where the zone attribute is only updated by iCloud3. Using the Zone attribute to trigger an automation eliminates the gps wandering problems (or greatly reduces them).

When the device's zone was last changed.

The direction you are traveling — towards home, away from home, near home, or stationary. This is determined by calculating the difference between the distance from home on this location update and the last one. Stationary can be a little difficult to determine at times and sometimes needs several updates to get right.

The time of the last iCloud location update.

The time of the next iCloud location update.

The last time your iCloud account successfully located the device. Normally, this will be a few seconds after the update time, however, if you are in a dead zone or the GPS accuracy exceeds the threshold, the time will be older. In this case, a description of the issues is displayed in the info attribute field.

The number of iCloud, IOS App and discarded transaction counts for the day. It's format is '##:##:##', e.g., '10:14:21' with the iCloud count (10) first, the IOS App (14) second and discarded transactions (21) third.

A message area displaying information about the device. This includes the battery level, Waze status, GPS accuracy issues, how long the device has been stationary, etc.

The action or notification that caused the last update (Geographic Zone Entered or Exited, Background Fetch, Manual, iCloud, etc.).

When the last update was completed.


Device Status Information Attributes

The battery level of the device..

Charging or NotCharging.

latitude, longitude, altitude
The location of the device.

How the the Home Assistant IOS App located the device. This includes gps, beacon, router.

The status of the device — online if the device is located or offline if polling has been paused or it can not be located.

If the device is running in low power mode.

speed, altitude, course, floor, vertical_accuracy
Device information provided by the iCloud account. This information is not verified by iCloud3 and passed along as reported by the IOS pp.


Other Attributes

When the device's iCloud account was last authenticated.

tracked devices
The devices that are being tracked based on the 'includes' and 'excludes' specified in the configuration.yaml file. This will be the same for all devices tracked.

account name
Name of the iCloud account associated with the tracked devices.

The version of iCloud3 you are running.



How they are used in Automations and on Lovelace Cards

Normally in HA, a template sensor is used to convert one entity's attributes into a state that can be used in automations or displayed on lovelace cards. The device_tracker.gary_iphone.attributes.distance value is converted to sensor.gary_iphone_distance entity using a template sensor. To do this, HA to monitors the attribute's value to see if it has been changed, and if it has, convert the template to the new value and then update the sensor entity while it is doing all the other stuff it does.

iCloud3 creates and updates sensor entities without the need for template sensors. This makes the device_tracker's attribute values easier to reference in automations and scripts, and immediately available without waiting on HA to do the conversion.

Below is a sample automation using the sensors created and updated by iCloud3 .

  - alias: Gary Arrives Home
    id: gary_arrives_home
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.gary_iphone_zone_name1
      to: 'Home'
    - platform: template
      value_template: '{{states.sensor.gary_iphone_distance.state | float <= 0.2}}'

The following sensors are updated using the device_tracker's attributes values:

Tracking Sensors Special Sensors Device Sensors
_interval _zone _battery
_travel_time _last_zone _battery_status
_distance _zone_timestamp _gps_accuracy
_waze_distance _zone_name1 _trigger
_calc_distance _zone_name2 _speed
_last_update _zone_name3
_last_located _badge


Naming the Sensor

The sensors can be named several ways using new the sensor_name_prefix configuration parameter. They can be based on the devicename (default), the iCloud's name, or a custom name for each device. If using a custom name, devices not specified use the default devicename for the prefix.

Examples of the sensor_name_prefix:

sensor_name_prefix: devicename       - gary_iphone_distance

sensor_name_prefix: name             - gary_distance

  - gary_iphone @ garyc              - garyc_distance
  - lillian_iphone @ lillianc        - lillianc_distance

The sn_device_tracker_attributes.yaml file containing the attribute template sensors distributed in the configuration section of the iCloud3 repository must be deleted (or commented out so it will not load). The new version of the sn_badges sensor template file must be used.


Special Sensors

_zone_name1, _zone_name2, _zone_name3 Sensors
_zone value _zone_name1 _zone_name2 _zone_name3
home Home Home Home
not_home Away Not Home NotHome
whse Whse Whse Whse
gary_iphone_stationary Stationary Gary Iphone Stationary GaryIphoneStationary
_badge Sensor

The '_badge Sensor' is used to display either the zone or distance from home for a device. It can be created and updated by iCloud3 or you can setup your own template sensor and have the iCloud3 devicename_badge used as the source of the value_template field. If you are using iCloud3, the persons picture associated with the device must be specified in the sensor_name_prefix or the sensor_badge_name configuration parameter. Examples of both methods follow

  • If you are using the sensor_name_prefix parameter, add the person's picture after the custom name. For example:

      - gary_iphone @ garyc, /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ lillianc, /local/lillian.png
  • If you are not using a custom name but using the default 'devicename' for all of the template sensors, use the sensor_badge_prefix parameter. For example

      - gary_iphone @ /local/gary.png
      - lillian_iphone @ /local/lillian.png
  • You can also use your own template sensor and have the value_template attribute point to the actual template sensor created by iCloud3. For example:

    - platform: template
          friendly_name: Gary
          value_template: '{{states.sensor.gary_iphone_badge.state}}'  >>>> iCloud3 sensor with badge info
          entity_picture_template: /local/gary.png

An example of the '_badge Sensor'. is:



Use sensor.devicename_zone instead of device_tracker.devicename state for zone change

There are times when gps wanders and you receive a zone exit state change when the device has not moved in the middle of the night. The sequence of events that takes place under the covers is (1) a zone change notification is sent by the IOS App based on bad gps information, (2) the device's state and location is changed, (3) triggering an automation that runs when you exit the Home zone. (4) iCloud3 sees the new state and location and processes the data and (5) sees the notification data is old and it was caused an incorrect state change and (6) puts the device back into the Home zone where it belongs. The net effect is HA triggers the automation before iCloud3 gets control so the correction takes place after the automation has already run.

The solution to eliminating this problem is to not trigger automations based on device state changes but to trigger them on zone changes. A zone and last_zone template sensor, updated by iCloud3, is used to do this. These template sensors are only updated by iCloud3 so they are not effected by incorrect device state changes. See the example gary_leaves_zone automation in the sn_home_away_gary.yaml sample file where the sensor.gary_iphone_zone is used as a trigger.



Four services are available for the iCloud3 device tracker component that are used in automations.

Service Description
icloud_update Send commands to iCloud3 that change the way it is running (pause, resume, Waze commands, etc.)
icloud_set_interval Override the dynamic interval calculated by iCloud3.
icloud_lost_phone Play the Lost Phone sound.
icloud_reset Reset the iCloud3 custom component.

Description of each service follows.

icloud_update Service -- Control How iCloud3 Operates

This service allows you to change the way iCloud3 operates. The following parameters are used:

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device to be updated. All devices will be updated if this parameter is not specified. (Optional)
command The action to be performed (see below). (Required)
parameter Additional parameters for the command.

The following describe the commands that are available.

Command/Parameter Description
pause Stop updating/locating a device (or all devices). Note: You may want to pause location updates for a device if you are a long way from home or out of the country and it doesn't make sense to continue locating your device.
resume Start updating/locating a device (or all devices) after it has been paused.
resume Reset the update interval if it was overridden the 'icloud_set_interval' service.
pause-resume Toggle pause and resume commands
zone zonename service call) and immediately update the device interval and location data. Note: Using the device_tracker.see service call instead will update the device state but the new interval and location data will be delayed until the next 15-second polling iteration (rather than immediately).
waze on Turn on Waze. Use the 'waze' method to determine the update interval.
waze off Turn off Waze. Use the 'calc' method to determine the update interval.
waze toggle Toggle waze on or off
waze reset_range Reset the Waze range to the default distances (min=1, max=99999).
info interval Show how the interval is determined by iCloud3. This is displayed real time in the info attribute field.
info logging Toggle writing detailed debug information records to the HA log file.
restart Restart iCloud3. Detect any new devices, recheck the availability of the iCloud Location Service, relocate all devices, etc.
locate Issue a 'request_location_update' from the device using the notify.ios_devicename or notify.mobile_app_devicename service. The timing of the response is hit-or-miss since it is based on if the IOS app is loaded, if it is running in the background, if the device is asleep and other factors. Each notify counts towards the daily 150 message limit.
#Commands to Control Device Polling

  alias: 'Toggle Pause/Resume Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: pause-resume
  alias: 'Resume Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: resume
  alias: 'Pause Polling'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: pause

  alias: 'Pause (Gary)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: pause

  alias: 'Toggle Waze On/Off'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: waze toggle

  alias: 'Gary - Zone Home'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: zone home
  alias: 'Gary - Zone not_home'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        device_name: gary_iphone
        command: zone not_home
#Commands to Restart iCloud3

  alias: 'iCloud3 Restart'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: restart
#Commands to Generate Detailed Information on iCloud3's Operations

  alias: 'Display Interval Formula'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: info interval

  alias: 'Write Details to Log File (Toggle)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        command: info logging


icloud_set_interval Service -- Override the interval

This service allows you to override the interval between location updates to a fixed time. It is reset when a zone is entered or when the icloud_update service call is processed with the 'resume'command. The following parameters are used:

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device to be updated. All devices will be updated if this parameter is not specified. (Optional)
interval The interval between location updates. This can be in seconds, minutes or hours. Examples are 30 sec, 45 min, 1 hr, hrs, 30 (minutes are assumed if no time descriptor is specified). (Required)
#Commands to Change Intervals

  alias: 'Set Gary to 15 sec'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        device_name: gary_iphone
        interval: '15 sec'
  alias: 'Set Gary to 1 min'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        device_name: gary_iphone
        interval: 1

  alias: 'Set interval to 5 hrs (all devices)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_set_interval
        interval: '5 hrs'


icloud_lost_iphone Service -- Play a tune to find your phone

This service will play the Lost iPhone sound on a specific device.

Parameter Description
device_name Name of the device (Required)

icloud_restart Service -- Restart the iCloud3 Component

This service will restart iCloud3 and refresh all of the devices being handled by iCloud3. It does the same action as the icloud_command with the refresh option described above. You will have to restart Home Assist if you have made changes to the configuration parameters (new device type, new device name, etc.)



How the Interval is Determined

The iCloud3 device tracked uses data from several sources to determine the time interval between the iCloud Find my Friends location update requests. The purpose is to provide accurate location data without exceeding Apple's limit on the number of requests in a time period and to limit the drain on the device's battery.

The algorithm uses a sequence of tests to determine the interval. If the test is true, it's interval value is used and no further tests are done. The following is for the nerd who wants to know how this is done.

Test Interval Method Name
--- The Zone (State) changed ---
Zone changed to Stationary Zone stationary_inzone_interval 1sz-Stationary
Zone Changed to other zone inzone_interval 1ez-Zone
In near_zone close to home 15 seconds 1nz-InHomeNearZone
In near_zone far from Home 15 seconds 1nhz-InOtherNearZone
Left Home zone 4 minutes 1ehz-ExitHomeZone
Left other zone 2 minutes 1ez-ExitOtherZone
Entered Another Zone 4 minutes 1cz-ZoneChanged
--- The Zone (State) did not change --
Poor GPS Accuracy 1 minute 2-PoorGPS
Override interval specified inzone_interval 3-Override
In Stationary zone stationary_inzone_interval 4sz-Stationary
In Home zone or near Home zone and direction is Towards inzone_interval 4iz-InZone
In near_zone 15 seconds 4nz-NearZone
In other zone & inzone_interval > waze time inzone_interval 4iz-InZone
Just left a zone 2.5 minutes 5-LeftZone
Distance < 2.5km/1.5mi 15 seconds 10a-Dist < 2.5km
Distance < 3.5km/2mi 30 seconds 10b-Dist < 3.5km
Waze used and Waze time < 5 min. time*travel_time_factor 10c-WazeTime
Distance < 5km/3mi 1 minute 10d-Dist < 5km
Distance < 8km/5mi 3 minutes 10e-Dist < 8km
Distance < 12km/7.5mi 15 minutes 10f-Dist < 12km
Distance < 20km/12mi 10 minutes 10g-Dist < 20km
Distance < 40km/25mi 15 minutes 10h-Dist < 40km
Distance < 150km/90mi 1 hour 10i-Dist < 150km
Distance > 150km/90mi distance/1.5 20-Calculated

Notes: The interval is then multiplied by a value based on other conditions. The conditions are:

  1. If Stationary, keep track of the number of polls when you are stationary (the stationary count reported in the info attribute). Multiply the interval time by 2 when the stationary count is an even number and by 3 when it is divisible by 3.

  2. If the direction of travel is Away, multiply the interval time by 2.

  3. Is the battery is low, the GPS accuracy is poor or the location data is old, don't make any of the above adjustments to the interval.


Displaying Interval Calculation Information in the Info Field

iCloud3 can display information on how the Interval time was calculated when the device is polled. As mentioned, this is dependent on the zone, direction of travel, Waze travel time (if Waze is used), the distance between your current location and home and the accuracy of the gps information provided by the iCloud service and the IOS App. Below are samples what is displayed in the Info field.

In this case, the device is not_home and just left the Stationary Zone.

●Interval=3 min (0-iosAppTrigger, Zone=not_home, Last=stationary, This=not_home), ●DirOfTrav=away_from (Dist=1.88), ●State=stationary->not_home, Zone=not_home ●Battery-85%

In this case, Gary just arrived home and is now in the Home Zone.

●Interval=2 hrs (1ez-EnterZone, Zone=home, Last=not_home, This=home), ●DirOfTrav=in_zone (Zone=home), ●State=not_home->home, Zone=home ●Battery-84%'

The following script will toggle writing the debug information:

  alias: 'Display Interval Formula'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        account_name: gary_icloud
        command: info interval


Writing Debug Information to the HA Log File

iCloud3 can toggle writing debug information to the HA Log file on and off. Below is a sample of the information that is written. In this case, Gary was arriving home and updating gary_iphone data was triggered by a Zone/State Change (not_home to home) in the automation au_home_away_gary.yaml

You have to have the Logger: info entry in the configuration.yaml file but you do not have to have any other 'debug' parameters.

This entry was triggered by a Zone/State change from 'not_home' to 'home'.

The following script will toggle writing the debug information:

  alias: 'Write Details to Log File (Toggle)'
    - service: device_tracker.icloud_update
        account_name: gary_icloud
        command: info logging



Home Assistant iCloud3 - Home Assistant Device Tracker Custom Component







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